[0x40ac20],"Foe %s","" (What's happening right here?)
[0x40ac40],"%sの 体力が 回復した!","%s has recovered health!" (I think it should say recovered 'some' health)
[0x40ac78],"%sの 状態異常が 治った!","%s status effect was healed!" (Maybe it should be "%s ailment was removed!")
[0x40aca8],"%sの アビリティは
感染症に なった!","%s ability has become Infection!" (That weird space is exactly as it looks on the notepad. This is not the first one either. Also, I think it should say "%s ability changed to Infection!")
[0x40af58],"%sは 白百合の舞の
効果で 回復した!","%s has recovered health due to White Lily Dance!" (Maybe have it be "White Lily Dance recovered [some of] %s HP!)
[0x40b038],"%sは 浮遊石で
浮かんでいる!","%s was floating due to a Floating Stone!" (Weird spacing, also redundant. I think it should say " (But) Earth skills are ineffective to %s due to a Floating Stone!" Maybe even remove "to %s")
(All instances with health in it should be changed to HP imo)
[0x40b394],"%sは 毒の
ダメージを 受けた!","%s took damage from its poison!" (More weird spacing and sounds weird. It should say "%s has taken damage from poison!)
[0x40be90],"このスキルは 呪われている!","Skill is cursed!" (Should say "This skill is cursed!")
[0x40bf48],"この勝負からは 逃げることが
できない!","" (Untranslated) (It says "You can't run away from a match!")
[0x40bf70],"人の人形を 連れて
どこに 行く気だ?","" (Untraslated) (Roughly says "Where did the person take the doll off to?")
[0x40c308],"%sの 停止状態が解けた!","%s's stop status wore off!" (Think it should say "%s is no longer stopped!")
[0x40c4bc],"%sは %sを
跳ね返した!","" (Untranslated?) (Roughly says "%s has countered %s!)
[0x40c708],"%sは 黒いリングで
持ちこたえた!","%s held on due to Black Ring" (Exclamation point!)
[0x40c86c],"%sは %sで
スキルの 縛りを 解いた!","" (Untranslated?) (Has something to do with unwrapping.)
[0x40c890],"%sの %sが
反応した!","" (Untranslated) (Has something to do with responding to something.)
[0x40c8a8],"%sは %sで
体力が 削られた……","" (Has something to do with losing health.)
[0x40cb7c],"%sは %sを
奪って 使った!","" (Untranslated) (Something to do with stealing.)
[0x40cbd0],"%sの 状態異常が
治った!","%s's status was healed!" (Once again "%s ailment was removed!")
スキルの 縛りが 解けた!","" (Untranslated, same as 0x40c86c)
[0x40cc2c],"%sは 調子に乗って
%sしか 出せなくなった!","" (Untranslated, has to do with getting excited and and only one things being sent out...)
0x40cc58],"%sは ハイテンションになって
攻撃スキルしか 出せなくなった!","%s can't use attacking " (Incorrectly translated. It says "%s can only use attack skills due to High Tension!")
[0x40cc9c],"風神の加護で %sの 人形が素早くなる!","%s's team is blessed by Wind God's Blessing!" (Redundant. Should say "%s was given the Fuujin's Blessing. I know it translated to Wind God, but since you're using Shinigami, I think this word should also be romanized, though that would mean romanized the move name was well...)
[0x40cde4],"しかし %sの体力は
満タンだ!","but %s's HP was already full!" (IS already full, not was.)
[0x40ce3c],"%sは 次のターンに停止してしまう!","%s will be Stopped next turn!" (THE next turn.)
[0x41025c],"転生した人形はLv1になります! 転生しますか?","Reincarnated Puppet will be Level 1! Are you sure you want to reincarnate?" (Reincarnated puppets will be set to Level 1!)
There's also a bunch of other untranslated stuff which I think is translated because towards the end the translated strings were seperated from the corresponding untranslated ones for some reason. So this is what I got.