Author Topic: Attack Tewi  (Read 6116 times)

Offline joshcja

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Attack Tewi
« on: August 22, 2013, 08:38:51 AM »

Type: Beast
Ability: Natural Cure/Cute Charm
Hp: 80
Atk: 50
Def: 75

ATewi may have a semi awful mono-typing in beast she also comes with a truly fantastic move pool and solid stats allowing her to preform a variety of roles quite nicely. Yes... she is indeed a wascaly wabbit.

Offensive Spinner

ATewi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
Ev's: 252 SpAtk/196 Spd/ Hp 60
Nature: Bold (+Def,-Atk)
-Rapid Spin
-Binding Voice
-Ice Beam/Energy Ball/Earth power

A Suwako is the premier spin blocker in touhoumon, the given EV's allow ATewi to outspeed even jolly + speed A Suwako by 1 point allowing for a 2 hit KO with earth power while always living Youki Battle chant. ATewi's modest bulk combined with natural cure + rest allow her to spin and then heal up to full while maintaining a very respectable offensive presence. Earth Power is your go to coverage move to pick off those annoying steels trying to block your spins while Ice beam + Binding voice offer almost perfect neutral coverage missing out on only Yumemi. Energy ball is an option if you really want to OHKO A Suwako, but I ask you, are you feeling lucky punk?

Offensive CM
ATewi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
Ev's: 252 SpAtk/252 Spd/4 Hp
Nature: Timid (+Spd,-Atk)
-Calm Mind
-Binding Voice
-Ice Beam
-Rest/ Encore/Signal Beam

Again Binding Voice and Ice Beam provide near perfect coverage, Cm allows you to boost ATewi's already respectable 115 base special attack sky high. Rest can give ATewi multiple chances to set up while Signal Beam hits that annoying Yumemi, and a fast encore can create plenty of free turns for ATewi to boost up.

ATewi @ Salac Berry (Female)
Ability: Cute Charm/Natural Cure
Ev's 252 SpAtk/ 172 Spd/ 84 Hp
Nature: Modest (+SpAtk, - Atk)
-Calm Mind
-Binding Voice
-Ice Beam

The given EV's allow ATewi to out speed even fully invested + speed base 140 puppets after salac berry while Ice Beam and Binding Voice show up yet again to provide solid coverage. Cute charm is really what gives ATewi a special niche as a Sub CMer allowing her to hax a few extra boosts off of a physical attacker in a desperate situation to get the sweep off.

Options: ATewi can run a pretty huge array of sets ranging from dedicated status inducer, to taunt lead, to 3 attacks + rest, to dedicated lure sets to enable an even more powerful sweeper.

Support: ATewi really needs good team mates to cover for her terribad defensive typing, flash fire and water absorb or just plain resistances to water, fire, and flying are quite nifty and quite needed. As always spikes are useful on the other side of the field to force a few more OHKO's.

Counters: Gonna divvy this up into Spinner VS CM cause it would get annoying otherwise

Offensive Spinner: Konngara can hard block A Tewi's spins all day long and tank anything ATewi can throw at her while A Komachi can force her out with her stupidly powerful aqua jets. Sans that not much can actually STOP A Tewi from spinning without risking instant death. Plus, with her ability to simply rest off damage  your spinblocker will often die in vain, so I'll end the counter list here.

CM Tewi: Beast typing is a horrid defensive typing as long as ATewi doesn't have her nifty sub or a huge amount of Calm Minds under her belt just about any fire, water, or flying attack will force her out, AStar Sapphire gets special mention though as she takes neutral damage at worst from any and all of ATewi's attacks and can almost always kill both the CM and Sub CM sets with priority aqua jet.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 05:49:16 PM by joshcja »

Offline Naï

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Re: Attack Tewi
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2013, 09:56:26 AM »
Natural Cure + Rest stop being so awesome what is this how did I remember about Rest + Recycle + Chesto and forget about this

Either way, this is pretty good, too. It's definitely more organized than the other WIPs (though not as good as SYamame's), and it honestly taught me a lot about ATewi I had never thought before, like actually using her as a spinner or running Cute Charm on the Sub/CM set.

Still, this does need a little work (other than minor grammar mistakes and such), so I'll make a few suggestions myself, if you don't mind. Please bear in mind that they're only suggestions, at any rate, but I hope the feedback is at least helpful.

First things first. I understand why you'd run Surf/Energy Light (to cover for Fire/Water, respectively), but, even then, you could have explained it in a more clear way, I think. I honestly thought you hadn't mentioned it at all on my first read.

Also, why would you consider Energy Ball? It hits Steels super-effectively for the Rapid Spin set, but isn't Earth Power far better at that, considering its accuracy?

You talked a lot about annoying Yumemis, but you seem to have forgotten to actually mention her as a counter in the Counters section(s). Isn't she pretty much a hard stop to any ATewi only running Binding Voice/Ice Beam? And even though that's only because of Soundproof, shouldn't you actually mention Soundproof itself as a check to most ATewis?

You should probably mention that it's best to run Yang (female) ATewi on the Sub/CM set, since most people just don't care about the Yin/Yang and just leave it as the default Yin - meaning Yin is the most common gender you'd go up against.

Also, the Options section might need some work. It's probably best to explicit what moves you're talking about, how'd their mix with other sets, and how/why they'd be considered in the first place. She could probably run Encore or Disable on a dedicated lure set, for example, as well as Toxic if you need status, Taunt in the lead position/for stallbreaking... etc.

What I mean is just that, since I have at least a little Touhoumon knowledge, those options can be seen at first glance just by looking on her wiki page, but it might not be the case for people new to Touhoumon who happen to stumble upon your movesets.

Other than that... nothing much. Flash Fire Futo (FFF) could get a special mention on the Support section since she's both immune to fire and 4x resistant to water; in fact, she probably makes a great partner for most Beast types. Even Torrent Futo works, though an immunity is better than a 4x resistance.

And uh, something that can cover Yumemi decently? I have no idea myself though.

Maybe running a slightly more defensive EV spread with a more supportive set could work - aren't ATewi and Tewi the only ones who can actually use Natural Cure + Rest and benefit from it? Ellen COULD, but someone apparently decided to nerf her because she was too powerful - perhaps that same Spin/Rest/Binding Voice/Ice Beam set, just with those SAtk EVs placed somewhere else (perhaps in HP and Def).

115 base SAtk with near perfect neutral coverage should be more than enough for you to be able to hurt things while actually having good defensive presence... but then again, theorymon. I honestly need to make a list of sets I want/need to test, lol.

And I could've sworn ATewi had Nasty Plot

Offline joshcja

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Re: Attack Tewi
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2013, 10:21:54 AM »
I do not give 2 shits about grammar as long as the post has a decent overall flow and contains all necessary information. If any section is really ascetically unpleasant feel free to pm me with corrections and I'll throw them in. T Byakuren's post has been the bane of my existence in that respect.

Yumemi was left off counters because

A) she cant spinblock
B) Tewi's moveset is really bloody hard to deal with, only bulky water/natures are true hard counters. A Star got the gold medal cause physical.

Energy ball can OHKO ASuwako and can pick off a weakened Konngara plus some people are lucky enough to use it.

The Spin and Sub/CM sets both shave speed to maximize bulk

A tewi is diverse enough that the options section would be ridiculously clunky if I went into more detail. Options are options you make them for a specific team because you need em. Same deal for support, A Tewi can pick and chose her counters to an extent thanks to her absolutely MASSIVE coverage pool, so a broad summary is all that's really needed.

I did add female as a thing for the sub CM set.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 10:39:48 AM by joshcja »

Offline SG-Sanae

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Re: Attack Tewi
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2013, 10:43:29 AM »
You should also consider the fact that Yumemi doesn't resist Beast, so the coverage Beast/Ice is indeed flawless.

Offline joshcja

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Re: Attack Tewi
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2013, 11:12:20 AM »
You should also consider the fact that Yumemi doesn't resist Beast, so the coverage Beast/Ice is indeed flawless.


Binding Voice

Offline DoctorShanks

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Re: Attack Tewi
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2013, 11:25:46 AM »
You should also consider the fact that Yumemi doesn't resist Beast, so the coverage Beast/Ice is indeed flawless.

Binding Voice is sound-based, as mentioned by Na I two posts back. If I were an ATewi up against a Yumemi, I'd wanna get the hell out of there unless I was running Signal Beam, and even then I don't have a calculator on hand to prove its usefulness.

@Josh: The write-up is fine. However, the Counters section needs work. Nobody knows what set Tewi is running, and even then, there are still global counters to her. When writing your Counters, always talk about ways to globally scare off the opponent instead of "how to counter this particular set that that your opponent is running that you also don't know right away."

Offline joshcja

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Re: Attack Tewi
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2013, 04:54:27 PM »

@Josh: The write-up is fine. However, the Counters section needs work. Nobody knows what set Tewi is running, and even then, there are still global counters to her. When writing your Counters, always talk about ways to globally scare off the opponent instead of "how to counter this particular set that that your opponent is running that you also don't know right away."

Scaring off rapid spin tewi with a CM counter after she's already spun is kinda pointless.

Trying to spin block the CM sets is uuuh, not very effective.

Theres no real overlap in terms of counters. Konngara can ALMOST manage to cover all 3 mainstay sets, but that 4th moveslots a bitch.

Oh, and lure sets are easily a thing v.v
« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 06:03:40 PM by joshcja »

Offline Naï

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Re: Attack Tewi
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2013, 05:35:02 PM »
Quote from: Josh
I do not give 2 shits about grammar as long as the post has a decent overall flow and contains all necessary information. If any section is really ascetically unpleasant feel free to pm me with corrections and I'll throw them in.
The grammar is alright for the most part. Like I mentioned myself, there are some minor mistakes, but they're not too significant for the post's flow.

The thing about grammar is just that, since the movesets and the wiki will soon start being linked, Shanks (it was Shanks, right?) wanted the pages to look a little more professional. It's something that should be fixed eventually - if not by you, then by someone else, since the errors are simple - but it's not a big priority.

Quote from: Josh
Energy ball can OHKO ASuwako and can pick off a weakened Konngara plus some people are lucky enough to use it.
Okay, but my point is that you should probably take what you just told me and slap it somewhere in your post. Otherwise, the readers will be confused, and nobody'll be reading the comments section :<

Quote from: Josh
A tewi is diverse enough that the options section would be ridiculously clunky if I went into more detail. Options are options you make them for a specific team because you need em. Same deal for support, A Tewi can pick and chose her counters to an extent thanks to her absolutely MASSIVE coverage pool, so a broad summary is all that's really needed.
I see your point; still, I think this'd fall under the same case of how the Counters section should be done. If there are too many counters, of course you aren't going to make a list of every single mon, but listing the most notable ones is still helpful and worthwhile without cluttering the post, right?

That should apply to the Options section too, imho. Of course there are too many options to begin with, but I think the description you provided is too broad as it is. Even if there are too many viable sets, that doesn't mean there aren't any specific notable moves.

You might want to point out Toxic and Encore, for example, and briefly explain what sets they'd go in and how you'd use them. After that, just stick to the broad description. That way, the post becomes more informative without anything getting cluttered.

Offline joshcja

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Re: Attack Tewi
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2013, 05:43:55 PM »

Okay, but my point is that you should probably take what you just told me and slap it somewhere in your post. Otherwise, the readers will be confused, and nobody'll be reading the comments section :<

Thought I had already... done.

That should apply to the Options section too, imho. Of course there are too many options to begin with, but I think the description you provided is too broad as it is. Even if there are too many viable sets, that doesn't mean there aren't any specific notable moves.

Specific notable moves? Uuuuh that's all of them, have you seen her fucking movepool?

You might want to point out Toxic and Encore, for example, and briefly explain what sets they'd go in and how you'd use them. After that, just stick to the broad description. That way, the post becomes more informative without anything getting cluttered.

Lazy... Options section would be longer than my arm cause amazing movepool

Red Stuff

Status/Harasser/Lure sets can be posted eventually once we get a dedicated meta.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 05:52:26 PM by joshcja »