Author Topic: Yuki  (Read 7073 times)

Offline DoctorShanks

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« on: August 19, 2013, 03:06:25 AM »

Type: Fire
Abilities: Intimidate or Blaze
Base Stats
HP: 95
Atk: 80
Def: 30
SpAtk: 115
SpDef: 95
Spd: 110

Yuki has one job: to be one of the most dangerous and fear-inducing fire-type users in this game. While her Speed and Special Attack are noticeably lower compared to gems such as Speed Utsuho, and Speed Flandre, Yuki manages to carve herself a niche as being an incredibly destructive Anti-lead or revenge killer. But how does Yuki even manage to out-perform Speed Utsuho and Speed Flandre? Well, look no further than Eruption. That's right, Yuki is but one of the few puppets in the game with access to this all-powerful, devastatingly-destructive excuse for a move. At full health, Eruption has an astonishing base power of 150, which is the equivalent of 225 base power after the STAB bonus. And if you choose to run the Gothic Outfit on her, that's another 20% boost on top of that.

Yuki is not without her problems, however. Firstly, her move-pool is about as barren as her Fan-base. Secondly, her Defense stat leaves something to be desired. Unfortunately for Yuki, her base speed is an above-average-at-best 110, and while that's still an incredible number, she is outpaced by the enormous amount of base 120's that reside in this game. Lastly, Yuki desperately relies on her having full HP in order to perform to her maximum potential. Should you manage to play Yuki properly around her strengths and weaknesses, she will absolutely not disappoint you.

Yuki @ Salac Berry/Gothic Outfit
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SpAtk
Timid nature (+Spd,-Atk) / Modest nature (+SpAtk,-Atk)
- Eruption
- Flamethrower/Fire Blast
- Sunny Day
- Shadow Ball/Solarbeam

This set in particular has multiple functions. As previously mentioned, Eruption is incredibly destructive, so destructive that even puppets who normally resist Fire will feel the burn of a full-HP Eruption. The choice between Flamethrower and Fire Blast is up to whether you prefer more accuracy or power respectively. Sunny Day is a neat tool to have, even though Sunny Day+Solarbeam doesn't quite work yet in the simulator. Ideally, you would use Sunny Day when you manage to gain a free turn to use it, and depending on the match-up, you would throw off the appropriate move, or switch out to something else that can clear the target you're faced with (for Sunny-Beaming, knowing your opponent's team later in the game helps tremendously). Lastly, Shadow Ball is recommended in the last slot for now because Ghost-types are very common be in this game. Just note that a Sun/Blaze boosted Fire-type move is going to be more powerful than a Super-effective Shadow Ball assuming your opponent isn't named Attack Murasa.

It is important to keep in mind that Yuki's Eruption is only more powerful than Flamethrower at 200+ HP, and is only more powerful than Fire Blast at 266+ HP with this EV spread (332 HP). When playing around with Sunny Day, should you be forced to switch out in the face of a Water or Earth-type, Chlorophyll abusers such as Attack Minoriko or Technical Medicine make great team mates that can abuse the sunlight.

In regards to Nature, Ability, and Item choice, Timid is my recommendation to get all the pre-Salac speed she can get, but with Modest you can still out-speed base 95's that are fully invested in speed. Blaze is a no-brainer, as Yuki would be considered the worst Intimidator in this game due to her poor Defense stat. The Salac Berry seems to be the best item choice, as when the Salac Berry activates, then that means Blaze is active too. A Blaze-boosted Flamethrower in the sun is more powerful than Eruption itself, and a Blaze boosted Fire Blast without the sun is also more powerful than Eruption. Therefore, this Yuki build makes her dangerous whether she's at Full HP, or on her last legs.

Yuki @ Salac (Spe) Berry
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd,-SpAtk) / Adamant nature (+Atk,-SpAtk)
- Substitute
- Belly Drum
- Blaze Kick/Fire Punch
- Earthquake

This one is essentially the same thing as Bellyzard, only without the crippling weakness to that one entry hazard which just so happens to NOT be in this game. Due to the fact that only a fresh Yuki can ever dream to pull this off, she works well in the lead spot. However, if your opponent's lead is commonly known to carry Roar or Whirlwind, then Yuki is pretty much forced to switch out as she will be unable to complete the required set-up. Otherwise, get Yuki in on something that cannot attack, or on the Revenge Kill versus something that Yuki can out-pace. In a perfect world, Yuki sets up her substitute while taking no damage, and then sets up her Belly Drum on the turn where her Substitute is inevitably broken. If Yuki manages to pull that off, then her Attack stat skyrockets to 1036 (with a Jolly nature), and her Salac Berry and Blaze ability both activate simultaneously. If your opponent isn't packing Priority of any kind, then Yuki is free to go on her little rampage, sweeping through unprepared teams effortlessly. This Yuki usually ends up being Dead-weight if she fails her mission, only being able to revenge kill slower and weakened threats at best.

Other Options
She learns Roar, but there's no reason for her to run it, as she preys on puppets that don't pose a threat to her. Lava Plume has an increased Burn chance if you're into that sort of thing, but the power loss over Flamethrower or Fire Blast is noticeable after all of Yuki's Fire multipliers are in play. Dark Pulse is too weak for Yuki to make any use of; whatever it hits (for more damage than her Fire moves) is usually something she can't OHKO after Spikes, and is usually something you'll want to switch out of. While I haven't tested it yet, Quick Attack might be useful somewhere on the Belly Drum set to counter priority users (perhaps over Substitute?), but it's still incredibly weak, even at +6.

Yuki is similar to Speed Utsuho in the sense that they're both Fire-Types, have access to Blaze, and are both rather destructive. However, Speed Utsuho has more Speed and Special Attack, as well as a wider move-pool for coverage. If you're looking for something that's a little easier to use with arguably more reliability and is a bit less gimmicky, try out Speed Utsuho instead.

Team Options
Yuki loves her HP stat for both the Eruption and Belly Drum sets. As a result, Rapid Spin support is much appreciated. As previously mentioned, having a puppet in the back who can abuse the Sunlight in place of Yuki isn't a bad idea either. Just about any Chlorophyll puppet can fill this role, but I personally adore Attack Minoriko, Speed Shizuha, and Aki Sisters the most. If Yuki gets badly damaged or status'd before she completes her job, then she will really appreciate Clerical support to bounce back in. Luize, Advent Alice, or Technical Luna Child seem to fill the role of a Cleric rather nicely.

*At present, anything that normally fears Solarbeam from Yuki, one such example being Technical Toyohime, should really have nothing to worry about. As previously stated, SunnyBeam does not work in Shoddy at the moment. The worst thing that can happen is that Yuki predicts your switch and charges a Solarbeam in the process.

Not knowing which set Yuki is running can be fatal if Yuki is being played by skilled hands.

Fire is resisted by four Types: Faith, Water, Earth, and Fire itself. As a result, both sets are rather easily countered. However, Water and Earth-types that are predicted to come in might provoke the Eruption Yuki to preemptively set up a Sunny Day for the purpose of Solar Beam. Otherwise, puppets that resist or absorb Fire are generally complete stops to Yuki, and believe me, this list is long. Shingyoku-F and Sariel laugh off every single attack thrown at them, and each can use Yuki to set up Calm Minds. Tenma is a great counter in Ubers as she stops both sets cold with her typing and stats alone. Priority users in general shut down the Belly Drum set, as do users of Whirlwind or Roar.

Suggestions/improvements/criticism/nitpicking is appreciated
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 08:15:58 PM by DoctorShanks »

Offline joshcja

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Re: Yuki
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2014, 05:35:26 PM »
Yuki does get Sacredfire which 2 hit Ko's Sariel even when uninvested and snipes Tenma nicely on her drum set.

I actually had a lot of fun running mixed yuki with a set of Salac Eruption/Bdrum/SFire/Blaze kick Hasty 252 spatk/216 Spd/40 Atk.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 02:23:00 PM by joshcja »

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Re: Yuki
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2016, 07:09:56 AM »
Shingyoku-F and Sariel laugh off every single attack thrown at them, and each can use Yuki to set up Calm Minds.

Yuki @ Gothic Outfit (Fire)
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 4 Atk/252 Spd/252 SpAtk
Naive nature (+Spd,-SpDef)
- Eruption
- Fire Blast
- Heat Claw
- Substitute/Sunny Day

Fire+Beast still has trouble with some stuff (Tenma) but this piece of tech lets you horribly violate Faith-types, especially new counter Benben who otherwise just absorbs Shadow Ball. Blaze Fire Blast is also a big deal in its own right, hitting harder than full HP Eruption with a fair deal of consistency thanks to Substitute.
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Re: Yuki
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2016, 03:33:03 PM »
Shingyoku-F and Sariel laugh off every single attack thrown at them, and each can use Yuki to set up Calm Minds.

Yuki @ Gothic Outfit (Fire)
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 4 Atk/252 Spd/252 SpAtk
Naive nature (+Spd,-SpDef)
- Eruption
- Fire Blast
- Heat Claw
- Substitute/Sunny Day
FSR I really want to run this set.
If I may ask though, why Naive instead of Hasty?

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Re: Yuki
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2016, 03:51:21 AM »
I pretty much always run Naive instead of Hasty since it keeps your bulk against most priority intact. It's fairly minor for Yuki so run Hasty if you want.
i accidentally deleted your avatar so have 90 stars instead ~agastya

Offline joshcja

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Re: Yuki
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2016, 11:05:16 PM »
252+ Atk Wedding Dress Yorihime ExtremeSpeed vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Yuki: 259-305 (78.24 - 92.14%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Wedding Dress Yorihime ExtremeSpeed vs. 0 HP / 0- Def Yuki: 289-340 (87.31 - 102.71%) -- 18.75% chance to OHKO

Neutral def is actually super relevant on yuki, tanking wedding espeeds from base 115 or less into blaze range is a big deal.

That said...

252+ Atk Wedding Dress TByakuren ExtremeSpeed vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Yuki: 266-314 (80.36 - 94.86%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Spikes

120 plus kinda stops mattering
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 11:07:46 PM by joshcja »