Shoddy Battle 2 > Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion
cuz Shanks wanted a Bug Report thread
Go crazy.
Test stuff before posting it. If it crashes the server, do not test it repeatedly. Report it instead, ASAP.
Yes, yes, we know
These moves don't work
Lightningrod doesn't work
You cannot Skill Swap the Traunt ability
Solarbeam ololololol
Wait, what
Something about a Substitute's sprite remaining if the foe Explodes on them, even if the Sub is broken?
EXS Edit: If a bug has been fixed in this thread, I'm going to colorize it like this in the report it was posted in and I will colorize it like this if there's a problem with the report or the bug itself (not enough info, can't reproduce, unfixable, or working as intended) Also note that fixed bugs won't be live immediately most of the time.
Soundproof doesn't block Binding Voice.
Corpse Party used Binding Voice!
It's super effective!
Lyrica lost 384/292 (131%) of its health!
Lyrica fainted!
I'm absolutely positive I wasn't running Sand Veil. That is all.
EDIT: Re-tested. Screenie below. It happened when Lyrica was hit by Binding Voice and when she switched into it.
Drain moves restore HP based on how much damage they did total, even if the target has far less HP than their actual damage. Strict Damage clause won't stop this from happening, either.
Yuyuko used Giga Drain!
It's super effective!
Technical Toyohime lost 111/373 (29%) of its health!
Technical Toyohime fainted!
Yuyuko absorbed health!
Yuyuko regained 25/48 (52%) of its health!
@Irisorchid: healed 186
Okay, so apparently after all that testing, Guard Armor isn't the problem.
-Could be something with Tenma's Guard Armor?
-Something wrong with Psycho Boost?
-Broken damage variant?
Here's the first picture,
And here's the second one..
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