Author Topic: Ex-Sagume  (Read 2504 times)

Offline MQJinx

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« on: February 16, 2016, 12:23:27 AM »
How do these sets look?

All-Out Attacker
Ex-Sagume @ Gold Hairpin / Good Belt / Silver Hairpin
Ability: Reverse Function
EVs: 64 HP / 64 FAtk / 2 SDef or 64 FAtk / 2 SDef / 64 Spe
Red / Green Mark
- Distortion Bomb / Alluring Labyrinth
- Trickster / Break Shot
- High Tone Crush / Full Burst Detonate
- Poisoned Arrow

Try to make your opponent set up (for example, by having something passive that can be used as bait) to take advantage of Reverse Function or switch into hits to tank them and retaliate with the appropriate move.

Focused Movement Sweeper
Ex-Sagume @ Food Rations / Life Charm
Ability: Reverse Function
EVs: 64 FAtk / 2 SDef / 64 Spe
Red Mark
- Focused Movement
- Distortion Bomb / Alluring Labyrinth
- High Tone Crush
- Poisoned Arrow / Spark Javelin

Set up on anything that can't do anything to you, and start wrecking havoc on the opposing team.