Something I (and hopefully others) have been interested in as of late have been Double Battles. It's been around for a while, it has started being played by competitive communities recently (Smogon), and it is a nice change of pace from Singles. Puppets and strategies that see little use in Standard might really shine in Doubles. What I'm requesting here is a simple Doubles ladder/rule-set that we can click and enjoy, with a reset ban-list(?) bar the Cross puppets, and maybe some important bug fixes provided that they aren't too time consuming to fix (Guard is a big one, as is Lightningrod).
Of course, I'm talking as though Doubles hasn't been a thing since the server began. Doubles is there, but it's incomplete with certain things not working, some being a bigger deal than others:
-Cancel Button*****************
-Lightningrod (are there any other abilities besides this that don't exactly work?)
-New puppets are sent out immediately after a puppet faints or after a "Spread move" finishes hitting all targets.
-Hyper Voice? (How does it work on Shoddy?)
-Transform, Recollection, and Snatch might want to see a bit of use? Not sure about this either.
Would you play it? Support? Thoughts? Speculation? Theorymoning?