Shoddy Battle 2 > Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion
Touhoumon Damage Calc
Doesnt: actual web-based calc because i'm lazy
So for a while, we'd been without a proper damage calculator- to my understanding most people were using either Marriland's old one or Honko's Pokemon-based calc.
Shai informed me that Manlycalc's source was publicly available by merit of it all being Javascript, so I decided to take a look at it and adjust it for Touhoumon. Unfortunately I do not know the first thing about web hosting, so you'll have to download it for now. It can be found here:
Wow, well done and thanks.
Any thoughts on fitting in the "standard" sets for newbies?
Hey, guess who does know the first thing about web hosting?
could use cleaning though [like not linking to the one vs alls, but ehhh]
> Page Title is still Honkalculator 4k
I think I'll polish this a little up later
--- Quote ---Any thoughts on fitting in the "standard" sets for newbies?
--- End quote ---
We've got get sets for every "standard suspect" out first. [Also inserting the Sets without a script is really annoying hnngh]
--- Quote ---Hey, guess who does know the first thing about web hosting?
--- End quote ---
> Calc instead of Hat_Calc
beggars can't be choosers I guess
--- Quote from: shai_LP on August 20, 2013, 12:06:16 AM ---
We've got get sets for every "standard suspect" out first. [Also inserting the Sets without a script is really annoying hnngh]
--- End quote ---
Got like...5 sets to post once the current things get un WIPed >_<
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