Author Topic: Youki  (Read 9460 times)

Offline DoctorShanks

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« on: August 17, 2012, 10:50:44 PM »

Type: Steel/Ghost
Abilities: Inner Focus or Insomnia
Base Stats:
HP: 55
Atk: 135
Def: 85
Spd: 135
SpAtk: 60
SpDef: 70

Youki Konpaku, swordsmanship instructor for Youmu Konpaku, and half-living proof that Steel types are a huge threat in this metagame. Despite his age, his abilities as a Swordsman are top notch, reaching an astonishing 135 Base Attack and 135 Base Speed. With stats like that, it's no wonder that Youki is not so easily dealt with, and can dispose of teams that were foolish enough to not have an answer for Steel types. However, he is an old man, and as a result, his movepool suffered quite a bit over the years. Youki cannot use Hi Jump Kick like Youmu can, and the best STAB move at his disposal for his ghostly half has a pitiful 70 Base Power. Fortunately, his problems end there, and Youki has just about every move he needs to succeed and keep his spot near the top of the imaginary usage statistics.

-Battle Chant/Draw The Line
-Shadow Hit
-Brick Break
-Poison Jab/Heart Break/Blade Flash
Item: Special Bloomers/Choice Ribbon
Nature: Jolly (+Spe,-SpAtk)
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe

It took everything I had in me to resist naming this set something painfully different. Anyway, this sort of setup acts as a Hit-and-run revenge killer. With a Choice item and a Jolly nature, Youki reaches an astonishing 553 Attack and 405 Speed, outspeeding and punishing just about anything that isn't named Mimi-chan. Battle Chant eliminates pretty much anything that doesn't resist it, and comes with a wonderful passive 20% chance to raise attack by one stage. That's like saying, if you aren't packing a Steel Resist in general, then it's game over. A +1 choiced Battle Chant 2HKOes even the mighty Attack Suwako (though it's not something you'd want to stay in on if it's there for the Revenge Kill). If you dislike the 85 accuracy on Battle Chant, you can opt for the weaker but perfectly accurate Drawn Line. Shadow Hit is your secondary STAB move, and should only be opted for if it's going to hit for SE damage, or if your opponent resists Steel. Brick Break is for coverage against the Steel and Heart types that might attempt to give you trouble. The last slot is a tough choice; Poison Jab gets rid of the ever-so-common Star Sapphires and Defense Kaguyas, and all of the annoying water types that will try to wall kill you that aren't named Attack Komachi. Heart break on the other hand, combats opposing Dream types, however, it is only 10 BP stronger than a STAB Battle Chant when hitting Super effectively (being 40 BP stronger than a STAB Drawn Line is a bigger deal, though). While Youki might have the second highest Speed Stat in the game, Blade Flash might save you from a weakened foe that has previously set up a Tailwind.

Set-up Sweeper
-Tailwind/Swords Dance
-Battle Chant/Drawn The Line
-Shadow Hit
-Brick Break/Poison Jab/Heart Break/Blade Flash
Item: Maid Uniform/Lum Berry
Nature: Adamant (+Atk,-SpAtk)/Jolly (+Spe,-SpAtk)
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe

The idea with this is the same as with any other set-up sweeper: get him in safely, make sure it's still safe to power up, then if you're still alive, cut everything to pieces. After a Tailwind, your Attack and Speed stats reach 553 and 607 respectively as a Jolly nature, and vice versa if running an Adamant nature. If Swords Dance is opted for instead, then a Jolly nature is suggested to keep your sky-high Speed stat. After a Swords Dance, Youki's attack reaches a dangerous 738. Couple an Attack stat of 738 with a Speed stat of 405, and you've got a force to be reckoned with. Still alive? Now pick the most appropriate move and hope for the best.

Your choice of item depends on whether or not you're paranoid of being burned/paralyzed vs more cleaving power. You should note that Youki is immune to sleep, so he is immune to two status aliments already.

Tail Dance
-Swords Dance
-Battle Chant/Draw The Line
-Shadow Hit
Item: Maid Uniform/Lum Berry
Nature: Adamant (+Atk,-SpAtk)/Jolly (+Spe,-SpAtk)
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe

Movepool? What are you talking about? This set attempts to utilize both Tailwind and Swords Dance, and hit hard with both of his STAB moves. You'll be sacraficing coverage, but there are very few puppets in the game that resist the Steel/Ghost combination.

Other Options
Youki has access to Taunt and Substitute, the latter of which can be used in conjunction with something like Tailwind to provide a safer opportunity to set up. Another move worthy of note is Spikes, but there are other, better puppets that can set them up. Pursuit is pretty cool, but if you're looking for a Pursuit trapper with a godly Steel type move, use Yumeko instead.

The only puppets that resist the half-decent STAB combination of Youki are Ruukoto, the Momiji forms, and the Rin forms. Ruukoto has non-existant physical defense, and is 4x weak to Brick Break, so she's out of the question. Momiji, on the other hand, is a terrific counter to Youki; she switch in and force an attack drop on Youki while resisting Battle Chant AND Shadow Hit. Momiji can then take a Super-effective Brick Break to the face (even with Spikes, but only once), then OHKO back with Crunch or even Earthquake ("&Agastya: Crunch would probably be safer"). Rin is another surefire counter to Youki. Like Momiji, Rin also has Intimidate, and therefore takes miniscule damage from Youki's assaults, even if he has Tailwind up. Rin can then proceed to vaporize Youki with Flare Blitz, or Fire Punch after Spikes damage. The stone evolutions of the two puppets mentioned don't stand the same kind of chance since they all miss out on Intimidate. Defense Momiji cannot outspeed a Jolly Youki even after she uses Tailwind, and will not survive two Brick Breaks to the face after Spikes damage. Attack and Speed Rin have less than amazing Physical Defense stats; those two will not survive two +1 Drawn Lines, and rarely (never with Spikes) will they survive a +0 Drawn Line followed up by a Brick Break/Poison Jab. If Attack or Speed Rin make it out alive, they will escape with huge cuts and bruises, leaving them in rage of being KOed by Priority anyway.

As for other counters, you'll probably want to look at things that resist Steel type attacks first. The big bad Tensoku can wall Youki to hell and back with or without a good Defensive investment. Mimi-chan is faster and, like Tensoku, has a 4x resistance to Steel-type moves, but if Mimi-chan switches in on a Tailwind, you can say good-bye to your favorite ICBM, and quite possibly your whole team. It's also best to keep in mind that Youki is weak to Earth type moves, so finishing him off with Rock Bullet isn't a bad idea either;a couple of popular users of this move are Speed Yamame and the Tenshi forms. Quite a few Earth types in general give Youki quite a hard time: Attack Kaguya, Attack Suika, Technical Suika, Toyohime, and Technical Toyihime all take neutral damage from Youki's attacks while resisting Steel, and each pose a Super-effective threat. If you've unmasked that Youki is not carrying Poison Jab, then Kisume can come in on Drawn Line and threaten a burn. Just be warned that Youki can also set up on Kisume, and if Youki has a Lum Berry, then it will have been a wasted effort. A Modest Technical Kisume can also come in on a Poison Jab-less Youki, and can quickly and painlessly vaporize him with Fire Blast without all the Bullshit that Kisume would otherwise have to deal with. Like the Kisume Forms, a full Defensively invested Helper Star Sapphire can hold her own against a Youki lacking Poison Jab, but Youki can set up on her too (it would be risky). Defense Ichirin doesn't screw around either with her 165 base Defense. Even without attack investment, Defense Ichirin can OHKO Youki with Dynamic Punch, and in the case it misses, she won't be taking much damage from Youki's next attack anyway, unless of course Youki is running Heart Break. Defense Yuugi can do the exact same thing that Defense Ichirin can, but 50% of the time, she will need some Spikes damage. Again, Defense Yuugi is also weak to Heart Break, and also will likely not survive more than two +1/Choiced Battle Chants without full Defensive investment.

In short, there are a lot of ways to deal with Youki. As menacing as his stats look, he's not impossible to kill. On the next episode of "Everybody Loves Mimi-chan!"
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 10:06:24 PM by DoctorShanks »

Offline shai_LP

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Re: Youki
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2013, 07:30:25 PM »

I know Youki has a suspiciously Similar substitute in Speed Youmu

Someone has said before that Speed Youmu has completely different checks and counters than Youki but I can't really see it

As far I can see Youki literally does SYoumu better in every situation that you would use her.

This is probably very wrong.

What are your thoughts on the matter?

posted here instead of the Syoumu thread because your writing is neater anyways/I haven't seen Ichor in Ages

Offline DoctorShanks

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Re: Youki
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2013, 07:57:14 PM »

I know Youki has a suspiciously Similar substitute in Speed Youmu

Someone has said before that Speed Youmu has completely different checks and counters than Youki but I can't really see it

As far I can see Youki literally does SYoumu better in every situation that you would use her.

This is probably very wrong.

What are your thoughts on the matter?

posted here instead of the Syoumu thread because your writing is neater anyways/I haven't seen Ichor in Ages

Speed Youmu has access to the much more dangerous Shadow Dance and Hi Jump Kick; these moves do much more damage than Youki's Shadow Hit and Brick Break. She's fatter than Youki which makes her easier to field.

Youki is a single speed tier slower than the fastest puppets in the game. Youki has access to Tailwind, which beefs up his speed to out speed everything even at +1 (after a Tailwind, Mimi-chan ceases to be a counter). Has a more powerful Battle Chant than Speed Youmu, and a reliable yet weaker Ghost-type move in Shadow Hit.

I feel more comfortable using Speed Youmu in most situations due to how much more murderous her Ghost/Dream moves are compared to Youki, but she's easier to troll. In theory, detect users that are weak to HJK such as Advent Alice or Luize can pop Detect and score some free recoil damage, but a smart Speed Youmu user is more likely to use them as set-up bait. Shadow Dance can be trolled by switching in an immunity such as Speed Flandre or Advent Yukari.

At first glance Youki looks like a no-brainer due to his stats, but move-pools alone can change everything. Just don't forget that Speed Youmu is a 120, while Youki is a 135 with the ability to speed up. Sorry if this wasn't the answer you wre hoping for.

Offline shai_LP

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Re: Youki
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2013, 08:06:43 PM »
A answer better than no answer friend.

its a forum, so maybe someone else can pick up the points afterward.

Calcs on Shadow Dance Syoumu +0/+2 and Shadow Hit Youki at +0/+1/+2 would probably show the differences further as well

Offline DoctorShanks

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Re: Youki
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2013, 09:08:33 PM »
Calcs on Shadow Dance Syoumu +0/+2 and Shadow Hit Youki at +0/+1/+2 would probably show the differences further as well


Jolly 252 Atk +0 Speed Youmu Shadow Dance vs. Impish 252 HP/252 Def Yuka: 27.9% ~ 32.7%
Jolly 252 Atk +2 Speed Youmu Shadow Dance vs. Impish 252 HP/252 Def Yuka: 55.2% ~ 64.9%

Jolly 252 Atk +0 Youki Shadow Hit vs. Impish 252 HP/252 Def Yuka: 19.5% ~ 23.0%
Jolly 252 Atk +1 Youki Shadow Hit vs. Impish 252 HP/252 Def Yuka: 29.0% ~ 34.3%
Jolly 252 Atk +2 Youki Shadow Hit vs. Impish 252 HP/252 Def Yuka: 38.5% ~ 45.3%

Offline Naï

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Re: Youki
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2013, 12:13:13 AM »
I'm not sure if I'm in the position to say this, but here's some advice: you probably used too much bold. If you overuse it, then it loses its emphasizing effects - that applies to any text format aimed to change the text's emphasis, as well.

Instead, you might want to use some more varied formatting, like lists, sizes, italic and colors. Using different text formats keeps the text fresh and easy to read.

(No need to make it flashy - of course, it shouldn't be flashy either; the point is just ease of read.)

Then again you probably already know all of this and I'm just being redundant by trying to give you advice, but I guess it's good to keep it in mind, at least.

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Re: Youki
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2013, 12:17:09 AM »
The only bold I see in this is for section headers and to make the counters section easy to glance through, which is welcome in my book.
i accidentally deleted your avatar so have 90 stars instead ~agastya

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Re: Youki
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2013, 12:22:58 AM »
The counters section could be made easier to glance through in a different fashion. IMHO it still feels a bit cluttered - like I said, too much isn't good, either.

Well, the topic's a pleasant read otherwise, though.

Offline DoctorShanks

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Re: Youki
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2013, 01:18:21 AM »
The amount of Bold in the Counters section is something that I've been meaning to change for a while. I'll have it done either today or tomorrow. I think I have a few other threads guilty of overbolding too.

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Re: Youki
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2014, 08:49:42 AM »
-Battle Chant
-Shadow Hit
-Blade Flash/Poison Jab/Brick Break
Item: Special Bloomers/Choice Ribbon
Nature: Jolly (+Spe,-SpAtk)
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe

Minor but significant addition/change to the choice post. Youki's lost a lot of his niche as a setup sweeper with the amount of miasma/dream neutral steel hate that's on everything ever these days however ghost/steel with pursuit and priority allows Youki to serve as a viable alternative to Yumeko.

Die Eirin and mach punch users such as AdMokou (resists steel!) and Sara (Everywhere always) can probably fit into counters as well somewhere eventually.

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Re: Youki
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2015, 08:48:12 PM »
Suicide Lead
Youki (M) @ Maid Uniform (Steel)/Lum Berry
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 16 HP/64 Atk/176 Def/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd,-SpAtk)
- Battle Chant
- Curse
- Spikes
- Taunt

Youki's massive offensive presence forces switches from a lot of things. What better way to take advantage of this than to put spikes up in earlygame? Taunt shuts out leads that don't have 135 or more base speed, Spikes gets chip damage going. Ghost-Curse is somewhat unusual but lets Youki force out things that counter him, chipping a nice Rin/HEirin-shaped hole in the opposing team for the rest of your puppets to take advantage of. If you're lucky and the foe doesn't attack you while you use Curse, it lets you force out a full set of spikes.

EVs are primarily to live Mamizou Killing Bite, but also give you some general bulk to force another spike layer. You can run it little slower or with less attack if you like, but speed tying 135s can be useful.

This set can also be run by Lyrica, but she works a little differently due to lacking Youki's huge attack stat. When using this set, have plans for Mimi-chan leads.
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