In case anyone built a team on Shoddy 1, it's possible to port it to Shoddy 2 by simply loading it there; from there, you can re-save it on Shoddy 2 format and have it be analyzed by the
team analyzer, for example.
Just watch out for small compatibility issues: for example, the "None" option for Shoddy 1 items is different from Shoddy 2's, as well as the Swimsuit (it's called School Swimsuit in S1) and some moves, such as Dust Shoot/Gunk Shot.
If any of those issues are present, then the team won't load properly in Shoddy 2, and you have to go back to Shoddy 1 and change it there; the teambuilder should work even if the server isn't up.
(Also note that, while you can port from S1 to S2, you
can't directly port S2 teams to S1, but I don't think anyone wants to right now :< )