
Third Poll: Should status wear off?

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Author Topic: Touhoumon: Random community edition!  (Read 13629 times)

Offline Spyro

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2015, 03:20:11 AM »

Adding some more trade evolutions to puppets could be a neat idea. They could allow for some unique puppets that either wouldn't fit as a shard evolution or could be used for the bonus of adding new puppets to your hack without it interfering with
the continuity of the current shard evolutions.

The List:

Meiling -> Lie Meiling (Evil Meiling from the future from a fan work, would be similar to Alice -> Dark Alice.)
Sakuya -> Inu Sakuya (sometimes labeled as "WSakuya.")
Remilia and Flandre -> "Scarlets" A sisters duo like Aki Sisters.
Lunasa, Lyrica, and Merlin -> "Prismrivers" this is actually a puppet in some unofficial JP patches.
Ichirin -> Solo Unzan

If you choose to add DDC characters, Benben and Yatsuhashi -> Tsukumos.

That's just a couple ideas I have floating around.

Offline ZXNova

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2015, 05:34:39 AM »
Die in a fire for suggesting Inu Sakuya. :^(

Jokes aside, everything else seems cool. You could also have a Yuuka form called KJYuuka (Konjaku Yuuka) which literally means 'Past and Present' Yuuka. You can probably guess how the form looks.

I've came up with all of these ideas so quickly is because I've been thinking up these ideas for a while now. I have an entire spreadsheet of these ideas and more... but I won't show you it now. Still finishing it up first.

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2015, 06:02:53 AM »
I don't know what ZXNova's saying I wouldn't say no to Inu Sakuya. (although it'd typing would confuse me. beast/steel? beast/reason? beast/ice?) She'd probably get a massive re-stating though compared to whatever she had in the various hacks she appears in.
As for the other puppets, I feel like Lie Meiling's more of a shiny pallet then anything. Maybe she could be like a scripted encounter, a normal Meiling forced shiny with a dark move that Meiling dosen't normally get? the other ideas aren't bad, but if you want a pair suggestion, why not a Mystia/Kyouko puppet? I know there's a sprite for it floating around out there.

Also to bring up something for way earlier, OH HELL NO on the anti-grinding idea elyk mentioned. I know we could use some sort of anti-griding but I don't think it should be THAT extreme. scaling gym leaders based on your own levels would defeat the whole point of engaging in non-important battles IMO. (well, outside of catching more pokemon/removing roadblocks)
I'd say a good way to curb it is to either use B2/W2's EXP system or modify it so that wild pokemon simply give out NO exp if you are a certain level higher then them. (trainer pokemon still give out normal EXP since you can't really "grind" off them, vs. seeker aside) That way you can still "grind" but there's a clear level-limit that can be defined. There will still be overgrinding for the people who like their emulators running at 1000% or don't mind the tedium, but that's unavoidable in any RPG. unless you are paper mario sticker star, and well, look how that turned out.

One last thing is that I personally recommend we go with "puppets" and not "Bonéka" since, to be honest, I kinda have a bias against that word since I mentally associate it with achiya's stuff... not to mention that "puppet/puppets" just sounds a lot smoother to me.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 06:07:52 AM by Neotornado »

Whelp, it finally happened. TouhoumonUnNamed HAS BEEN COMPLOCKED.

Offline Rejnka

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2015, 01:03:30 AM »

Adding some more trade evolutions to puppets could be a neat idea. They could allow for some unique puppets that either wouldn't fit as a shard evolution or could be used for the bonus of adding new puppets to your hack without it interfering with
the continuity of the current shard evolutions.

The List:

Meiling -> Lie Meiling (Evil Meiling from the future from a fan work, would be similar to Alice -> Dark Alice.)
Sakuya -> Inu Sakuya (sometimes labeled as "WSakuya.")
Remilia and Flandre -> "Scarlets" A sisters duo like Aki Sisters.
Lunasa, Lyrica, and Merlin -> "Prismrivers" this is actually a puppet in some unofficial JP patches.
Ichirin -> Solo Unzan

If you choose to add DDC characters, Benben and Yatsuhashi -> Tsukumos.

That's just a couple ideas I have floating around.

I'm not too big a fan of the "pairs" idea. Lie, Inu Sakuya, and Solo Unzan are chill, though. Smacking that on the list.

I don't know what ZXNova's saying I wouldn't say no to Inu Sakuya. (although it'd typing would confuse me. beast/steel? beast/reason? beast/ice?) She'd probably get a massive re-stating though compared to whatever she had in the various hacks she appears in.
As for the other puppets, I feel like Lie Meiling's more of a shiny pallet then anything. Maybe she could be like a scripted encounter, a normal Meiling forced shiny with a dark move that Meiling dosen't normally get? the other ideas aren't bad, but if you want a pair suggestion, why not a Mystia/Kyouko puppet? I know there's a sprite for it floating around out there.

Also to bring up something for way earlier, OH HELL NO on the anti-grinding idea elyk mentioned. I know we could use some sort of anti-griding but I don't think it should be THAT extreme. scaling gym leaders based on your own levels would defeat the whole point of engaging in non-important battles IMO. (well, outside of catching more pokemon/removing roadblocks)
I'd say a good way to curb it is to either use B2/W2's EXP system or modify it so that wild pokemon simply give out NO exp if you are a certain level higher then them. (trainer pokemon still give out normal EXP since you can't really "grind" off them, vs. seeker aside) That way you can still "grind" but there's a clear level-limit that can be defined. There will still be overgrinding for the people who like their emulators running at 1000% or don't mind the tedium, but that's unavoidable in any RPG. unless you are paper mario sticker star, and well, look how that turned out.

One last thing is that I personally recommend we go with "puppets" and not "Bonéka" since, to be honest, I kinda have a bias against that word since I mentally associate it with achiya's stuff... not to mention that "puppet/puppets" just sounds a lot smoother to me.

How, exactly, are you confused on the typing of Inu-Sakuya? It's rather clearly gonna be Steel-Beast. Lie Meiling Is SO not gonna be "just a shiny", is Dark Alice just a shiny? No she ISN'T, so neither should Lie be.
Personal bias makes this a BIT more debated, but honestly it won't make a difference until the majority agrees.

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2015, 02:15:00 AM »
To be honest if I was thinkin' of dark alice as a puppet I WOULD have just made her a shiny coloration on normal alice as a shout-out. Hemo I guess liked the concept a bit more and added her in as a boss-only puppet, then made her player-obtainable late into development. Still, if you are looking for alternate versions of puppets based on one or two sources you could take a few ideas from 1.5 like miko suika or princess wriggle/gothic mystia. ...And mitori/sasha, I'm sure there are 1.8 styled sprites for them both if you wanted to add them in.

Whelp, it finally happened. TouhoumonUnNamed HAS BEEN COMPLOCKED.

Offline Chaos_lord

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2015, 10:20:04 AM »
It's nice to see people throwing around ideas, but I think we need to sort out how to code it first so we can design around platform limitations.

If we ROMhack our options are limited in what we are able to code into the ROM, which will make alot of mechanic changes very difficult (such as large changes to crit mechanics or how major battles work) however we will have a complete starting base to work off of.

Alternatively we could look to RPG maker and remove these limitations, major changes are much easier and more user friendly to implement and we can easily back-port later gen mechanics from pokemon essentials similar to how gaiden does. Using RPG maker can also allow for creative solutions to design problems such as have a crit toggle in the options menu to resolve RNG debates. The main downsides with this method is we don't have a map or campaign to work with as a base, which is more work for us and that anyone working on it except the art and design team(?) needs a copy of the program from somewhere.

The last option would be to code from scratch, though this is even more work then RPG maker for the sole purpose of avoiding it. Unless people really want this it's not recommended.