BeastAbility: Natural Cure/Cute Charm
Hp: 80
Atk: 50
Def: 75
ATewi may have a semi awful mono-typing in beast she also comes with a truly fantastic move pool and solid stats allowing her to preform a variety of roles quite nicely. Yes... she is indeed a wascaly wabbit.
Offensive SpinnerATewi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
Ev's: 252 SpAtk/196 Spd/ Hp 60
Nature: Bold (+Def,-Atk)
-Rapid Spin
-Binding Voice
-Ice Beam/Energy Ball/Earth power
A Suwako is the premier spin blocker in touhoumon, the given EV's allow ATewi to outspeed even jolly + speed A Suwako by 1 point allowing for a 2 hit KO with earth power while always living Youki Battle chant. ATewi's modest bulk combined with natural cure + rest allow her to spin and then heal up to full while maintaining a very respectable offensive presence. Earth Power is your go to coverage move to pick off those annoying steels trying to block your spins while Ice beam + Binding voice offer almost perfect neutral coverage missing out on only Yumemi. Energy ball is an option if you really want to OHKO A Suwako, but I ask you, are you feeling lucky punk?
Offensive CMATewi @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
Ev's: 252 SpAtk/252 Spd/4 Hp
Nature: Timid (+Spd,-Atk)
-Calm Mind
-Binding Voice
-Ice Beam
-Rest/ Encore/Signal Beam
Again Binding Voice and Ice Beam provide near perfect coverage, Cm allows you to boost ATewi's already respectable 115 base special attack sky high. Rest can give ATewi multiple chances to set up while Signal Beam hits that annoying Yumemi, and a fast encore can create plenty of free turns for ATewi to boost up.
Sub/CmATewi @ Salac Berry (Female)
Ability: Cute Charm/Natural Cure
Ev's 252 SpAtk/ 172 Spd/ 84 Hp
Nature: Modest (+SpAtk, - Atk)
-Calm Mind
-Binding Voice
-Ice Beam
The given EV's allow ATewi to out speed even fully invested + speed base 140 puppets after salac berry while Ice Beam and Binding Voice show up yet again to provide solid coverage. Cute charm is really what gives ATewi a special niche as a Sub CMer allowing her to hax a few extra boosts off of a physical attacker in a desperate situation to get the sweep off.
Options: ATewi can run a pretty huge array of sets ranging from dedicated status inducer, to taunt lead, to 3 attacks + rest, to dedicated lure sets to enable an even more powerful sweeper.
Support: ATewi really needs good team mates to cover for her terribad defensive typing, flash fire and water absorb or just plain resistances to water, fire, and flying are quite nifty and quite needed. As always spikes are useful on the other side of the field to force a few more OHKO's.
Counters: Gonna divvy this up into Spinner VS CM cause it would get annoying otherwise
Offensive Spinner: Konngara can hard block A Tewi's spins all day long and tank anything ATewi can throw at her while A Komachi can force her out with her stupidly powerful aqua jets. Sans that not much can actually STOP A Tewi from spinning without risking instant death. Plus, with her ability to simply rest off damage your spinblocker will often die in vain, so I'll end the counter list here.
CM Tewi: Beast typing is a horrid defensive typing as long as ATewi doesn't have her nifty sub or a huge amount of Calm Minds under her belt just about any fire, water, or flying attack will force her out, AStar Sapphire gets special mention though as she takes neutral damage at worst from any and all of ATewi's attacks and can almost always kill both the CM and Sub CM sets with priority aqua jet.