Author Topic: Waifu team advice  (Read 5798 times)

Offline andaltmorf

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Waifu team advice
« on: November 14, 2013, 05:54:36 PM »
I know everyone else is posting 'complete' teams, but I don't see anywhere else on the forum where advice for making a team would be made available.

To make it very simple, I have yet to complete the plot of Emerald since I keep derailing myself/starting over/losing my save/etc, and would like to plow through it with a 'Waifu Team', but I'd still like that team to be solid all-around, so it doesn't *all* have to be Waifus. Would just like advice/suggestions on how to balance a group of Waifus with other Touhous to make an acceptable team.

Ideally this would be a team without shard evo's, for ease of access throughout the plot.

Waifu List- Preferred puppets, team does not have to be made entirely of them, but would prefer at least three. Bolded puppets are particular favorites.

(I know several of them would do well in a sandstorm team, but have yet to make it work in the plot due to the one-sidedness of such teams.*coughTeamAquaspamssomanywaterypescough*)

Anti-Waifu List- Disliked/loathed/etc puppets, to be avoided in team creation. Bolded puppets are particularly disliked.
Shard Evo's in general
Anything with Hustle

Thank you for your time, and if this is the wrong part of the forum for such a request I apologize in advance. It can probably be moved by a mod or something. Would like to actually finish the game before attempting to delve into the metagame >.> I know anything can be done with enough grinding in-game, but I have always preferred a well-rounded team. I know a dedicated metagame forum is hardly the place to ask for such aid, but it's also probably the only place to find 'experts' on such a matter. In regards to previous attempts, the farthest I've gotten in the plot so far is the Weather Institute/Rival Battle immediately after Weather Institute. Thanks again.
Momiji is a Tengu guard.
Aya is a Tengu civilian.
Guards protect civilians because they're stronger than the civilians, right?

Offline DoctorShanks

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Re: Waifu team advice
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2013, 08:52:47 AM »
Momiji is available as soon as you get your Pokedex.
Parsee and Yuugi are available in Fiery Path.
Suika is in Mirage Tower.
Mokou isn't available until you get Surf.
Suwako isn't available until you get the Super Rod.

Tokiko is a pretty great bird that you can get early on. Kogasa can use Shadow Dive and Surf. Star Sapphire can take care of your waifu's weaknesses to Water.

Though, any combination of puppets can work well in-game. All puppets are viable. Hope this helped, but sorry if this wasn't the answer you were hoping for.

Offline andaltmorf

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Re: Waifu team advice
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2013, 09:11:05 AM »
I know where most/all of them are, I'm just not sure what would make for a well-rounded team. I've tried a Sandstorm team before with Suika up front all the time, with Yumeko, Yuugi, Meira and Momiji all set to wreck everything (Parsee was there because Waifu and Surf), but... Steel types are weak to Fire, Earth types are weak to Water, and Beast types are weak to both, and you face a *lot* of those types due to Team Aqua and Magma. So Sandstorm teams lack longevity through the plot.

Am not sure what makes Tokiko 'great' since I've never used her before, and have admittedly used the other two Light Fairies before but not Star (enjoying neither, I should mention), mostly due to Star's double-weakness to Miasma (Though Luna Child made Wattson a joke at one point). Have been leaning towards giving an Aya a shot for once, primarily since the various Aya forms get so much love/hate on this forum.

Really, locations aren't an issue so much as balance. I've regularly popped the locations .txt open and added in the local Touhous' EVs for grinding aid, but I'd hardly call it real EV grinding. I'd just like to avoid another one-sided tragedy like my attempted Sandstorm team.
Thanks for the reply!
Momiji is a Tengu guard.
Aya is a Tengu civilian.
Guards protect civilians because they're stronger than the civilians, right?

Offline joshcja

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Re: Waifu team advice
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2013, 08:28:17 PM »
I know where most/all of them are, I'm just not sure what would make for a well-rounded team. I've tried a Sandstorm team before with Suika up front all the time, with Yumeko, Yuugi, Meira and Momiji all set to wreck everything (Parsee was there because Waifu and Surf), but... Steel types are weak to Fire, Earth types are weak to Water, and Beast types are weak to both, and you face a *lot* of those types due to Team Aqua and Magma. So Sandstorm teams lack longevity through the plot.

Am not sure what makes Tokiko 'great' since I've never used her before, and have admittedly used the other two Light Fairies before but not Star (enjoying neither, I should mention), mostly due to Star's double-weakness to Miasma (Though Luna Child made Wattson a joke at one point). Have been leaning towards giving an Aya a shot for once, primarily since the various Aya forms get so much love/hate on this forum.

Really, locations aren't an issue so much as balance. I've regularly popped the locations .txt open and added in the local Touhous' EVs for grinding aid, but I'd hardly call it real EV grinding. I'd just like to avoid another one-sided tragedy like my attempted Sandstorm team.
Thanks for the reply!

I wound up making a SS team over the course of a nuzlocke once, my only no death attempt.

Offline DoctorShanks

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Re: Waifu team advice
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2013, 08:37:31 PM »
Tokiko is more of a defensive bird, and Attack Tokiko has stats on par with Mystia with slightly better stats, and has the added bonus of not being Mystia :). Aya usually takes a defensive role on the Simulators, while Tech and Speed Aya dish out damage. Speed Aya in particular out-speeds everything in the game and ties with Lily Black and Mimi-chan.

Star is incredibly good. Her pile of resistances (which includes all sandstorm types: Beast, Earth, and Steel) is well worth her weakness to Miasma, which is relatively easy to see coming. AStar can be used as a competent Waterfall user, while the other two forms are great with Giga Drain and Surf later on. It's not uncommon to hear of a Star surviving a Poison Bomb, and an HStar surviving a Poison Jab on occasion.

Just thought I'd add this little bit. Good luck.

Offline andaltmorf

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Re: Waifu team advice
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2013, 04:48:48 AM »
Alrighty, I'll give 'em a shot. Went with Alice as my starter, already got a Momiji, Tokiko, and a Star. If Tokiko doesn't work out I may switch to Aya, and will snag Parsee and either Yuugi or Suika once they're available.

Thanks for the advice.

One of these days I want to try one of those absurd 'Single Puppet' games, but Momiji *needs* backup, and Suwako is so very late-game... Ah well. That is for another day. For now, the grinding begins.
Momiji is a Tengu guard.
Aya is a Tengu civilian.
Guards protect civilians because they're stronger than the civilians, right?