HeartAbility: Spring Charm
Hp: 120
Atk: 50
Spd: 60
THE GREAT WALLLilly White @ Leftovers
Ability: Spring Charm
Ev's: 80 Hp/252 Def/176 spdef
Nature: Sassy (+Spdef,-Spd)
-Body Slam/Heat Wave
That, Bulk, Son. The combination of an amazing mono-heart defensive typing 120/100/100 bulk and spring charm makes Lily White one of the most obnoxiously difficult walls in the game to break down. With the given EV's and a + SpDef nature Lily can soak all but the most powerful special attacks and roost off the damage like its nothing while spreading para, toxic, and burns around your opponents team, and once you soak up a nifty status effect she becomes a nigh impregnable physical wall. To put things in perspective a statused Lily white with the given spread can stall out even non banded AFlandre and AYuugi superpower hits. That's right, Stab/Hustle super effective 120 base move coming off of 165/170 base attack...cannot bring this monster down with spring charm up. Add in encore support and even powerful setup attackers packing super effective hits are no longer threatening. Body Slam Vs Heat Wave is a matter of checking Dark Alice better or hitting steels.
Options:Obviously Lily can shift her EV's to be fully physical or special or she can run Wish/Detect to provide better team support, however roost is generally better due to Lillys love of status moves. She can also run a Cress Style Rest talk + charge beam set or dual screens + status and recovery. Lilly does learn selfdestruct but....50 attack is 50 attack.
Support: Lily Loves to play lonely pivot for offensive teams with her massive mixed bulk and the momentum generating dynamo known as encore. Yumemi, T Byakuren, Sara, Youki, SYoumu, Ad Mokou, Lyrica, the Lily Black forms, and the Meiling forms can all swap in on encore locked resisted hits and freely set up while the great wall of Lily easily soaks reason, heart, ghost, and dark moves aimed their way.
Counters: While Lily may be a defensive behemoth she has the offensive presence of a wet paper bag. 50/50 Offensive stats make it quite easy to bring in absolutely thermonuclear attackers with either torrent/Blaze/Overgrow enabled or a choice item equipped to break through Lilly with ease ( A Patchy, A Utsuho, Banded A Flandre) while dedicated stall breakers also prey heavily on Lilly's pitiful offensive stats while taunting away her recovery (Nue).