This team was originally a proof of concept for my H Erin set and ran quite a few pretty fun strats and gimmicks the main one being touhoumons equivalent of a specs kyogre aqua spout, the team seeks to win not with an OMG setup sweeper but with constant offensive pressure and solid synergy between the mons. Figured I'd post it because
shai already stole my core QQ everyones seen it already and its a pretty fun team to play with a lot of..."wut?" sets that somehow work consistantly.
Anyways team

T Aya @ Lum Berry
Ability: Speed boost
Ev's: Attack 252/ Speed 252/ Hp 4
Nature: Jolly
-Brave bird
-High Jump Kick
This spot originally belonged to a bulky spinner S Aya but after her well deserved ban I just threw in an offensive T Aya lead, she fills the void left nicely and can antilead like no other with her mix of amazing coverage, attack, speed, and taunt/twister can keep spikes off my side of the field for good. Wish support from D dai can keep her up and running as a threat well into the game so she often plays both offensive spinner lead and endgame cleaner. Boss bird is Boss bird.

Attack Rin @ Gothic Dress
Ability: Flash Fire
Ev's: 252 Spatk/ 252 Spd/ 4 Hp
Nature: Timid
-Blast Burn
-Binding Voice
-Sunny Day
With all the special fire moves aimed at D dai rin can come in and turn on flash fire and then set up a sunny day, at which point eruption 2 hit KO's even bulky quad resists. Encore + 160 Spdef lets D dai soak even stab flamethrower from most things and set up the encore allowing for easy setup. Even minus the gimmic setup A rin can still do work with a decent speed tier and normal stab eruptions. Clean OHKOing a fully invested Ad alice yoshika or D kayuga is just pure fun.

Defense Daiyousei @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
Ev's: 252 SpDef/252 Hp/ 4 Def
Nature: Calm
-Leach Seed
-T wave
I give you....taunt bait. That said this little fairy can live all but the most powerful super effective hits, to give you an idea of how TANK this is A patchy fire blast does 93% max with no boosting item and neutral special hits not coming from mistress outfit D alice cannot come close to out DDing even unprotected wish. D dai is the special side of this teams wall core, and with all of her weaknesses covered by immunities she can provide amazing support by keeping the entire team healthy and spreading para everywhere.

Yumeko @ Special Bloomers
Ability: Guard Armor
Ev's: 252 Hp/ 252 Atk/ 4 Def
Nature: Adamant
-Blade Flash
Ok, So keeping your spikes on a banded thing in generally a terrible idea, however 3rdgen pursuit will not lock you into a move if the opponent swaps out so its not horrible + i didn't have room for spikes on anything else. The superior maid picks off annoying D alices and trapkills otherwise annoying things while providing a much needed bulky steel typing. Superpower is just here to wreck youki's who get cocky.

Helper Eirin @ leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
Ev's: 252 Def/236 Spd/22 SpAtk
Nature: Bold
-Aqua Shower
-Burn Powder
-Poison Bomb
Same set that I posted in the moveset forum, will completely destroy teams when coupled with D dai and teammates who at the time offered key immunities and coverage to remove all of H erin's counters. The given EV's outrun 90 neutral or 80 + speed natures and aqua shower/burn powder/poison bomb destroy every swapin while erin herself is free to swap in and out at her leisure. Hell with nat cure you cant even status this thing.

Technical Toyohime @ leftovers
Ability: Own Tempo
Ev's: 252 Spatk/ 168 Spd/ 90 Hp
Nature: Modest
-Earth Power
-Mana Burst
-Calm Mind
Standard speed creep T toyo is standard and is still one of the greatest carries in touhoumon, with her bulk and huge specattack and a spread made to outspeed base 80's with a single point of investment T toyo is capable of picking up any slack left by the death of a teamate and running with it.
Team overview: This core, will own your soul if you do not come prepared. H erin and D dai provide solid pivots for the rest of the team covering their weaknesses and the rest of the team can easily swap in on things that would threaten the core. Every mon on the team can threaten swapins and require no turns of setup to be very legitimate threats. However giving any puppet on the team a free turn is near suicide, with a turn of setup T aya can remove hazards and become faster than everything with amazing coverage, A rin can kill absolutely anything, D dai can become practically immortal on the special side with both leach seed and wish healing while spreading para, yumeko...can get up spikes (it sounds lame but spikes = best move in the game damit), H erin can demolish every swapin and T toyo can Cm up and live up to her reputation as one of the most dangerous mons not in ubers.
How to counter the team: Bring a stupidly powerful wallbreaker that does not require setup and make good plays around it, once H erin or D dai go down the team is incredibly vulnerable to a sweep with only T toyo to soak hits. This team also has a very hard time against unconventional strats such as baton pass, sub disable, or even perish trapping. A patchy and sub disable/nasty plot seiga can both open up this team like its nothing. Once something IS set up the team is really forced to sac something, S yamame in particular can threaten both parts of the core with an OHKO and can simply baton pass out of T toyo while yumemi behind a sub is NOT something this team wants to deal with.
Stealing Improving the team: A rin and yumeko are both running somewhat subpar sets so feel free to change/replace them, D dai is probably strictly worse than D kayuga but I'm paranoid about miasma and T toyo can probably roll 3 attack whirlwind to help vs setup sweepers.