Haha wasn't expecting an update that fast!
I'll add a few more suggestions then if you don't mind the feedback.
1. An xp rate modifier. from 1% xp required (instant levels basically) to like 400 or 500% increased xp required. Reason this would be helpful is when you give all trainers 6 puppets, you kinda level too quickly for the game and end up just beating everything up. (an XP share rate modifier would kinda work too if that's easier)
2. Another check box to remove the "Frail Health" ability from the randomizer. It's no fun to come across good ol' wonder guard on a type combination that has 2 or less weaknesses haha.
3. Yet another check box to make it more likely for puppets of the same type learn moves of that type. For example, a fire type puppet would have a 75% chance to learn a fire tm and a 30% to learn tms of other typing. same goes for level up moves, Something like 60% of level up moves are one of the puppet's main types.
4. Make sure each puppet is even catch-able in the wild after you check off the wild puppets box. I did a few random seeds to test a few things and 2/3 of the times i did it Meiling wasn't in any grass to be caught. (at least according to the catch location thing it spits out.)
5. Heres a fun one... check box for tms being completely random moves.
6. Oh also, An option for it to spit out the base stats and move pools of the puppets. A file like the catch location one it produces.
Just a few things i thought of to makes things more enjoyable for certain randomizer playthroughs. Hope this gave you some good ideas too; I have quite a bit of fun with randomizers and would love to see some if not all of these added if its not to annoying to add any of them.
it might be worth noting that the average sum of stats is 332 in base TPDP, and 454 in YnK/SoD, for reference.
That also includes that stat totals of the Normal versions of the puppets too. So the average is very skewed being that low overall.