WaterAbility: Water Absorb
Hp: 90
Atk: 50
Def: 80
Spatk: 80
Spdef: 120
Spd: 60
Star Sapphire, the myth, the legend, the hero of her time, the great muse of touhoumon memes, and a pretty awesome puppet. She who stands fast against the dark titans of the touhoumon metagame despite her place in the first forest of every damn rom hack and makes the impossible possible. She of get the damn point, Star is both cute and and awesome utility puppet bulky attacker and general all around bulky thing. With 3 resists an immunity and only 2 weaknesses in addition to her hefty 90/80/120 bulk, reliable recovery in recover plus a hugenormous support move pool, and a nifty stab combination alongside a respectable base 80 spatk Star is the full package. Hard to kill, hard to stop, hits hard, checks a huge portion of the metagame. Niftymon.
Nasty Pass/Drypass WallStar Sapphire @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 248 HP/128 SpAtk/132 SpDef
Sassy nature (+SpDef,-Spd)
- Baton Pass
- Recover
- Hydro Pump
- Nasty Plot/Giga Drain/Jamming/Encore
With the given Ev's Star Sapphire can avoid the 2 hit KO from any unboosted neutral special attack short of APatchou and AUtsuho fire blasts allowing her to play special wall on the switch in and then heal up, dry pass for momentum, or send the boost of your choice to any other mon on your team to setup a sweep. A negative speed nature allows safer passing while the 128 Spatk allow star to always break standard SubPunch Sara's subs. For the 4th moveslot your given a choice of Giga drain (Counter TToyo completely), Nasty plot (Give this to a fast special attacker and watch the bodies fall), and Jamming (Trap killing is fun!) so just pick what your team needs.
Bulky BoosterStar Sapphire @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 244 HP/168 Spd/96 SpDef
Calm nature (+SpDef,-Atk)
- Giga Drain
- Ice beam
- Nasty Plot
- Recover
Rather than passing on the boosts this set seeks to simply use star's amazing bulk to set up a boost or 2 and blast away at the opponents team until nothing is left. 168 speed allows you to outrun neutral nature base 80's with only 4 ev's in speed while the hp/Spdef spread aims to maximize special bulk. Giga Drain is Stab and a nice recovery option, Ice beam fleshes out the Nature/Ice coverage combination, Nasty plot is your boosting move of choice and Recover is recovery.
Support: Miasma and flying hurt Star, steel types resist both, BFF's forever! The bulky boosting set loves para/speed passing support due to its low speed making things like DKeine and Sanae wonderful partners. Oh and obviously something to pass to if your running B pass.
Options: You can try to run a full wall set however D Kayuga honestly does that better, though Star does have access to encore if your team really needs that. Star can run a pretty wicked Sub CM set however its better used on her Helper form. Past that mana burst is viable if only because Miasma types looove to come in on starand hypnosis is useable if your into gambling.
Counters: Miasma types and physical flying types both give Star no end of trouble due to her low speed, SMedicine, Nue, Aya, and Yoshika in particular can swap into Star all day and force her out with ease. Past that physical sweepers that resist Stars dual stab such as Kasen can easily swap in and set up on her non pass sets while bulky phasers such as Sariel and Dhatate can send Star away to deal with later.