[6:30:09] @Doesnty:
http://pastebin.com/3MUXtzhs yaaaa
[6:31:49] Doesnty2 has left the channel.
[6:34:28] joshcja has left the channel.
[6:55:54] SoulfulLex has joined the channel.
[7:02:37] joshcja has joined the channel.
[7:02:56] joshcja: *saw what doesnt has wrought*
[7:05:12] @Doesnty: the encore priority bug?
[7:10:10] joshcja: Oh thats nothign new
[7:10:22] joshcja: more the playing vs yourself
[7:11:19] @Doesnty: reckless hjk mienshao is
[7:11:24] @Doesnty: fucking hilarious when it hits
[7:12:07] @Doesnty: granted i'm playing against randumbs that probably have crap IVs/EVs
[7:12:26] @Doesnty: but one-shotting a pidgeot without any boosting item is still funny
[7:12:54] joshcja: well its a neutral hit and pidgeot has pretty uhg bulk
[7:13:34] &EXSariel: man no one ever bothers reporting bugs normally, huh?
Encore-locked moves have zero priority regardless of what move the user is actually locked into.