So I was bored and decided to share some of my more recent teams with my perspective on them, in case people actually cared. Keep in mind, though, that these teams weren't built to be optimal, and it's probable that none of them are even close to optimal. Also, my judgment on these teams are merely my opinion and I'm typically blind-sighted with regards to stating my opinions. The touhoumons and their movesets used in these teams were selected mostly on a whim, as I thought they might be interesting or they simply fit with my playstyle (I'm fairly one-dimensional, as far as playing this game goes). I will probably reiterate this point.
Anyhow, at this point I present TEAM35, TEAM37, and TEAM38 [inspoiler](actually something like the 93rd 94th and 96th team i have but filenames. I need to stop making so many useless teams >.<)[/inspoiler]
Speed Medicine @ Leftovers
Ability: Poison Body
EVs: 4 Def/252 Spe/252 SpA
Nature: Timid
-Burn Powder
-Poison Bomb
-Sleep Powder
The fastest Sleep Powder user in the game comes with Spikes. While Speed Medicine generally pulls an insane SubSeed set with her well suited stat spread and typing, this set is still useable, despite Lum Berry being very common and Sleep Powder having an awful accuracy of 75. Simply put to sleep the opposing lead with superior speed, and lay down Spikes. Barring a super effective hit from a lead who has invested in damage, Speed Medicine will likely survive a hit in case Sleep Powder misses. The other two moves are largely filler. I believed that Poison Bomb and Burn Powder would be more useful to my team than either of Synthesis, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Stun Spore, or Taunt. I believe any of these moves are exchangeable with the two I have selected, however. I considered having 252 HP over 252 SpA but decided against it due to Poison Bomb damage being useful in picking off weakened or sleeping enemy mons, in case the situation calls for it. This Medicine is not designed to last very long, as you can see.
Marisa @ Leftovers
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 4 Atk/252 Spe/252 SpA
Nature: Hasty
-Focus Punch
-Psycho Boost
Aka dead weight on this team. Psycho Boost hits hard but often not hard enough to kill things. What is funny about this set is when the enemy decides to switch in something like Advent Alice or Konngara to take a hit from Psycho Boost, and you used Substitute, you can click Focus Punch and hope it doesn't miss for some high skill damage. I really wanted to use Ran here instead, as she has better speed and can use Superpower/Psycho Boost to achieve the same thing without having to use Substitute for Focus Punch, but I didn't want to make my team even more Flying weak than it already is. Hence, Thunderbolt. Either way, Tenma walls Marisa completely. Marisa has Spikes, but I don't particularly need it and Speed Medicine has it covered.
Technical Toyohime @ Leftovers
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 88 HP/168 Spe/252 SpA
Nature: Modest
-Calm Mind
-Earth Power
-Shadow Ball
Possibly one of the greatest carries to exist in Touhoumon 1.8, if only she wasn't deathly scared of Nature-type attacks. Despite having Calm Mind, Technical Toyohime's job here is only a secondary set-up sweeper, as her lack of reliable recovery along with her 4x Nature-type weakness and relatively slow speed prevents her from achieving too much even if set up. Earth Power and Surf are obligatory STABs which together work fairly well despite not providing a lot of coverage. In the last slot, I have Shadow Ball over Mana Burst because I believe it to be more useful to hit opposing Reason types for super effective damage, which typically has shown its use in my experience. Whirlwind is not here because it does fairly little for my team, and I'm hard pressed to allow Technical Toyohime take damage while using Whirlwind because often she will be the only member of my team who can take a single hit from a sweeper who has set up and KO said sweeper. 168 Speed EVs are crucial here, as it allows Toyohime to outspeed up to Base 80 Speed Touhoumons who have not invested more than 4 points into Speed. This includes many Earth and Steel types, including Tenma and Attack Suwako, neither of which will appreciate being hit by a suddenly quick Surf, as well as a couple of Nature types, who can be killed by Shadow Ball when weakened enough.
Chen @ Leftovers
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe
Nature: Jolly
-Brick Break
-Metal Claw
-Rapid Spin
Blasphemy! Non-banded Chen?!? What kind of heresy is this?!? Well, hold on and let me describe in every wonder how this extremely metagame breaking non-banded Chen will sweep teams and make you cry tears of glory what I would like to say. However, this Chen aka even deader weight than Marisa generally gets off a single Rapid Spin before dying. Some few times, this will might be crucial and open up opportunities if the enemy's team, particularly their walls, are weakened. The idea is that at a very late stage of the game when everything is weakened, Chen will be able to sweep a few enemy mons, though this hasnt been too fruitful of an idea. Despite Brick Break and Metal Claw providing great coverage, the moves themselves are not the strongest, and a neutral Double-Edge will outdamage both by virtue of STAB. Chen's Attack stat in itself is not particularly high, either.
Mokou @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe
Nature: Jolly
-Bulk Up
-Flare Blitz
Natural Cure really is an amazing ability. Unlike many sweepers who are maimed by status, Mokou can simply switch out when she cannot pose a threat to the enemy team and wait for better circumstances. Mokou's naturally high HP lets her take advantage of Flare Blitz, which does a lot of damage when unresisted, even at +0, and then can heal off the recoil damage. With Bulk Up and Recover, Mokou can set up even in front of some non STAB'd super effective physical attacks. I also rely on Mokou a bit as she is the only mon on my team who even has recovery outside of leftovers and often ends up as a pivot of sorts. Earthquake is simply my supplementary move of choice along with flare blitz, as it has a high enough base power where even unSTAB'd attacks will hurt and also when Mokou can't afford to lose HP with Flare Blitz. Despite being naturally bulky, however, repeated attacks will wear off Mokou when combined with Flare Blitz usage and it doesn't help that she is damaged by spikes.
Attack Remilia @ Special Bloomers
Ability: Keen Eye
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe
Nature: Jolly
-Steel Wing
The saving grace of this team, Attack Remilia, when banded, hurts a lot. A LOT. Unless you resist it. Often, when Attack Remilia has the speed advantage, the opponent will be unable to switch into something else safely, as Soar or Thrash will likely OHKO faster sweepers and definitely two shot relatively slower sweepers on neutral hits. Even resisted hits will not be appreciated by mons who lack reliable recovery, which many bulkier physical walls lack. Attack Remilia does have the issue of being killed by Blade Flash no matter what, though this shouldn't be a big issue while as long as Mokou is alive. Superpower and Steel Wing covers just about everything that resists Soar and Thrash for SE damage bar Tojiko.
I'm not really sure what to think of this team besides that a lot of weight is being put onto the shoulders of Attack Remilia, though Remi does, in fact, lift. I generally play it as I would with a Hyper Offense team as I can't afford many switches, especially to Technical Toyohime and Attack Remilia may as well be fodder if I switch her in to a strong neutral attack. However, compared to an HO team, this team is slightly slow, especially on the damage dealers: Toyohime, Mokou, and Remilia. This team in general might as well be a 4-man team, with Marisa and Chen typically doing nothing but foddering, but they have shown their uses on small occasions with RNG on my side.
Youki @ Lum Berry
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe
Nature: Jolly
-Brick Break
-Draw The Line
-Shadow Hit
-Swords Dance
This is pretty much a huge Fuck You anti-lead that is capable of sweeping entire teams. Youki would really like better base power on his moves though, at a measly 75, 80, and 70 base powers. However, they do provide perfect coverage together, and after Swords Dance, anything that is hit for SE damage will instantly die barring the most physically bulky of mons. Lum Berry also discourages walls from trying to stop Youki in its tracks with status. As a lead, Youki is very threatening to the likes of Aya and Tenma (without Ancientpower) and can run Spikes as well, though I'm opting for direct hitting power since Youki can't really take hits very well. 135 is an extremely niche speed tier and works extremely well with Swords Dance, in which Youki might as well have set up +2/+2 Tailwinds. Youki is also resistant to Blade Flash and immune to Extremespeed, though he is weak to both Mach Punch and Rock Bullet. Not all is well for Youki, though, as a certain ICBM can always come in at any time and blow him up with all of its hatred.
Aki Sisters @ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spe
Nature: Adamant
-Leaf Blade
-Poison Jab
-Sleep Powder
Aki Sisters has a pretty cool typing as well as a nice stat spread, making it a niche check to several relevant threats, in particular Earth types as well as certain Fire and Water types and Thunder Wave users. This Aki Sisters is fairly straightforward as it goes, using Earthquake and Leaf Blade as a bulky attacker to hit enemies for a lot of damage. Sleep Powder can be used to cripple walls that are slower than Aki Sisters, making it harder to prevent Aki Sisters from being dangerous. Poison Jab is only here to Hit Nature types that resist her two STABs. Unfortunately, there isnt much Aki Sisters can do to Flying types in this game besides pray that they switch in on Sleep Powder, are weakened enough to Poison Jab them to death, or aren't running any Flying-type moves. While Chlorophyll is a great ability, I'm not running Sunny Day nor do I expect enemies to run it, so I went with Overgrow.
Speed Sariel @ Lum Berry
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 Def/252 Spe/252 SpA
Nature: Timid
-Air Slash
-Hyper Beam
Probably the most straighforward mon on this team. All Speed Sariel has to do is click the move that will do the most damage or as much damage as needed to KO the opposing mon while having as much accuracy behind the attack as possible, or use Gale if you think the priority damage will KO or be relevant against faster enemies. Air Slash is a terrible STAB move of choice for dealing direct damage, but it does provide useful coverage. Hyper Beam, while it does miss, does provide significant OHKOs off of Sariel's high 140 Sp. Attack stat that Dark Pulse does not offer.
Defense Tewi @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP/4 Spe/252 SpD
Nature: Careful
-Body Slam
-Rapid Spin
Pretty much Wish support Jirachi without imbalanced stats and Rapid Spin instead. It also helps that many special attackers are of the Reason-type, which Defense Tewi resists and can hit back with a super effective Body Slam off of her terrible base 65 Attack. Aside from Wish, Detect, and Body Slam, there are only a couple of moves that even do anything because of Defense Tewi's nonexistant offensive presence, and since this team was lacking a spinner at this point, Defense Tewi was made to fulfill that role. Unfortunately, unlike Pokemon, there exist several relevant Touhoumons with Shield Dust aka Advent that prevent this Tewi from being as useful as I'd like, though paralysis is a detrimental status to various mons, and Body Slam can paralyze Earth types as well. With the combination of Wish and Detect, however, Tewi is also an impressive defensive pivot that can make switch-ins rather easy since the entire team on a whole minus Youki and Speed Sariel, is relatively bulky, though both of them can probably take a hit.

Utsuho Defense Utsuho @ Leftovers
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 Spe
Nature: Bold
-Air Slash
-Fire Blast
That's right, Defense Utsuho. Truthfully, this set is more of a concept test rather than a gimmick or anything else, but it's hilarious when it does work. Utsuho has a fantasic defensive typing, though only to be pidgeonholed into an attacker role due to its stats on all of its forms. Blaze is the ability here despite Fire Veil being useful in preventing Sakuyas from freezing you, but it's otherwise useless and I do have Fire Blast on Utsuho. Fire Blast may seem redundant with Will-o-wisp, but Utsuho is in fact the only Flying-type in this game to not be hit super effective by Steel-type moves, and generally it is more useful to simply hit enemy Steel types with Fire Blast than burn them, since, the only steel types which are neutral to Fire are all have relatively low Sp. Defense (Attack Suwako, Yorihime forms, Tensoku, Mimi-chan; 3 of these can't be burned). Konngara, Helper Sakuya, Ruukoto + co. are pretty much the only Steel-type mons that can survive a SE Fire Blast uninvested, even if Utsuho is uninvested herself. Will-o-wisp is actually more useful against bulky offensive Earth/Dream/etc. types, and compared to other "walls" per se, Utsuho is relatively fast and can stall them out with Will-o-wisp and Roost, though she must be weary of status. Air Slash kind of just hits every other thing as necessary, mainly things that resist Fire. As much as I would like to run Whirlwind or Twister, this team hardly abuses Whirlwind (no Spikes) and Utsuho only has a fairly limited selection of mons that it can come in on and wall and doesn't appreciate giving itself a bad matchup, and I already have a spinner on Defense Tewi.
Technical Toyohime @ Leftovers
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 88 HP/168 Spe/252 SpA
Nature: Modest
-Calm Mind
-Earth Power
-Shadow Ball
Exactly the same Technical Toyohime as the previous team. Performs a similar role. Not much really needed to be said again.
There is no Spikes on this team *Gasp*. This team is more damage based with emphasis on attacking, finding good trades, and picking off things one by one instead of building up passive damage and setting up for a sweep. I feel that this team is 10x more interesting to play when Youki doesn't just kill everything on his own though it happens a lot since Youki's actually pretty hard to stop without Mimi-chan. If Youki is threatened by the lead, its not hard to switch out Youki and set up for a sweeper later on, though one of the main issues of this team is the lack of Spikes. A high priority is placed on keeping Youki alive despite him being the lead because without Youki this team loses a lot of its offensive presence as he is the only thing fast enough to check several sweepers that Speed Sariel can't and Youki with Swords Dance tramples through many mons. Toyohime doesn't offer as much to this team as the previous but she is the best win condition once Youki and Speed Sariel are gone. The worst possible situation to be in for this team is when Either of Defense Tewi or Aki Sisters is being threatened by a Flying attacker, but otherwise generally it's possible to make at least decent trades.
Technical Aya @ Special Bloomers
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Nature: Adamant
-Brave Bird
-High Jump Kick
Banded Technical Aya maxed Attack Brave Bird really hurts. This is a straight up anti lead that essentially OHKOs anything that doesn't resist Brave Bird and doesn't have naturally high defenses. However, Technical Aya is very important to this team and fairly often should be switched out and kept alive when she doesnt present any danger to the opposing lead. High Jump Kick complements Brave Bird fairly well and is mostly used to hit Steel types for a ton of damage, though, as with High Jump Kick, it can backfire on you should the opponent use Detect or you miss. Soar is here solely for when Technical Aya can't use Brave Bird without killing herself and is decent for lategame sweeping. Extremespeed is as with all priority moves, used to get rid of weakened quicker threats that Technical Aya comes into without getting a speed boost. I would really like to run Steel Wing here, seeing as how nicely it fits with Brave Bird and Hi Jump Kick and hits every mon who resists Flying + Dream barring Marisa for SE damage, particularly other Ayas, but I decided to leave that job to my team. Sometimes I question why I put her in the lead position. I would really like more HP EVs as well to buffer the recoil damage from Brave Bird, but there are some corner cases such that I believe maxing out speed is worth it.
Attack Daiyousei @ Salac Berry
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 Def/252 Spe/252 SpA
IVs: 30 HP
Nature: Modest
-Giga Drain
-Ice Beam
-Mana Charge
Attack Daiyousei is one of the more interesting Touhoumons to me. Instead of opting for a Serene Grace set with numerable RNG moves, I've decided to go for a Natural Cure SubCM/SubSalac hybrid set with Giga Drain and Ice Beam as my main moves. I value Natural Cure very highly for it's ability to prevent Attack Daiyousei from being crippled and dead weight on my team when statused, and in certain situations, it allows me to absorb a status and force the status user out to make a safer entryway for the rest of my team. While this Daiyousei isn't bulky in the least, it is fairly versatile, having the option of using Mana Charge and Substitute to break through walls without a strong enough attack or phazing, or getting the extra speed from Salac Berry and run through weakened faster but frailer mons. Mana Charge can also be used in conjunction with Giga Drain to set up against a mediocre special attacker.
Ruukoto @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP/4 Def/252 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Nature: Sassy
-Baton Pass
This Ruukoto is literally nothing more than a defensive pivot that comes in on special attacks, and then use Wish or Baton pass (or both) to provide a free switch in for any other Touhoumon on this team. The miminum Speed IV and negative Speed nature is to ensure that Baton Pass offers you the negative priority switch, barring the opponent being something like Defense Layla or Magic Stones. Ruukoto is so ridiculously durable on the special side that average special sweepers won't dent her badly even with super effective attacks unless they are of the Dream-type. Toxic is generally more useful than her other moves, and is here because when combined with Wish and Detect, it is fairly easy to stack up a lot of poison damage against vulnerable targets when the situation calls for it.
Attack Murasa @ Lum Berry
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 Def/252 Spe/252 SpA
Nature: Modest
-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam
-Rain Dance
-Shadow Ball
It's really a shame that Attack Murasa can't have both Torrent and Swift Swim both at once for some maximum imbalanced wallbreaking attack power. Attack Murasa however, fits very well into this team, resisting all of Ice, Steel, and Water which troubles half the team and its Grass and Electric weaknesses are well resisted by the team. The combination of Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Shadow Ball, provide great coverage. Even without Rain Dance, Attack Murasa hits extremely hard with Hydro Pump, and any situation in which you can set up Rain Dance is effectively an Agility and double STAB on Water-type moves. In the late game, a successfully set up Attack Murasa can mean doom for your opponent and, as a bonus to compliment her high Defense, Murasa is immune to Extremespeed and resistant to all of Aqua Jet, Ice Shard, and Blade Flash.
Rin @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spe
Nature: Adamant
Rin's surprisingly amazing sometimes considering her unimpressively balanced stats and 4x weakness to Water. Also unique to Rin is that she is the only one who resists both of Youki/Youmu's STABs. Crunch is an obligatory STAB attack that can be useful at times and Extremespeed is simply amazing as a priority attack that can be used to surprise weakened enemies by picking them off. Wish is used as recovery for Rin to keep her alive and have Intimidate to neuter physical attackers that she can switch in on. It's also generally helpful for the team, particularly Technical Aya who suffers from recoil damage as well as Attack Daiyousei when she is used to absorb status. Will-o-wisp was sort of an oddity here and I may remove it for Perish Song/Roar/Detect/another attack, but it can be useful against stall teams as even with reliable recovery many of them dislike being burned and it can punish people trying to switch in certain attackers into Rin.
Tenma @ Leftovers
Ability: Guard Armor
EVs: 252 HP/120 Def/4 Spe/132 SpD
Nature: Calm
This is quite possibly the least sustainable Tenma I have ever used (because it doesn't have Roost, though this team does have two Wishers). Although Spikes is useful to this team, I chose not to prioritize its usage here mostly on a whim. It's still a useful luxury and Tenma's typing is still a strong asset to the defensive capabilities of this team, however. Even if uninvested, Ancientpower's damage output is enough to faint many otherwise dangerous foes that are weak to it, so as long as it doesn't miss. Whirlwind is here over Roost for one reason and one reason only, which is that my team has a lot of trouble dealing with Substitute users. Rin's intimidate and Will-o-wisp as well as all of Ruukoto is blocked by Substitute, Technical Aya can't really take a hit and would much rather KO the enemy before getting hit, and Substitute wastes a lot of turns for Attack Murasa to get through if using Rain Dance, and because she's uninvested in defenses as well as relatively slow without Swift Swim active, it takes quite a toll on Murasa to get through Sub. I figured that this is more than reasonable enough to use Whirlwind.
This team is actually fairly interesting to me. As always, Tenma's in here as a luxury because she just somehow fits amazingly well, like over half of my other teams. Unlike many of my other teams though, this Tenma doesn't actually do very much and is sort of done with her job once Spikes are up, though Ancientpower remains useful for trading with or finishing certain mons that I might have trouble with. Rin and Ruukoto do a pretty decent job of keeping Technical Aya alive and dangerous. Attack Murasa cleans up the mess Technical Aya does to the other team, and Attack Daiyousei handles a fair amount of situational cases. As a whole, this team plays as a sort of hybrid between the previous two for me.
So I had free time and decided to do a write up of these teams. I don't really require feedback but that would be nice. I'm kind of really biased to my own opinions, but I do listen to feedback and keep it in mind as long as it makes logical sense. Reminder that I feel these teams aren't the greatest or optimal at all but they are fun to play with. I'd probably be delighted to see a talented player play these teams better than I do because I dont play the game too well. Take it. Use it. Share it. Ignore it. Hate it. Whatever. Lol.