Author Topic: my team that needs help  (Read 2952 times)


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my team that needs help
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:13:19 PM »
I think this is the first topic here explicitly asking for help, I feel so lame.

So yeah, I've been trying to make a semidecent team lately but keep choking. I may or may not just need more experience with the game, but for all I know my team might not even be good, etc.
Anyways, here's my team

Attack Tenshi
Lum Berry
Jolly, Sturdy
252 Atk/252 Speed/6 SpDef
Drawn the Line
Rock Bullet

My general antilead, who I chose because I've seen a lot of Speed Medicine and Speed Yamame leads, and because Advent Marisa seems popular enough. Taunt is probably unnecessary since EQ+Rock Bullet would most likely kill them anyways and they're likely to outspeed her so they'd get one layer of spikes up regardless, etc. Also might consider doing something about her bulk cuz the things I set her as lead to counter outspeed her anyways.
Lum Berry is so people can't troll her with stat moves.

Advent Marisa
Lum Berry
248HP/10Atk/252 Speed
Thunder Wave

Annoyance. I gave her one less HP so that her HP isn't divisible by 4. Taunt stops set up sweepers and Thunder Wave cripples stuff. Thunderpunch is in case she has to fight for some reason and Spikes is Spikes.

Timid, Pressure
Calm Mind
Dark Pulse

Pretty much a copy-paste of the set on the forums. I moved 8 of the IVs from HP to Speed so that she outspeeds opposing Sariel and whatnot.

Speed Koishi
Mistress Outfit
6Def/252 SpAtk/252 Speed
Dream Eater
Mist Ball

I honestly have no idea what I'm doing, I just wanted to give her a try. Mistress Outfit is so she does more pain with Dream Eater and thus has more healing.

6 HP/252 SpAtk/252Speed
Calm Mind
Hyper Voice
Shadow Ball

Because I'm not going to NOT run her. Trying out Sub CM, although I might want to redo her EV spread for that since physical attacks break them no matter what. Hyper Voice is for coverage against Heart types since they otherwise cause her pain.

Bold, Gate Keeper
252 HP/6 Def/252 SpDef
Night Shade

The only defensive mon I know how to use. My chosen nature and EVs are to give her relatively even defenses. And attack reducing nature is to cut out on hurt from confusion hax.

So that's my team. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, please. No calling me names does not count as advice.

Offline DoctorShanks

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Re: my team that needs help
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2014, 01:56:56 AM »
Just taking a quick look at this team.

Attack Tenshi doesn't need Sturdy in a game where OHKO moves aren't allowed. Sturdy unfortunately does not act like Focus Sash in gen 3. Hisouten would weaken Rain-boosted Water-type moves (though I'd be surprised if she still survived one).

The role that AdMarisa is playing on your team could probably be done by something with better bulk like Kotohime, since AdMarisa's presence on the field tends to invite Earth-types to come in for free.

Speaking of Earth-types, your team doesn't have a single Earth-resist. Might I suggest something like Yuuka or HStar?

Offline joshcja

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Re: my team that needs help
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2014, 03:55:00 PM »
A few things.

ATenshi is a cool lass but...DKags.

Mari is doing nothing that Aya or Taya do not do better.

Timid, Pressure
Calm Mind
Dark Pulse

Your not running charminglook so you have no need to outspeed other Sariels, put the 8 HP back that spread is literally bare minimum bulk in a world of ohgodwhy spatk reasons. Also silver wind is a much better choice than E sense if your running dark stab. Cause power matters.

Mana burst on Layla matters, she's pretty much used for one reason, to fuck over dark faiths

Yoshika wants roar and an attack other than night shade along with minus. Being setup fodder for taunt darks is kinda... bad being setup fodder for trace, also bad. Charming look/taunt are viable/amazing on every S ranked dark btw so... ya. (Yes charming look S/A Flan is a thing)

SKoishi.... uuuuh, no comment...
« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 04:35:28 PM by joshcja »