oh. o_o I'd skimmed through the "This Read-me is usefull" one back when I first got the game but I guess i didn't notice that, Thanks Shanks. XD Oh and thanks to you too Gabriel, I actually found that out just yeseterday. o.o Caught me a Keine with a support shard or something. I'm really really dying for an attack shrd right now though. XD I kind of spoiled what Keines attack form looks like, I'm Dying to own one. *-*
Er, Thanks again, both of you. ^^ Oh and yes, I downloaded it normally. o.o the way it was intended to be downloaded.
OH! And I know this isnt the same post, But I couldnt get that event Tori to work. o.o Kept getting stuck with 3 bad eggs. =~=;;;