Shoddy Battle 2 > Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion
Shoddy Touhoumon 2 [Status: Up]
Most of us hang out on the Discord server now. If you wish to arrange a match or if the server is down, check this thread for information and hop on by the #shoddy-baffle channel.
This is an online battle simulator built around Touhou Puppet Play 1.8. It offers a near-perfect emulation of in-game battle conditions, so that you don't need to fiddle with the 5 FPS monstrosity that is VBALink. We have upgraded from Shoddy Battle to Pokemon Lab, also known as Shoddy Battle 2.
Download it here. (Current client version: 2.3.4)
If you're seeing a bunch of question marks instead of proper sprites, open your preferences and download them through the sprite downloader, just choose 1.8 and add the sprites. This is far simpler than the Shoddy 1 method.
Our current standard ban list is:
Defense Satori: Gen 3 Struggle is stupid, and DSatori vs DSatori can literally last forever if they're holding Leftovers
Sendai: Yoshika with an attacking stat and powerful offensive typing with good moves
Speed Aya: Too good, on almost every team. Should not have Speed Boost yet it has it, and also has Baton Pass
Transcendant Maribel, Attack Shinmyoumaru, Speed Tojiko: Minmaxed a little too efficiently during creation, movepools have no real flaws to account for their exceptional stat distributions.
X Utsuho/X Suwako/X Tenshi: 670~680 BST behemoths that were created for use in Purple to replace Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza. Their sheer statistical superiority alone is enough to ban them from standard, but the inclusion of Drought and Drizzle causes them to permanently shape Ubers into a weather war.
Now for some resources:
Type effectiveness chart
List of Puppets
Attack List (Semi-outdated Pastebin version)
Abilities (Pastebin version)
Items - Berries - (Pastebin version)
If you're new, don't be afraid to chat or ask for a battle. We're a pretty small group currently but we're by no means hostile. Also, if you don't see many people on, stick around for a bit anyway - popping in and out won't really help you find times that it's active as it's kind of random when it is, and you probably won't even give the people there a chance to say hi.
The "Find" button isn't a great idea since there isn't enough of a solidified population that currently uses it.
Lastly, have fun!
There was some downtime from 7:00 PM PST to 8:00 PM PST due to networking issues. This issue has been resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience.
It seems to me like PrinnyAce and I are the only ones using the "Find" button (and I think I played with GabrielCVS this way once). But if battles are only rated via the Find button then I think we should be encouraging users to, well, use it. Personally, I push it sometimes while I idle but would still be willing to play. I suppose that's a good use for it.
Client update! This should correctly set flags on most moves (examples being Ancientpower incorrectly labeled as a contact move, or Hyper Voice's targeting and not being a sound move) and make things a little more accurate. This won't implement any of the unimplemented moves, though.
Note that if you are using the moves Quick or Dust Shoot on any of your sets, they have been renamed to Feint and Gunk Shot. You can open the team file in a text editor and manually rename them, or just remove the move in the team builder before updating.
Additionally, the type-boosting hold items (such as the Kimono) now boost move power by 20% as they do in the JP ROM, instead of the 10% we originally thought they were.
Finally, Defense/Technical Hatate can Roost now. I haven't checked for any other missing moves, but they'll probably be brought up later when they're relevant and actually important. Priorities!
The forums and website in general was down for an extended period of time to facilitate a server move. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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