Advent ReisenType:
AdventBase Stats:HP: 70
Atk: 70
Def: 50
Spd: 130
SpAtk: 120
SpDef: 90
OverviewAdvent Reisen is easily one of the fastest, most useful, and most dangerous of Special Sweepers that reside in this game. Her speed is nearly unrivaled, only out-sped by Youki, Lyrica, Advent Marisa, Speed Aya, Lily Black, and the notorious Mimi-chan. She also speed ties with only 8 other puppets, so it's easy to bank on if you don't know your speed tiers for example. Her 120 base Special Attack gives her attacks quite the punch, even more so with the Blazer or the Witch Costume. Unfortunately for Advent Reisen, it should be noted that she is the definition of "Glass Cannon." She may have no weaknesses, but she still won't be taking many Physical hits with a base Defense stat of 50, making the ever-so common Rock Bullet and Blade Flash quite a problem for her. And with only two resistances, it is very hard for Advent Reisen to find opportunities to switch in. For this reason, Advent Reisen is used the majority of the time as a Revenge Killer; used to eliminate something, and then proceed to get the hell out. Due to her Advent ability making her immune to secondary effects, she can also function as a decent anti-lead; being immune to the secondary effects of attacks like Fake Out and Spider Web allows her to render some lead puppets useless. Yamame is one example, who if fully invested in SDEF and HP, is cleanly 2HKOed by a Witch Costume Mana Burst while Yamame is rendered helpless. Use her in the proper fashion, and she shall not disappoint.
Substitute + 3 Attacks-Substitute
-Luster Purge/Mana Burst
-Signal Beam
-Energy Ball/Poison Bomb
Item: Witch Costume/Blazer
Nature: Timid (+Spe,-Atk)
Ability: Advent
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spe/252 SpAtk
Substitute is a wonderful move to have at your disposal if you actually manage to get Advent Reisen in on an opponent that will probably be forced to switch out. Luster Purge is the most powerful move that Advent Reisen has at her disposal, but Mana Burst can be used in place if you dislike the accuracy on Luster Purge. Signal Beam is her secondary STAB attack, and hits harder than her other options. The last attack is up to choice. There are obviously more options than the two listed, but I see these used more often and to a greater effect. Poison Bomb kills Helper Star, and 2HKOes even a maximally invested regular Star Sapphire and Defense Kaguya, as well as hitting Water and Nature types in general for more damage than any of your STAB attacks (and meets the power of a STAB Luster Purge). Energy Ball is a huge gamble, but it hurts the more threatening Steel and Heart types that would otherwise have a chance against you.
All out Revenge Killer-Luster Purge/Mana Burst
-Signal Beam
-Poison Bomb
-Energy Ball
Item: Witch Costume/Blazer
Nature: Timid (+Spe,-Atk)
Ability: Advent
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spe/252 SpAtk
Similar to the above set, however this one relinquishes substitute for a deadly, 4 attack coverage setup. Never again will you say "Man, I wish I picked Energy Ball instead of Poison Bomb." Keep in mind that if you use this set improperly, then she will not live as long as you had hoped.
-Luster Purge/Mana Burst
-Signal Beam
-Energy Ball/Poison Bomb
Item: Witch Costume/Blazer
Nature: Timid (+Spe,-Atk)
Ability: Advent
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spe/252 SpAtk
This is literally the same thing as the first set, except Hypnosis is in place of Substitute. When faced against a lead puppet that you think will try to set up Spikes or something, you can (try to) put them to sleep then/or attack or send in something more useful. Alternatively, if your opponent is a more offensive based puppet, you can decimate them with the appropriate move; the only problem with this is that if there is no appropriate move at Advent Reisen's disposal, then you are either forced to gamble on the sleep, or be forced to switch out. If your opponent leads off with Youki, then I apologize in advance for making you ever consider a set like this.
Other OptionsDream Eater, Ice Beam, and Giga Drain. There are probably better users of these moves, but I suppose it's all up to preference and what your team's desires are. There's also Gale to finish things off at low HP like Lily Black, Lyrica, Chen, and Speed Rin, but its usefulness ends there as it is not very strong, and you're going to out-speed a good portion of the metagame anyway assuming nothing has set up a Tailwind.
CountersDue to Advent Reisen's low defenses, she is extremely vulnerable to priority moves. Most users of STAB Rock bullet, Extremespeed and Blade Flash will probably give her quite a bit of trouble.
Other than that, assuming Advent Reisen is carrying Energy Ball, then her neutral coverage is pretty much perfect, which means that switching something in on Advent Reisen is usually a very bad idea. Hell, even Advent Alice can only sponge two Energy Balls after switching in on her (although you could hope one of them misses, then proceed to start stacking up Calm Minds, and should you choose to go down that path, then I wish you good luck). Still, you need to know what the Advent Reisen is planning to use before deciding to switch in, and even then, you'll more than likely not out-speed it. Youki probably stands the best chance, who when switching in on a predicted Luster Purge or Mana Burst, can out-speed and OHKO Advent Reisen with a Maid's Outfit-boosted Drawn Line. In second place, Defense Daiyousei due to her immense special bulk; while she has a hard time dealing damage back to her, she can paralyze her and stall with Wish/Detect. Standing in my personal third place for Advent Reisen just so happens to be an Adamant Advent Meiling, who when invested in HP can switch in on any one of her moves bar Luster Purge, and OHKO back with a China Dress-boosted Strength or Vital Throw. Lyrica is another puppet that out-speeds Advent Reisen, however, she can only 2HKO Advent Reisen with Hyper Voice, and (assuming I have my calculations right) will absolutely not brave a predicted Signal Beam followed up by a Mana Burst or a Luster Purge. In all honesty though, Physical attackers have a better chance to eliminate Advent Reisen. An Adamant Attack Lily White can OHKO Advent Reisen with Body Slam after Spikes Damage, but just like Lyrica, without HP investment, she cannot switch directly into Advent Reisen without losing enough of her health to place her within OHKO range of Energy Ball, further guaranteed by Spikes damage.
Note that it's much, much easier to Revenge Kill Advent Reisen. Stay tuned for the latest episode of "Everybody loves Mimi-chan".