
Third Poll: Should status wear off?

Yeah. Totally.
2 (40%)
I guess so.
1 (20%)
2 (40%)

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Author Topic: Touhoumon: Random community edition!  (Read 13631 times)

Offline Rejnka

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Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« on: April 19, 2015, 10:15:44 PM »
Hello, persons. Today, I am trying to start a community hack. I can't do any deep end stuff, but I will try to be a good leader for this project.

Basically, this is taking community ideas and making it a hack.

Below is our "in discussion ideas"
  • Status will wear off, and the wearoff can be delayed by getting the status again.
  • Begone, permanent weather! Instead, the same event that triggered it boosts it (Note: Possibly it is permanent as long as a puppet with a weather ability is out?)
  • Windy stuff. Flying is now Wind and old-Wind is now electric, with various stuff tweaked to match.
  • Hidden Force. Good ol' Hidden Force.
  • Less annoying HMs. Forgetting them, item replacements, maybe both?
  • Fog! Ghost/Dark weather, gives Dark moves perfect accuracy, Ghosts get 50% Defense, abilities will happen, Ghost-Type Weather Ball, and weakened SolarBeam and Synthesis!
  • Crits that do 1.5x damage and not 2x.

Hall of rejects. May they R.I.P. in kill.
  • lol crit meter
  • Statused damage is now 75% normal and not 50% normal

Below is random stuff I'm proposing and will likely happen if not countered with another idea
Original region, with it being the only area in the world with Touhoumons (likely called Bonéka like in World Link and stuff) as the rest of the world has Pokémon in it.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 01:07:43 AM by Rejnka »

Offline ZXNova

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2015, 10:37:53 PM »
Some ideas I have:

- No Perma Weather
- Weather would no longer be permanent, but would instead have some useful things.
Berries that activate a weather when you are in a pinch.
Moves that prolong a corresponding weather, but will come with consequences if used incorrectly.

- Less random critical hits
Crits would be controlled by a meter. Once the meter hits a certain point (Let's say 40%), then there would be a corresponding chance of a crit happening. The crit damage is also affected by the crit meter. At a crit meter of 40%, it the damage dealt will be maximum damage x 1.4. It would only ever be a 2x crit at 100%.
Certain abilities and moves would affect the crit meter as well. Like Sniper would at .25 to the current crit meter, making a maximum crit be 2.25x. Super Luck would increase it faster.
The crit meter will increase slower the more prolonged a battle between two puppets ago. You must switch out in order for the crit meter to fill faster.

-Secondary effects
Instead of secondary effects being completely random, it would have a sorta meter as well. The more the move is used, the higher likelyhood of the status happening. So let's say T-bolt has a 10% chance of paralysis, the more you use it, the higher chances of paralysis it gets. It can go up to 20% after a certain amount of times.
High chance moves would not be affected as much.

-Statuses no longer permanent
Each status will have a general amount of turns it will last. Toxic would be the longest lasting status.
Upon switching out, the timer will stop, but it will not reset.
Maybe have some moves that can extend the status timer.
Status length will also depend on your typing as well. For instance, an earth type will not be poisoned as long as a electric type.

- Natures
No more negative natures. Pull a TPDP and have natures only have a positive effect.

- Hidden Power
Make a phyiscal variant of hidden power. Call it Hidden Force.
The damage dealt will be 60/65.
The type of hidden power the character gets will depend on what elements hit them neutral. For instance the only elements that hit Kaguya neutral are reason, steel, and miasma. So those are the only hidden powers she can achieve.
Puppets that can learn special effect moves (i.e. freeze dry) will not be able to learn hidden power/force.

- Hidden Machine
Hidden Machine skills will be in their own seperate slot. No more suffering.

- A new weather, Fog
Dark type attacks will have perfect accuracy.
Nether/Ghost types will have a 50% increase in defense.
Weather Ball will become a Nether/Ghost move and deals 2x more damage.
Solarbeam/Synthesis will weaken.
Corresponding abilities will become active.

- Wind/Electric patch
Have Twister be Defog (but gets rid of all obstacles on both sides)
Electric Rapid Spin will be called Repel.

- Rename Wind to Electric, rename Flying to Wind.
But you would probably have to change a lot of stuff.

Offline SoulfulLex

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2015, 10:46:19 PM »
I'd probably be down with making a Town Map / Region-making, but that'd probably depend on the game's Story / Plot.

Offline Rejnka

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2015, 10:52:55 PM »
I'd probably be down with making a Town Map / Region-making, but that'd probably depend on the game's Story / Plot.
Good to know, even if it will only come into play later.

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2015, 10:54:20 PM »
I'll be up for tedious stuff like stat-editing and wild-editing, but don't expect anything too spectacular, since I don't even know how to use ASM myself.

also, speaking of fog, how about we make hail increase both defensive stats on ice-types by a small amount? Something like 10% or 20% (also, shouldn't ghost-types get the perfect accuracy since it's more of a ghost-ish weather? the only thing it's doing for dark is with giga impact/hyper beam, neither one of which make sense to get boosted in fog)

As for the crit/secondary effects editor, I'd be up for it but it sounds like an absolute nightmare to implement in a gen III ROM, if we are going that direction.

Whelp, it finally happened. TouhoumonUnNamed HAS BEEN COMPLOCKED.

Offline Elyk

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2015, 10:56:09 PM »
Dynamic level scaling. Grinding in pokemon games is ridiculously overpowered. It breaks the difficulty curve when you can just spend some time to train your party in the grass to be able to beat the next leader. I think that there should be something that reads your party's highest level and then sets the enemy leader's party to be 10 (or however many levels you think are good(maybe like 25 levels for E4)) levels above it.

Offline Rejnka

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2015, 11:00:40 PM »
I'll be up for tedious stuff like stat-editing and wild-editing, but don't expect anything too spectacular, since I don't even know how to use ASM myself.

also, speaking of fog, how about we make hail increase both defensive stats on ice-types by a small amount? Something like 10% or 20% (also, shouldn't ghost-types get the perfect accuracy since it's more of a ghost-ish weather? the only thing it's doing for dark is with giga impact/hyper beam, neither one of which make sense to get boosted in fog)

As for the crit/secondary effects editor, I'd be up for it but it sounds like an absolute nightmare to implement in a gen III ROM, if we are going that direction.

Also good to know.

Offline Rejnka

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2015, 11:08:11 PM »
Dynamic level scaling. Grinding in pokemon games is ridiculously overpowered. It breaks the difficulty curve when you can just spend some time to train your party in the grass to be able to beat the next leader. I think that there should be something that reads your party's highest level and then sets the enemy leader's party to be 10 (or however many levels you think are good(maybe like 25 levels for E4)) levels above it.

OUT! School PRISON! Seriously though, bad difficulty curve cancer.

Offline ZXNova

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2015, 11:12:47 PM »
I'll be up for tedious stuff like stat-editing and wild-editing, but don't expect anything too spectacular, since I don't even know how to use ASM myself.

also, speaking of fog, how about we make hail increase both defensive stats on ice-types by a small amount? Something like 10% or 20% (also, shouldn't ghost-types get the perfect accuracy since it's more of a ghost-ish weather? the only thing it's doing for dark is with giga impact/hyper beam, neither one of which make sense to get boosted in fog)

As for the crit/secondary effects editor, I'd be up for it but it sounds like an absolute nightmare to implement in a gen III ROM, if we are going that direction.

I think all ghost type moves have perfect accuracy. So it would make no sense for ghost type moves to gain perfect accuracy.

Offline Rejnka

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2015, 11:17:34 PM »
I'll be up for tedious stuff like stat-editing and wild-editing, but don't expect anything too spectacular, since I don't even know how to use ASM myself.

also, speaking of fog, how about we make hail increase both defensive stats on ice-types by a small amount? Something like 10% or 20% (also, shouldn't ghost-types get the perfect accuracy since it's more of a ghost-ish weather? the only thing it's doing for dark is with giga impact/hyper beam, neither one of which make sense to get boosted in fog)

As for the crit/secondary effects editor, I'd be up for it but it sounds like an absolute nightmare to implement in a gen III ROM, if we are going that direction.

I think all ghost type moves have perfect accuracy. So it would make no sense for ghost type moves to gain perfect accuracy.
lel screech
also evasion boosts and such.

Offline ZXNova

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2015, 11:38:37 PM »
Evasion boosts should not be considered.

And for Nether/Ghost to have perfect acc just for that and 'screech' is pointless.

Dark is an offensive typing, with many powerful moves that don't have perfect accuracy. (Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Outrage) and by making them have perfect acc, it makes the weather strong for dark types.

So seriously, I don't even see why this would be argued.

Offline Rejnka

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2015, 11:43:29 PM »
Evasion boosts should not be considered.

And for Nether/Ghost to have perfect acc just for that and 'screech' is pointless.

Dark is an offensive typing, with many powerful moves that don't have perfect accuracy. (Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Outrage) and by making them have perfect acc, it makes the weather strong for dark types.

So seriously, I don't even see why this would be argued.

Fine. Meanie.

Offline DerxwnaKapsyla

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2015, 12:01:20 AM »
I'm going to state first and foremost that a community hack is not a bad idea, but there are several things to take into account when making one. One of the big ones is the following: If you cannot offer anything to the table at all, except a vague idea of what you want, then you really shouldn't propose a group hack - if anything it becomes more like "I want people to make this game for me while I sit back and tell people what to do." That's not a community hack. Based on your opening post alone, I highly suggest reevaluating what exactly it is you want. A leader is one who sets the bar and lives up to it, not the one who places the bar and says "Impress me".

Going over the individual ideas, some of them are very outlandish, if not impossible without knowing gratuitous amounts of ASM to make them work. If you or anyone else working on it is not willing to learn ASM, then there's no point discussing heavy mechanic changes, such as those proposed for the Critical Hit system. Anything with a meter suggestion would require massive overhauls to the game engine itself. If you have no idea how to do that, then you're stuck with using the default RNG-based System (Personal opinion, removing the RNG from Pokemon would just make it Yet Another Stale And Repetitive RPG).

The other thing I want to bring up is the Hidden Move suggestion. That's probably completely impossible unless you're willing to learn ASM. If you're not, there is a much simpler solution of creating HM Items/Exploration Items (Such as an Axe/Boat/Lantern/Etc) which can take the places of such moves. You can also take the route that Unnamed did and make HM moves forgettable in the field. I don't know how DoesntKnowHowToPlay did it, but I'm sure he'd be willing to direct you on a place where you could learn how to do it.

One last bit of advice; while I may not be a board moderator, I highly suggest avoiding Double Posting in the future if you're replying to two different posts with a barely substantial reply. Unless your next post has massive informative news, edit your first post accordingly next time.
I do the 2humons in RMXP

Offline ZXNova

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2015, 12:13:51 AM »
Well the other idea I had was if it isn't possible, just change crits to 1.5x. I forgot to put that in my first post.

Offline Rejnka

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Re: Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2015, 12:18:46 AM »
I'm going to state first and foremost that a community hack is not a bad idea, but there are several things to take into account when making one. One of the big ones is the following: If you cannot offer anything to the table at all, except a vague idea of what you want, then you really shouldn't propose a group hack - if anything it becomes more like "I want people to make this game for me while I sit back and tell people what to do." That's not a community hack. Based on your opening post alone, I highly suggest reevaluating what exactly it is you want. A leader is one who sets the bar and lives up to it, not the one who places the bar and says "Impress me".

Going over the individual ideas, some of them are very outlandish, if not impossible without knowing gratuitous amounts of ASM to make them work. If you or anyone else working on it is not willing to learn ASM, then there's no point discussing heavy mechanic changes, such as those proposed for the Critical Hit system. Anything with a meter suggestion would require massive overhauls to the game engine itself. If you have no idea how to do that, then you're stuck with using the default RNG-based System (Personal opinion, removing the RNG from Pokemon would just make it Yet Another Stale And Repetitive RPG).

The other thing I want to bring up is the Hidden Move suggestion. That's probably completely impossible unless you're willing to learn ASM. If you're not, there is a much simpler solution of creating HM Items/Exploration Items (Such as an Axe/Boat/Lantern/Etc) which can take the places of such moves. You can also take the route that Unnamed did and make HM moves forgettable in the field. I don't know how DoesntKnowHowToPlay did it, but I'm sure he'd be willing to direct you on a place where you could learn how to do it.

One last bit of advice; while I may not be a board moderator, I highly suggest avoiding Double Posting in the future if you're replying to two different posts with a barely substantial reply. Unless your next post has massive informative news, edit your first post accordingly next time.

 Welp. Again, I put them insane ideas on the discussion slate, well, because people wanted them, and they wouldn't make the game outright worse. Since most people don't want the Crit Bar, it's time to say goodbye to that idea.

Oh, and I agree with you on HMs and such.

Well the other idea I had was if it isn't possible, just change crits to 1.5x. I forgot to put that in my first post.

Oh, yeah, totally. Best idea, 8/8, no h8. Sincerely.