Hello everyone, I am fairly new on this forum but have been looking at some of the posts for a while. I got into Touhoumon a few years back and played some of the games a little.
Anyway, I was looking around youtube and noticed that while there were some let's plays of some of the different versions I have never seen a NuzLocke of any of the games (I guess they are already difficult enough). Well, I am part of a Youtube group called The Backroom Crew where we have podcasts and play video games.
One of the games I just started on the channel was a nuzlocke challenge of Touhoumon Another World and wanted to know if anyone here would be interested in giving it a watch.
Please let me know if I can do anything to polish it up and make it better I also eventually want to play Touhou Puppet Play 1.8 Enhanced on twitch stream if anyone would be interested in that. The link to the video is here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch_bwfjZmU4 and Thank you in advance if you can watch it.