Link to the wiki for the lazies out there.Wiki editing is for registered users only in order to prevent spam bots from flooding it with advertisement pages, and we manually confirm users. I'll try to actually keep up with new members now (I've been really, really bad about this), but even then, there's no guarantee that I'll be able to tell your registration apart in the old mass.
So, you can do one of three things when registering now to make sure I'll get your account approved, depending on how patient or impatient you are.
1) Use the "Other information" field to confirm that you are, indeed, not a bot and intend on helping contribute to the wiki.
2) Post in this thread
(and only this thread) stating that you have created an account there, and state what it's account name is.
3) Yell at me on IRC stating you made an account.
Also, lastly, for the love of all things holy,
don't use hotmail when signing up if you like getting confirmation emails. Use gmail or something along those lines so that you'll actually get it.