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Author Topic: Touhoumon Tweaked Version (Version 1.15 is out!)  (Read 73392 times)

Offline Neotornado

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Touhoumon Tweaked Version (Version 1.15 is out!)
« on: September 02, 2014, 01:19:16 AM »
~Edit~ Version 1.15 is out! Starter triangle has been added back in.

After nuzlocking touhoumon hacks for quite a while, I noticed that I was tweaking some of the 1.5-based hacks to serve more more interesting runs. Eventually, I wondered if I could "tweak" an entire hack into existence. So a long time later, I ended up tweaking lobsterhime's 1.5 port into oblivion, and ended up with the hack I'm presenting right now.
So... What's new with this hack? Well, this hack is intended to be two things. First, a spiritual successor to touhoumon emerald AE's "1.5-styled evolutions in a 1.8-styled typings" deal. The other was to have a hack to help newer players bridge the gap between the 1.5-based hacks, and the 1.8-based hacks/fangames. As such, it also features the 1.5 evolutions/1.8 typings system that AE had... kind of. As with any good hack, the Physical/special split has come along for the ride, along with most of the moves from 1.8 as well.

And of course, here are the lovely features that this hack brings to the table:
~Alternate evolutions! Expanding on AE's idea of the transcended puppets, every single puppet has one "Alt" form, which play very differently compared to their normal forms. They can be accessed by using a mystery shard on a puppet's middle evolution stage. Almost every puppet has an Alt form, and most of the exceptions don't even have Ex forms. Even minor characters like shizuha and meira get Alts! There are five mystery shards during the main game, and more can be bought during the postgame. Some puppets also have other forms, such as advent and PC98 forms.
~Your starters this time around are mostly 1.5 starters, with Reimu and Marisa reprising their roles; but Sakuya has been replaced with Kokoro in order to form a Faith/Reason/Heart triangle. Thankfully, unlike vanilla 1.5, the game dosen't drastically favor one starter over the other, so feel free to pick whichever starter you want.
~The scripts have been edited heavily, so NPC's only mention pokemon when it's contextually appropriate. Otherwise they'll refer to puppets and touhou-ish things. Additionally, some very important scripts like move descriptions, pokedex entries, and even the type chart have been edited to be fully accurate. There have also been mass decapitalizations, so NPC's no longer shout their important lines at you.
~The type chart has been edited from the 1.8 chart to bring three new types to the table! The first is wind, which is now separated from both electric and flying. The second is fairy, brought over from Kalos and modified to fit Touhou's fairies a bit better. the final type is dragon, carried over from 1.5 and is just as rare as it was back then.
~New gym leaders! While their personalities are nothing exciting, They provide for a fresh Kanto experience as you have to deal with whole new gym types. Giovanni is still around doing his earthly thing, however, and there are reports that Sabrina is still somewhere in the region.
~New puppets! Many puppets have been added into the game compared to 1.5 vanilla, such as every puppet added from UFO to DDC, as well as a few other puppets such as Rinnosuke and the Watasuki sisters. All of these puppets, along with the PC98 puppets, are available in the maingame.
~Tasteful difficulty! Like touhoumon purple version, gym leaders and important trainers in this game focus more on playing puppets to their strengths, as opposed to overwhelming you with bloated BST's or throwing out puppets that don't share the gym type at you. While this hack isn't as hard as purple, it's about on-par with some of the harder pokemon games. Well, the post-game kinda goes a bit nuts with the difficulty, but it should be nothing that you can't handle by that point. A hard mode patch is also included if you feel like the main patch just isn't challenging enough.
~Reusable TMs! Just like the later pokemon gens, TMs can now be used as much as you like. Feel free to add a bit of diversity into your movesets without having to worry about losing a TM forever!
~Help is in the zip! Various files have been included to make your life easier as a player. These files contain things like wild locations, trainer levels and type specialties, and even a list of the fully evolved puppets in the game and their stats!

Of course, while these features are nice, they are just empty bluster without any proof to back them up, so here's a picdump to prove that I can hack a 10-year-old game.

The hack can be downloaded Right here
The current version is what can best be described as an "unstable, but finished release", but there will be bugfix patches in the future in case some major bugs get discovered, as well as some new mode patches to create a more varied experience.
Older versions for anyone who's interested:
Thanks goes out to...
Game Freak, for creating pokemon. Without them, we wouldn't even have this series in the first place!
And on that note, Hemoglobin1AC, for starting touhou puppet play in the first place.
ZUN, for creating touhou. Without him, we wouldn't have a fantastic shooting series with fantastic characters.
Lobsterhime, since I did use his english port of 1.5 as a base.
ExSariel and Agastya, for creating Touhoumon Emerald AE, as well as being cool in general.
DosentKnowHowToPlay, for helping me out with a lot of hex-related things. His physical-special split patch is also used in this hack, as is his IV viewing patch.
Spyro, for providing a few backsprites.
SoulfulLex, for providing ideas for a lot of the extended attacks.
The rest of the Touhoumon shoddy chat for "helping" me out with a few ideas and providing a few suggestions.
The waflas station wagon, for helping out with the playtesting.
Gamer2020 and 0xRH for creating GBA pokemon game editor, which greatly simplified the editing required
HackMew, thethethethe, denopqrihg, ZodiacDaGreat, mewthree9000, Darthatron, LU-HO, loadingNOW, linkandzelda, userpr, Jambo51, JPAN, Kawa; all for contributing to the GBA pokemon game editor
Bulbapedia, for providing useful information during the hacking process.
Tohofes, for providing some of the alt form sprites, as well as some of the sprites used in the 1.8 sprite patch.

Some issues with the hack, color coded by how much they impact the game:
The E4 showdown pictures show the wrong sprites.
All of the out-of-dex puppets share cries with AltAlice
The postgame only has been edited to include the extended puppets on hard mode, so nobody uses any of the new puppets in the postgame of the main patch.
Some of the egg moves are still normal pokemon egg moves.
CMarisa has no cry. Her evolved forms have their proper cries but hers is just silence for some reason I can't figure out.
The sprites during the credits are also mostly wrong/glitched.
The sprites from the intro have the wrong palettes.
The pokedex is somewhat glitchy. Entries are unlocked almost at random and looking at one glitch entry at the end of the dex will crash the game.
The cable center on 4 island may or may not let you leave when you are done. I'd save before entering myself.
Eggs crash the game when viewed in the party. They can be dispensed in the PC, and hatch normally. The Kin Island Egg Shop and the four island daycare have been blocked off until this glitch can be fixed, so eggs are unobtainable in the current version.
The current version still needs to be edited a bit (mainly for the Kusanagi fix as well as potential future ability changes) so please report any bugs you find while playing.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2017, 07:02:02 PM by Neotornado »

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Offline joshcja

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2014, 02:00:34 PM »
Nifty idea I'll give it a try

Offline andaltmorf

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2014, 10:47:10 PM »
Giving it a shot. Got a Sassy Suika for a starter, so things already look entertaining. I just hate how 'late' you get the Running Shoes in FR/LG compared to in RSE. I can deal though.
Momiji is a Tengu guard.
Aya is a Tengu civilian.
Guards protect civilians because they're stronger than the civilians, right?

Offline Wrulfang

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2014, 09:52:15 PM »
Will try after I finish doing somethings on the purple frontier.

Did you had enough spaces for TD and DDC cast, or it is only up to ufo? I know the 2 sprite limitations of TD and DDC, but I think it would be cool.

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2014, 02:14:23 AM »
Only up to UFO, sadly. (double spoiler, technically. Hatate's here.) Mainly due to the pokedex limit. I'm sure I could find more sprites for the TD/DDC cast on pixiv/toufools (or however you spell that website) I'm considering tinkering around with that in the future though.

As for the running shoes, that's also a thing to look into. I can probably make the old cirno man give them to you. (he gives a lava cookie in the current version.)

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Offline chaosakita

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2014, 01:12:53 AM »
Only up to UFO, sadly. (double spoiler, technically. Hatate's here.) Mainly due to the pokedex limit. I'm sure I could find more sprites for the TD/DDC cast on pixiv/toufools (or however you spell that website) I'm considering tinkering around with that in the future though.

As for the running shoes, that's also a thing to look into. I can probably make the old cirno man give them to you. (he gives a lava cookie in the current version.)

Have you thought about expanding the Pokedex? There are tools out there that will allow you to increase the number of Pokemon in the game.

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2014, 01:20:10 AM »
Funny thing, I have the tool required to expand the dex and I'm currently tinkering around with it. Even so, Kokoro would be top priority to add in. probably as a heart/steel-type. (I don't know where her ghost-typing on the shoddy server came from, with the possible exception of a "all Tsukumogami must be part ghost-type" mentality) After that would be TD/DDC, and after that, adding tori and evil eye/midboss mirrors. (and possibly noroiko and the PC98 midboss with the awkward name)

The main barrier to it would be me not understanding hex enough to insert them onto a trainer and as wild encounters. but I'm pretty sure that I can figure them both out. (okay, I might need help on the latter.)
There's also the option to just move some of the alts into the expanded slots, which should work out fairly nicely for the wild encounters. (but it still leaves the trainer issue, but I think the hex for it should be easy to understand.)

Okay, I'll make a list of the puppets I'm able to find 4 sprites for. I'll probably have to scratch the menu sprites, though.
After an extensive search, the puppets I couldn't find four sprites for are...
And Kokoro (her pallet is a nightmare to work with)
if anyone wants to help me find sprites for the puppets I couldn't find sprites for, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Other changes I have in mind besides the pokedex expansion include changing the title screen, and changing alt meira's stat spread. (since it's a bit too much like regular ExMeira at the moment)

*edited again* Updated the list! Still missing a few sprites, though.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 08:26:11 PM by Neotornado »

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Offline Spyro

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2014, 12:56:53 AM »
A word of advice, don't expand the dex until you know for absolute certain how many Puppets you're going to add in, as expanding more than once in a rom
is usually impossible, and when it is, causes problems.

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2014, 02:39:44 PM »
I added about 20 more puppets then I needed, actually, which should free up space in case I need to add more.
Either way, still looking for sprites for kyouko, yoshika, seiga, tojiko, Seija (no offense, but the shoddy sprite's kinda crap.) and kokoro (well, insertable in her case. most of the ones I found for her had way too many colors for the 16 color pallet)

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Offline Spyro

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2014, 08:17:43 PM »
I'll be adding 2 Kokoro forms into a ROM of my own pretty soon, so I'll be touching up the palette so it is 16 colors. When I do, I'll post it here and you can use it. :)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 08:19:14 PM by Spyro »

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2014, 09:44:45 PM »
That would be very useful! I touched up a few pallets myself, actually, I might as well post them in the sprite thread.

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Offline Wrulfang

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2014, 08:42:34 PM »
Do you know any tool witch I can see if a move is phisical or special?

There are some new moves I'm still curius about if they're phisical or special

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2014, 04:35:38 AM »
I generally use the attack editor included in PGE. (pokemon game editor, link below) it tells you whether an attack is physical, special, or a status move. I'll probably add a bit onto the move descriptions to indicate whether it's physical or special in the next update. (since I can't figure out how those physical/special icons work at the moment)

The TDDC update is still in active development, if anyone's curious about it.

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Offline Wrulfang

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2014, 10:02:29 PM »
And about the moves, some have a weird yellow arrow and misses like half of the move description.

Well, I finnally got the lucky egg, I shall continue playing. So much time without playing old themed hacks I forgot how much I get sick of lunate elf and doll judgement arranges.

Anyway, the move tutors I've seen are like vanilla fire red, or can somehow teached to more than one puppet?

I got a quiet yuka and strawberry cross looks sooo temping...

Offline Neotornado

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Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2014, 02:18:19 AM »
Yeah, that's mainly just a silly glitch. thankfully it's easily fixable. (what moves are affected by it at the moment?)
Most of the move tutors are gone, with the exception of the substitute tutor. (which functions like it does in FR/LG) The move tutor is more-or-less the move relearner, who is located in celadon. (requires surf)

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