Soooooooooooo I need help with the path,I battled everyone up to Mokou in the path and I think I am supposed to battle Wakasahigime next.But i cant seem to find her
btw if you need help with the path here are the directions:
To go to Eintei(for me):
Down,Up,Down,Left,Left,Right.Up,Right,Up,Up,Down,Up FINISH(tell me if you got problems,btw i think you need to battle the bunny girls)
To Keine's House to battle Mokou or get a item:
Down,Up,Down,Left,Left,Right,Up,Left,FINISH(tell me if you got problems i will run and test it again)
To the trees that will be needed to cut(do this after you defeat Mokou)
Down,Up,Down,Left,Left,Right,Up,Right,Up,Down,FINISH(tell me if you got problems i will run and test it again)
Please tell me how to get to Wakasahigime or if I need to do something else because I really want to do the SDM Path.