Shoddy Battle 2 > Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion

Does this place still live?


Hello everyone!

I'm not sure if anyone still remembers me with my absence and all; I was kinda wondering if the place is still active?
I tried to log on to the shoddy server but it gave no response, so I figured I might as well ask around.

the servers have been down for a while unfortunately.

I see, that is indeed unfortunate. I have some good memories of the random conversations and matches there when I was still active.

Things just come and go, I suppose. For what it's worth, It'll remain a nice memory.

Thanks for the answer, have a good one everyone!

if you're still here the servers are back up.

i kinda JUST realized my wording made it sound like it was gonna stay down forever... eheheh... ;>~>


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