Author Topic: gen 5 ou team  (Read 7719 times)

Offline Doesnt

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gen 5 ou team
« on: April 03, 2014, 04:36:30 AM »
I really need an excuse to build an actual proper team so I'm throwing this embarrassment that still gets used out in the open. I imagine everyone already knows how it works but now there's no excuses.

Scizor (Speed Yamame) (M) @ Lum (All) Berry
Ability: Infectious
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd,-SpAtk)
- Baton Pass
- Earthquake
- Poison Jab
- Spikes

Offensive spiker lead. Not the standard SYam set, but Spikes are helpful and she lets me pick on Mamizou leads, which were common at the time. SYams also bluffs TWPass merely by existing which is nice and tends to make the opponent scramble. She's also my only source of Miasma though so I tend to play cautiously with her- don't go for Spikes unless things take a turn for the stally.


Latios (Advent Yukari) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Advent
EVs: 252 HP/4 Spd/252 SpAtk
Modest nature (+SpAtk,-Atk)
- Energy Ball
- Mana Burst
- Nasty Plot
- Whirlwind

I don't even know what this was for so I'm not going to pretend I know. Modest STAB Energy Ball does more damage when it actually hits than some people might expect though, and her bulk helps stop the papery team from getting swept sometimes. EBall + Mana Burst is used for near-perfect neutral coverage, Nasty Plot is to (fail at) wrecking bulky stuff- DMeteor is absent because it's frankly terrible.


Breloom (Akyuu) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Focus
EVs: 252 HP/4 Def/252 Spd
Timid nature (+Spd,-Atk)
- Baton Pass
- Sakuya's World
- Sleep Powder
- Substitute

Double Powder Akyuu, the centerpiece of the team. Both Sleep and Freeze have a very real chance of lasting long enough to safely get a Sub to AdYukari or AFlandre, which greatly eases the pain that is their inability to aim.


Black Kyurem (Attack Flandre) (M) @ Mistress Outfit (Dark)
Ability: Hustle
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd,-SpAtk)
- Poison Jab
- Steel Wing
- Strength
- Thrash

I still don't know how you lot haven't banned this yet but I'm perfectly okay with it. I noticed that Sub users tend to make AFlan cry, but the same principle works in reverse- AFlan's tendency to miss becomes a lot more tolerable when you have a buffer in front of you, and it lets her neatly remove her own checks as the foe has to send their faster mons in first.


Terrakion (Youki) (M) @ Lum (All) Berry
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd,-SpAtk)
- Blade Flash
- Draw The Line
- Shadow Hit
- Swords Dance

SYams isn't very reliable as a fastmon or a cleaner so Youki is here. Blade Flash was for SAya originally (har) but it's the only priority on the team so drop it at your risk. Youki's STABs are fairly good for clearing out weakened teams and forcing stuff to switch, hopefully to Akyuu-bait- he also comes in nicely against many Steel attacks aimed at Flan.


Celebi (Defense Kaguya) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 Def/252 SpAtk/252 SpDef
Modest nature (+SpAtk,-Atk)
- Giga Drain
- Hydro Cannon
- Ice Beam
- Recover

The most unfair defensive backbone I could find for the team while maintaining an offensive presence. I don't know why the EVs are like that either.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 12:46:08 PM by Doesnt »
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Offline joshcja

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Re: gen 5 ou team
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2014, 03:02:53 PM »
No politoed, obv not gen 5 Ou >_>

Fun trivia about this team~

AFlan became strength instead of superpower after a burned lily white happened.

How to counter this team~

4 attacks Yumeko
« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 03:13:03 PM by joshcja »

Offline Bea

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Re: gen 5 ou team
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2014, 03:51:06 PM »
Don't you just have to switch out after being statused by Akyuu, let her sub, then attack her on the turn she BPasses? Or you could switch to a phazer and make the sub's HP be wasted altogether...

AFlan isn't particularly hard to counter imo, you just have to be faster than her... she is very scary indeed, but she's far from uncounterable, which is why she isn't banned, I think. In fact, she isn't even S-rank, is she?

I don't really understand the role of BPass in SYam. Is it just to escape Pursuit, or is it so that you can bluff with it instead of switching, then switch back later while the opponent thinks "omg she has tw!!!"? (I think that's actually a nice plan)

Offline joshcja

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Re: gen 5 ou team
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2014, 10:28:21 PM »

AFlan isn't particularly hard to counter imo, you just have to be faster than her... she is very scary indeed, but she's far from uncounterable, which is why she isn't banned, I think. In fact, she isn't even S-rank, is she?

Counters have to be able to swap in, AFlan has like a handful of BAD counters and yumeko. The only reason she's not Uber is cause super easy revenge kill with a resisted pursuit. That sad she's not S because she has 1 real set and is predictable and frail.

Offline Bea

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Re: gen 5 ou team
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2014, 02:49:06 AM »

AFlan isn't particularly hard to counter imo, you just have to be faster than her... she is very scary indeed, but she's far from uncounterable, which is why she isn't banned, I think. In fact, she isn't even S-rank, is she?

Counters have to be able to swap in, AFlan has like a handful of BAD counters and yumeko. The only reason she's not Uber is cause super easy revenge kill with a resisted pursuit. That sad she's not S because she has 1 real set and is predictable and frail.

The opponent has to be able to get AFlan safely in return, which isn't very easy either. Countering her might only be slightly harder than getting her not to be countered herself, I think.

Depending on the enemy and circunstances, you can probably predict with some safety a Thrash or coverage move... heck, you can even get something like Youki or SYoumu in on her with good prediction... which, in turn, will likely force her out, giving you either a free jab or a turn for setting up.

I'm aware it's not that easy in a real match: I'm just saying it's more than possible to counter AFlan with the right thinking, even if you don't have a hard counter such as Yumeko.

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Re: gen 5 ou team
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2014, 05:18:59 AM »
The opponent has to be able to get AFlan safely in return, which isn't very easy either. Countering her might only be slightly harder than getting her not to be countered herself, I think.

Depending on the enemy and circunstances, you can probably predict with some safety a Thrash or coverage move... heck, you can even get something like Youki or SYoumu in on her with good prediction... which, in turn, will likely force her out, giving you either a free jab or a turn for setting up.

I'm aware it's not that easy in a real match: I'm just saying it's more than possible to counter AFlan with the right thinking, even if you don't have a hard counter such as Yumeko.

That kinda comes under the heading of AFlan is predictable and frail. Not entirely certain how agreeing with me is a counterargument @_@.

I can agree with Doesnt that outside of top tier play the threat of AFlan is an UNGODLY weapon when supported correctly and she WOULD be one of the first things banned with a larger community if only because omgstronkIlose2banplz spam from mediocre players. I pretty much just havent S Tiered her or joined the banwagon because snobbery.

Offline Doesnt

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Re: gen 5 ou team
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2014, 02:47:50 PM »
Dry pass on Speed Yams is purely for momentum- half the team only functions if it gets a free switch-in, remember.

With regards to dual powder I encourage you to think about Akyuu's moveset a little harder- if the foe just switches out after getting status'd then something else eats the other status, and in my book Akyuu getting both statuses off counts as doing her job.

The REAL problem with Akyuu is that the meta has an ungodly amount of Natural Cure spam atm. I would not seriously use this team anymore, it's dated as hell.
i accidentally deleted your avatar so have 90 stars instead ~agastya

Offline joshcja

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Re: gen 5 ou team
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2014, 06:04:10 PM »
Dry pass on Speed Yams is purely for momentum- half the team only functions if it gets a free switch-in, remember.

With regards to dual powder I encourage you to think about Akyuu's moveset a little harder- if the foe just switches out after getting status'd then something else eats the other status, and in my book Akyuu getting both statuses off counts as doing her job.

The REAL problem with Akyuu is that the meta has an ungodly amount of Natural Cure spam atm. I would not seriously use this team anymore, it's dated as hell.

Touhoumon 2, Battle of the immortals!

(Srsly tho nat cure 2 stronk)

Offline Bea

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Re: gen 5 ou team
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2014, 12:16:32 AM »
Dry pass on Speed Yams is purely for momentum- half the team only functions if it gets a free switch-in, remember.

With regards to dual powder I encourage you to think about Akyuu's moveset a little harder- if the foe just switches out after getting status'd then something else eats the other status, and in my book Akyuu getting both statuses off counts as doing her job.

The REAL problem with Akyuu is that the meta has an ungodly amount of Natural Cure spam atm. I would not seriously use this team anymore, it's dated as hell.
Drypass on such a fast mon is a little... odd? I've never seen it being done, but maybe it works if you're running her on the lead spot. That's why I thought it was normal BPass instead of drypass.

If I'm not running a consistent cleric on the team, then said team is likely heavy either on Lums, Natural Cure... heck, even Sleep Talk. That's why I mentioned Akyuu getting both statuses off as not being such a game-changing problem - and, as you mentioned, it's also not as easy as in theory.

That kinda comes under the heading of AFlan is predictable and frail. Not entirely certain how agreeing with me is a counterargument @_@.

I can agree with Doesnt that outside of top tier play the threat of AFlan is an UNGODLY weapon when supported correctly and she WOULD be one of the first things banned with a larger community if only because omgstronkIlose2banplz spam from mediocre players. I pretty much just havent S Tiered her or joined the banwagon because snobbery.
But I didn't intend to make a counterargument... I'm just stressing the point that I don't think AFlan is worthy of S-rank at all, much less ubers.