From this moment on, we will no longer be posting complete rips of the uploaded dat files. There are several reasons for this, but the absolute largest one being: We will no longer endorse piracy of this game.
"Then why were you posting the rips before!"
Good question eventual asker! We uploaded the rips for the purpose of the translation project
only. Right now they are being used to ensure people can play the game without buying the actual game, which is something we don't want going on. Not only that, but we do't want faulty and incomplete builds of the translations going around. We are adopting the policy of uploading only what needs to be translated here-on-out.
"But how are we supposed to buy the game, we weren't at Comiket!"
Another good question! Hemo and the FocasLens team made a statement several months ago, and followed through on it, that he would be releasing a digital download of the game. Recently that digital download came out and can be downloaded at Melonbooks here: From now on, this is how we suggest you obtain the game.
"But the website's in Japanese, how are we supposed to navigate it?"
One of us will be buying the game at some point in the future from this site, guaranteed. When we do, we will put up a tutorial on how to navigate the website and purchase this game, just for you all to read!A guide has been put up by a member of the forum that walks you through how to purchase and setup the game via the digital download, the link can be found
here"Purchase? But that's not free! Why should I have to pay for this when you all were uploading it for free!"
I'll restate what I said above, the uploaded data files were for the purpose of the translation project. It also happened to be really convenient for us to obtain since the Digital download wasn't available yet. We had agreed at the very start that downloads would be pulled as soon as the digital download went live. We here in the community respect Hemo and his efforts, and we refuse to contribute to the piracy of his games here. A few new policies will be enacted here on this board.
- First and foremost, we will no longer be informing you how to patch illegally obtained copies of the game. All patching threads are being removed from the forum.
- Assets to get around the patching process will no longer be provided
- In the same vein, we will not answer how to extract the arc files on the forum. It's rather simple to figure out, look around.
- We will not answer questions on where to obtain illegal copies of the game. If you're really that desperate, there are methods to achieve your ends.
- Posting links to illegal copies of the full game here will be deleted, if not grounds for immediate ban. Yes, this also includes Pre-Patched copies of the game.
Those are the new policies of this board. The translation team and several other members of the community have agreed on these rules. Follow them, and things will go over swell!