Configuring Shoddy Touhoumon 2 is really just about as easy as "Download and Play." Although for the few users who may have trouble with the download or aren't familiar with the interface of their own PC for some reason, then I guess this is for you.
Since this is a Java-based program, you'll have to install Java from if you don't already have it. It's a free download. You'll just have to find out which version is meant for your system, but that's not too difficult.1. First you want to Open/Download from the website. The download link can be found on the thread that you probably found this place from. Hit the "Download it here." (Note that the Client version is at 2.2.1 at the time of writing this, but the method of downloading and running this should not change in the future).

2. Open (You can close down your internet browser now; everything else will be taken care of in Shoddy)

3. Inside, you'll find a folder named Shoddy2.
DRAG/EXTRACT THIS TO YOUR DESKTOP or somewhere you won't lose it at. Attempting to open the client in the folder while it's still in the zip file will yield the "A Java exception has occurred" error. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had this problem in the past, and this is half the reason I'm writing this.

4. Once your Shoddy2 folder has been extracted to your Desktop (or where ever you put it), open it and run ShoddyBattleClient2.

You'll be greeted with the welcome window shown below. But we're not ready to play yet (we still need to painlessly nab the sprites first).

5. Click File and then click Preferences.

6. Navigate over to the Sprites Tab. Delete any installed sprite packages from this menu if any are there. Select "1.8" from the drop down menu. Now click "Add..." and wait for the sprites to download.

And that's all. Hit connect and Register a name for yourself, and then log in!
(Only a Username and Password are asked of you).
Shout-out to DerxNotes:
-The population tends to rise during "After School - nighttime" hours in the west. During this time around 10~16 people are online, and it's very easy to find someone to battle with.
-Your color is permanent. It helps the human eye to easily idenfity you in the chatroom I guess...
-We don't really have an established metagame as we're always finding new ways to play the game, new tactics, and new radical ways of playing once never used puppets (Read: Ruukoto).
-This game is very enjoyable for those with basic competitive Pokémon knowledge. Still, we appreciate all new users from newbies to experienced battlers. is a great place to check out for articles on competitive battling in the Third Generation.
-A very small Standard ban-list is in play to keep things fair. This list includes Defense Satori, Attack Shinmyoumaru, Speed Aya, Sendai, and Transcendant Maribel.
--Little Cup has a small ban-list as well, consisting of Chibi Rikako, Chibi Yumemi, and Chibi Kasen.
-Basic competitive clauses are in effect in Standard. Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, and Species Clause.
-Using two different forms of a character is not considered breaking the species clause. For example, you can have Wriggle and Speed Wriggle on the same team.
Unofficial Bullshizzle:Customized with competitive battling in mind, but the stat spreads on these puppets in particular differ from the stat spreads found in other ROM hacks.
-Ten Desires cast
-Kasen line
-Magic Stones
-Double Dealing Character cast
-Transcendant Renko/Maribel.
Feel free to ask any questions in this thread if you're still having any troubles whatsoever.