Author Topic: REPORT TRANSLATION ERRORS HERE [Beta patch thread]  (Read 18488 times)

Offline Greenmittenz

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« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2015, 09:59:33 PM »
The wiki is pretty dated and was already based on some incorrect information so while it is a decent base I wouldn't call it a particularly reliable source of information at the moment.

I tested Momiji's abilities and in the case of Indomitable and Fair and Square (or really any descriptions) the wiki does appear to be correct as it is mostly just fixed grammar versions of google translate. Where it is incorrect is a few entries on the puppet page as well as a boat load of errors with skills on the individual puppets pages.

The problem with the translation is that somewhere along the way the original source of the translation seems to be forgotten and the descriptions of things gets warped to a silly degree, to the point where the description of Fair and Square saying puppets can not crit is either a weird mistranslation of the second half of the ability saying that some skills can not be used OR is just the second half of the Indomitable ability just taking over the description for Fair and Square for some reason.

Overall translations for much of the games items skills and abilities are inconsistent with its own format or just needlessly complicated and awkwardly phrased.
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Offline ZXNova

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« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2015, 02:08:47 AM »
[0x40ac20],"Foe %s","" (What's happening right here?)
[0x40ac40],"%sの 体力が 回復した!","%s has recovered health!" (I  think it should say recovered 'some' health)
[0x40ac78],"%sの 状態異常が 治った!","%s status effect was healed!" (Maybe it should be "%s ailment was removed!")
[0x40aca8],"%sの アビリティは
感染症に なった!","%s ability has become Infection!" (That weird space is exactly as it looks on the notepad. This is not the first one either. Also, I think it should say "%s ability changed to Infection!")
[0x40af58],"%sは 白百合の舞の
効果で 回復した!","%s has recovered health due to White Lily Dance!" (Maybe have it be "White Lily Dance recovered [some of] %s HP!)
[0x40b038],"%sは 浮遊石で
浮かんでいる!","%s was floating due to a Floating Stone!" (Weird spacing, also redundant. I think it should say " (But) Earth skills are ineffective to %s due to a Floating Stone!" Maybe even remove "to %s")
(All instances with health in it should be changed to HP imo)
[0x40b394],"%sは 毒の
ダメージを 受けた!","%s took damage from its poison!" (More weird spacing and sounds weird. It should say "%s has taken damage from poison!)
[0x40be90],"このスキルは 呪われている!","Skill is cursed!" (Should say "This skill is cursed!")
[0x40bf48],"この勝負からは 逃げることが
できない!","" (Untranslated) (It says "You can't run away from a match!")
[0x40bf70],"人の人形を 連れて
どこに 行く気だ?","" (Untraslated) (Roughly says "Where did the person take the doll off to?")
[0x40c308],"%sの 停止状態が解けた!","%s's stop status wore off!" (Think it should say "%s is no longer stopped!")
[0x40c4bc],"%sは %sを
跳ね返した!","" (Untranslated?) (Roughly says "%s has countered %s!)
[0x40c708],"%sは 黒いリングで
持ちこたえた!","%s held on due to Black Ring" (Exclamation point!)
[0x40c86c],"%sは %sで
スキルの 縛りを 解いた!","" (Untranslated?) (Has something to do with unwrapping.)
[0x40c890],"%sの %sが
反応した!","" (Untranslated) (Has something to do with responding to something.)
[0x40c8a8],"%sは %sで
体力が 削られた……","" (Has something to do with losing health.)
[0x40cb7c],"%sは %sを
奪って 使った!","" (Untranslated) (Something to do with stealing.)
[0x40cbd0],"%sの 状態異常が
治った!","%s's status was healed!" (Once again "%s ailment was removed!")
スキルの 縛りが 解けた!","" (Untranslated, same as 0x40c86c)
[0x40cc2c],"%sは 調子に乗って
%sしか 出せなくなった!","" (Untranslated, has to do with getting excited and and only one things being sent out...)
0x40cc58],"%sは ハイテンションになって
攻撃スキルしか 出せなくなった!","%s can't use attacking " (Incorrectly translated. It says "%s can only use attack skills due to High Tension!")
[0x40cc9c],"風神の加護で %sの 人形が素早くなる!","%s's team is blessed by Wind God's Blessing!" (Redundant. Should say "%s was given the Fuujin's Blessing. I know it translated to Wind God, but since you're using Shinigami, I think this word should also be romanized, though that would mean romanized the move name was well...)
[0x40cde4],"しかし %sの体力は
満タンだ!","but %s's HP was already full!" (IS already full, not was.)
[0x40ce3c],"%sは 次のターンに停止してしまう!","%s will be Stopped next turn!" (THE next turn.)
[0x41025c],"転生した人形はLv1になります! 転生しますか?","Reincarnated Puppet will be Level 1! Are you sure you want to reincarnate?" (Reincarnated puppets will be set to Level 1!)

There's also a bunch of other untranslated stuff which I think is translated because towards the end the translated strings were seperated from the corresponding untranslated ones for some reason. So this is what I got.

Offline Doesnt

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« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2015, 04:40:16 AM »
"Foo has created a match!" feels clunky
"Foo won the battle!" credits the NPC every time you win a trainer battle
"Foo lost the match..." does the same
"Cannot use items due to the heavy atmosphere!" (caused by Overwhelm/Unnerve) overflows by one character
Catching text is flagrantly broken
Using Vigilant Stance/Vigilant Watch/Mind Reader/whatever consecutively produces this untranslated string:
"Chen's effects do nothing..." is used when an ineffective skill is used on Chen; should be "It had no effect on Chen..." or similar probably
"Foo has become [untranslated] status." on Weak at the least. Was caused by Sermon proc if it matters

On trying to sell an item the game outright crashed as well, on this string:
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Offline Hieda no Akyuu

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« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2015, 11:17:11 PM »
Hello, I was the one that was brought in to do the last minute translations. They're not even actually done, so any reports made here will be added ASAP. Thank you for your patience with my work, and I'll do my best.

Starting with ZXNova's comments...

"[0x40ac20],"Foe %s","" (What's happening right here?)" Don't ask me, this was part of the original file and I didn't touch it.

[0x40c86c],"%sは %sで
スキルの 縛りを 解いた!","" (Untranslated?) (Has something to do with unwrapping.)
I'm assuming this is the line that appears when a bind effect ends. Adding the line.

[0x40c890],"%sの %sが
反応した!","" (Untranslated) (Has something to do with responding to something.)
I've been unsure about this one, too.

スキルの 縛りが 解けた!","" (Untranslated, same as 0x40c86c)
Okay, so some of these lines HAVE been repeating and I'm not going crazy. Adding like above.

[0x40cc2c],"%sは 調子に乗って
%sしか 出せなくなった!","" (Untranslated, has to do with getting excited and and only one things being sent out...) Yeah, I couldn't figure it out. I'm assuming it's one of the commands that happens due to a move?

All other mentions you've made have been modified.

Everything else I have yet to touch.

Now to Doesnt:

-Changed Created to started.
-Not sure what's going on with won/lost matches.
-Check Overwhelm now, it should work.
-I'll need lines/examples for catching text.
-That's the line for when a skill fails. Thought I translated that. Well it's fixed, now!
-Modified that line
-The status ailments, stat names, and element names have been untouched for now.

Modified the item selling messages. It might still crash, though?

Offline Doesnt

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« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2015, 01:01:37 AM »
Going off what Elyk said the catching text needs special handling; here's a screenshot:

"Foo has defeated Leftovers!" is used when a mon steals Leftovers:
The opposing mon using U-turn/Volt Switch produces curious messages:

A handful of messages overflow, in particular:

"Trainer has withdrawn Puppet!" should be "Trainer withdraws Puppet!", both to avoid overly passive language and to make Pursuit make sense (the message appears before the move is used).
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Offline DerxwnaKapsyla

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« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2015, 12:55:16 AM »
I have spent the majority of today working on fixing as much of the stuff pointed out in this thread as I could. I implore you all, if you run into any translation issues or spacing issues, please report them here so we can fix them! I will attach my change log when I am all done with my current workload, so you all know just what exactly i've finished.

EDIT: log of today's events from my side,
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 02:34:24 AM by DerxwnaKapsyla »
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Offline CrucialTwinz

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« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2015, 09:23:04 PM »
Dunno if it's been fixed or talked about, and sorry I don't have the screenshot of it, my buddy is playing right next to me and I saw it while he was reading through the text. Patch after her fight with her first time in the mansion says to you "If you don't believe me ask that theif over there."

*insert flavor text here*

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Offline Greenmittenz

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« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2015, 11:30:48 PM »
Unsure of this being a translation error or possibly a coding error as the exact effect isn't known but there is a problem with the skill Avalanche

Avalanche Earth Spread 65bp 100acc 10sp - Power increases as opponent's HP decreases.

The power increasing effect appears to not work and I am not currently aware of what the actual effect is supposed to be at this moment or if it is just broken.

Just because here is the google translate for the Skill effect of Avalanche. "Power is increased when opponent of HP is less ."

There are most definitely other Skills and abilities with incorrect translations as I don't think anyone has gone through and tested each one to see if they are working as the description describes. I only came across Avalanche because we use it in a speedrun and noticed that the damage ranges didn't ever change from the base value.
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Offline Wrulfang

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« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2015, 03:41:02 PM »
Pretty sure that's brine effect.

I think in pokemon rumble world they put brine effect as that, "power goes up when enemy HP goes down" instead of "Power doubles when enemy HP is half or below"
Mostly because there isnt' a reverse wring out in the Pokemon games. and if it work like that, it would have a base value of 1 like other scaling moves.

Offline Greenmittenz

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« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2015, 06:54:03 PM »
Pretty sure that's brine effect.

I think in pokemon rumble world they put brine effect as that, "power goes up when enemy HP goes down" instead of "Power doubles when enemy HP is half or below"
Mostly because there isnt' a reverse wring out in the Pokemon games. and if it work like that, it would have a base value of 1 like other scaling moves.
The thing is that it doesn't work like that. It might be that the damage bonus is a number other then 1/2 for some reason.

Here is the situation for why I know. In the speedrun for Sakuya we have a level 36 Chen Assist which is our start so A+ Sp.Atk Rank and a Black Mark, we also have 64 PP invested into Sp.Atk and a Jade Hairpin equipped with the Niche ability.
With the following stats our range for the skills are.
Remilia's Sakuya has 133 HP (half is 66.5)
Night Wind 60   60   62   62   62   64   64   64   64   67   67   67   69   69   69   72  45.11%-54.14%
Avalanche  54   54   54   56   56   56   58   58   58   60   60   60   62   62   62   64  40.6%-48.12%
The plan was to turn 1 Night Wind and see if she fell to orange hp. 64 or less drops Sakuya to 69+ hp (still green) and 67 or more drops Sakuya to 66- (orange). Then if she was put to orange HP we would use the boosted Avalanche to finish her off with 100% accuracy instead of risking the 5% miss on Wind Wave, but in a run I dropped Sakuya to orange HP and then failed to kill her with Avalanche which tells us that Avalanche does not get boosted when the enemy is below 50% HP
Here is the video for what I am referring to

A thought I just had. It may be that the trigger for Avalanche is when you put them below half hp but uses the post rounding number as the basis for the calculation. so if it is Power doubles when HP<floor(MaxHP/2) then a roll of 67 would put her to 66 and not under the 66.5 rounded down. It still wouldn't match the "at or below" that Brine is supposed to deal but it would at least be an explanation... would have to test this to determine what is happening though.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 07:00:01 PM by Greenmittenz »
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« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2015, 12:20:59 AM »
So another update from a discovery about Fair and Square...

We know that it works like Indomitable but the thing about crits it mentions appears to be complete BS and I have no clue what it is referring to and what the difference is other then Fair and Square popping up when you send the puppet in.

Also tested some other idea's about what it could be referring to with the second part of its description but can't figure it out.
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Offline Doesnt

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« Reply #26 on: November 22, 2015, 08:59:45 PM »
I was under the impression its secondary effect was to suppress the usage of self-KO moves, hence why it announces itself. Haven't tested myself though.

edit: went and tested, explosion and memento can't even be selected in the face of Fair and Square and fail if used as momiji comes in
« Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 09:10:00 PM by Doesnt »
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« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2015, 01:58:57 AM »
The translation was faulty and we have it fixed now. It's basically Damp + Sturdy.
I do the 2humons in RMXP