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Author Topic: Touhoumon Tweaked Version (Version 1.15 is out!)  (Read 73391 times)

Offline Wrulfang

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2014, 07:59:31 AM »
Oh, so Strawberry cross was just a coincidence. Well, Yuuka still has other strong moves

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2014, 12:44:42 PM »
I've found a quite bug.

When interacting with genji and waking he up, the game doesn't response.
you have to press L or R to bring the help menu, and after exiting the help menu, snorlax cry plays and the battle starts

Also, the evolutionary line of Mitori, doesn't learn any TM or HM, according to the tools I'm using.
this seems a bit weird for being intended.

the moves with the arrow and half the description missing are most status moves.

as far I've seen:
-scary face

But I have only a few catched, so I can't tell a lot.

ALso, the music that should play when you encouter the rival doesn't play.  the music when a NPC moves you around, like the one at the start when oaks brings you to the lab, or the guy that guides you to the petwer city musseum.

AH. just checked the sign in front of said musseum says nothing

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2014, 02:59:10 PM »
Huh. I dunno what to do about the music glitches, sadly.

Mitori's was probably just me forgetting to do that.

Anyway, thanks for the reports! I'll make sure to fix what I can. (and check the genji event)

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Offline Wrulfang

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2014, 09:51:12 AM »
More reports:

the locations file is wrong. there is nowere to be found in Nature preserve area 4 Reisen II and Rinnosuke.

But I love I could get there youki, I was already thinking I had to stick with meira until Victory road.

Cole tells you he gives you the TM 45 will-o-wisp, but TM45 contains nature power. I have 2 of these now.

there is a pair of birdkeeper with 2 misspeling erros.

the one with the Nue at route 14 tells about the ancient mirages, but misspells kikuri and says "Kikrui"

And other birdkeeper in route 14, the second one of the far top left, says "birdss"

Just defeated fuchsia city. went to the move relearner.
Oh god. that screen is graphically fucked. I'll post a screen later, I'm from a flashcard on my 3ds

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2014, 02:58:40 PM »
well if you need other steel-types, there's youmu (at the prisim tower), yumeko (safari zone), and komachi (a lot of water routes)
The locations list is pretty old, so I do need to update that.

As for the move relearner, that's one of the few I did point out on the main page, don't really know how to fix that one, sadly. (it glitches out in VBA as well.)

Still, thanks for all of the bug reports!

*about an hour later*
well I'm stupid. managed to fix that one in an hour. hopefully I didn't break anything by doing so.

Didn't see anything wrong with the genji code from my script editor, might just be the 3DS emulation, I'll do another playthrough myself to check. (that's important, since the way you reported it makes me thing that a soft-lock would occur if you didn't have help mode on)
While the TDDC patch is still being worked on, I'll release a bug fixing patch of the current version sometime today. (also, from what I can tell, it wasn't even possible to obtain Chibi VIVIT in this version, according to my locations guide. She's been added to the safari zone)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2014, 04:13:52 PM by Neotornado »

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Offline Wrulfang

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2014, 07:19:38 PM »
No, I mean, youki is found in the nature preserve 4.

instead of Reisen II, Rinnosuke, and dolls, there are Chibi reimu, chibi marisa and youki. And Chibi shingyoku has the rate of dolls.

And I love youki. It doesn't have swords dance, but is pretty nice (I think he's fast enough, tailwind doesn't bring him much)
Komachi is pure water, both Ex and A.

And I think Vivit is avaiable in the casino for 9999 coins, I haven't fully checked it as I don't have the money, but the screen says  VIVIT and then ask if you want CVIVIT.

Also, a strange oddity, but maybe intentional (just curiosity): In the last floor of the SDB, on the basement floor where mima is found, there is supposed to be wilds, but in the map says the encounter rate is 0/255 So no puppets can be found walking, neither using nature power. But all the puppets have the lv 30, so it is odd.

Edit: tried to battle the other genji without help. Nothing happens. the water animation still flows, but keys don't resond.
I left the 3DS open while writing this and the battle suddenly starts

I'm trying both with acceleration and normal speed.  Seems kinda random. (it starts faster with the acceleration activated, but might be a fixed time)

I should save the .sav in my computer and see if VBA does the same
« Last Edit: October 08, 2014, 07:28:15 PM by Wrulfang »

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2014, 11:52:09 PM »
ah. The CMarisa and CReimu are both gone and replaced by something else, and the readme has been fixed on the others.
As for alt komachi, I thought I made her part steel... I'll fix that in the bug fixing patch.

and oops I'm dumb on the vivit thing.
As for the basement thing, yes that was intentional.

I dunno how things work on 3DS emulation, to be honest. XD

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Offline Wrulfang

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2014, 10:38:50 AM »
Well, is technically not a 3ds emulator, is a flashcard playing in a 3ds.

Is a supercard DSTWO, and the emulator is TEMPGBA.

BTW: more reports.
Protect is described as in vanilla, (like detect works in this hack or purple,) but has the Cosmic power effect.

Trash is described as in vanilla too, (2-3 turns, then confuse user) but has recoil damage. It is ok, ARemilia has a chunk of health, even if ERemilia is the one who gets Roost. I like ARemilia because cooler sprite, at least back one, and seems nice with tailwind.

(anyways, she's going to get giga impact once she gets it.)

Also, I see X special (I think it was that one) has another oddity with the arrow, like some status moves, but this one looks like just run out of text.

BTW I got Reisen II as freebie on silph, so rinnosuke is achievable somewhere (I have seen trades too.)

Edit: just found a silly bug. When exiting the house at cape brink, where a fisherman gives the master rod, instead of appearing outside of the door, you appear in the middle of the top lake, surfing.

Not sure how it works if you don't have any surfer as I can't deposit ENitori. At least the map didn't crash or some shit, the last time I tried movin warps I end up fucking the map, but that was in pokemon blue and with classicmap.

Just checked without ENitori. Nothing additional happens.
Wheh, I though I had to do all the meteorite things to restore the PC, I didn't know you just had to visit the 3 islands
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 02:31:07 PM by Wrulfang »

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2014, 03:53:52 PM »
Ah. I'll fix protect, thrash, and X-special.
Right now, rinnosuke is available at cape brink, but I'm also adding in a trade for him.

I'll look into that glitch. and yup, you only have to visit 3 island for the centers to be back up. I forget if you have to go into the game house on 2 island for it to count, though.

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Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2014, 05:29:06 PM »
okay, after some discussions on the shoddy chat, I've had kind of a drastic idea to put in the TDDC update.
Namely, splitting up the wind typing into electric and wind. the latter of which will become a new type, and the wind in the current version will become electric. Of course, some puppets will go to one or the other, like sanae going to wind and marisa going to electric. This wouldn't bee too hard to implement, but I'd like some thoughts about it before I go full-throtle with it.

As for the TDDC update, it's coming along neatly. all that's left is the TD puppets and various bugfixes/playtestings.

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Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon Tweaked Version (Version 1.0 is out!)
« Reply #25 on: May 08, 2015, 06:55:26 PM »
Neo here, finally updated the hack with the new puppets from ten desires and double dealing character, as well as a few other new puppets! The main game has also been drastically altered to account for the presence of the new puppets and types. Feel free to give the new version a spin, but a quick word of warning: Saves made in the old version of Touhoumon Tweaked are incompatible with the new release.

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Offline ZephyrValgale

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Re: Touhoumon Tweaked Version (Version 1.0 is out!)
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2015, 06:41:00 PM »
Since I've played through to the third gym, let me give my initial impression of the new version.

This is one of the best hacks I've ever played, hands down. I feel that you nailed normal mode's difficulty - challenging, without any real roadblocks or silly earlygame superbosses.

That said, I do have a few minor nitpicks.

- The glitchy dex, though that's a known issue. It trivializes the owned requirement for the EXP. Share - again, probably a known issue.

- The soundtrack. It's comprised of the low quality midis that made up 1.5's soundtrack. Not faulting you for that - that's probably how lobsterhime's port came, and a relatively minor thing.

And that's about it, really. A known issue, and a feature of the original base. At this point, I'll keep playing, and get back to you after the E4.

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon Tweaked Version (Version 1.0 is out!)
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2015, 12:20:19 AM »
I've had quite a few people call out the soundtrack and to be honest, I'm considering removing it in favor of FR/LG's music. Either way, the dex-required items aren't too much of an incentive for me, as if I had my way completely I'd just make them free.
Still, thanks for the response! I tried to make the difficulty modest compared to purple and UnNamed, and I'm glad that seems to be the case!

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Offline ZephyrValgale

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Re: Touhoumon Tweaked Version (Version 1.0 is out!)
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2015, 03:39:41 PM »
What irks me about the replacements is not that music was replaced - I personally don't mind when a hacker replaces songs - but rather, the quality and consistency of the replacements. If anything, I'd advocate taking that expanded music table hack Derx provided and transplant some of the songs within to Tweaked, but I can live with reverting the soundtrack to vanilla FR.

At this point, I've cleared Silph. Game's still challenging but fun, and I'm looking forward to endgame.

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon Tweaked Version (Version 1.0 is out!)
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2015, 05:06:57 PM »
That's also an option. I'll see what I can do. I'll work with it for the next release, since there are a few hard mode exclusive bugs that need to be fixed soon.

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