Going off a statement from a few days ago:
[08:30] <+Elyk> the story translation needs a check, the NPCs need to be translated, the trainers need to be finished, and then the strings in the exe itself all need to be edited
Everything else? To my knowledge, mostly done. The reason for the radio silence? A few reasons:
* The game's initial hype has worn off on our side
* Translation project hype has worn off due to "soon" being the copy/paste answer to the release date
* There's not really much to show at this point
* Our one translator burned themselves out and moved on
Basically? We could use some help. Don't swing in and drop a generic "I'll see what I can do" statement and do nothing on it, go check out
the resources (namely script/talk) and grab some NPC dialog (folders 500~511) and go to town.
Absolute worst case we see restructured google translate on random NPCs, and I personally would rather see untranslated text than that.