Author Topic: [WIP] Dark Alice  (Read 8552 times)

Offline shai_LP

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[WIP] Dark Alice
« on: August 16, 2013, 11:12:59 AM »
    Dark Alice

Doubles PP Usage

Gives Immunity to Earth Type Moves and Spikes

Base Stats:

     Base        Min-  Min  Max  Max+
HP  90          -     321  384  -
Atk  50          122   136  199  218
Def  85          185   206  269  295
Spe  95          203   226  289  317
SpA  140         284   316  379  416
SpD  100         212   236  299  328


+ Very Bulky for her SpA Stat
+ Spikes Immunity on a Wallbreaker
+ Can take banded priority hits from full HP and Resistant to Extremespeed [0.5] and Mach Punch [0.25]
- No real way to hit Star Sapphire/DKaguya
- x4 Heart Weakness [very common type]
- Very many of her "staple" moves and at least one of her STABs are inaccurate

Special Attacker
Dark Alice @ Mistress Outfit/Witch Costume/Lum Berry
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk)/Timid(+Spe, -Atk)
EV's: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4SpD
- Hyper Beam
- Mana Burst/Luster Purge
- Energy Ball
- Signal Beam/Fire Blast/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Charge

Modest Dark Alice hits 416 SpA, Timid Hitting 379 SpA but hitting 317 Speed. There's a World of Difference in regards to OHKOs and What can Check Dark Alice there. {Add Collapsible here later} Hyper Beam/Luster Purge absolutely destroys anything it hits if they're not specially bulky or resistant and anything that lives takes a 1/5 chance of having their Special Defense lowered a stage as well. Both of these carry a chance of missing though, so if you'd like something more reliable on the Reason side take Mana Burst. What you take for coverage afterwards depends on what you want to kill

Energy Ball kills obvious the obvious Heart type switch in and lets Dark Alice beat slower Heart Types provided she doesn't miss, its very nearly a staple due to being her most reliable check to slower hearts and hitting Youki/Speed Youmu on the switch. Signal Beam lets you hit other Dark Types Harder and fill the reliable ManaBeam Combo if you fear Hyper Beam Misses on SE Hits Thunderbolt scares off Advent Murasas that haven't put Rain Up yet and some fliers Fire Blast hits Steels on the Switch-In and Scares off Nature types Ice Beam Provides steady neutral coverage, Scares off Natures and tells Defensive Regular Aya to take a hike. Charge has similar typing to Signal Beam and is weaker, but is Dark Alice's only way to boost her special attack higher, its worth noting it has similar power to Signal Beam at +1 as well

Worth noting that without Ice Beam or Fire Blast you become zfairy bait.

SpD EVs instead of HP EVs are so Dark Alice's HP is indivisible by 4, possibly giving her an extra turn to attack while being poisoned/burned/buffeted by sandstorms, if you do not value this feel free to throw the 4 EVs into an extra point of HP

Youki/Speed Youmu Lure and Utility
Dark Alice @ Mistress Outfit / Witch Costume / Lum berry
Nature:Modest (+SpA, -Atk)/Timid(+Spe, -Atk)
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4SpD
- Hyper Beam
- Mana Burst/Luster Purge
- Icy Wind
- Thunderbolt/Energy Ball/Ice Beam/Fire Blast/Signal Beam/Charge

Switch in on something scary that can't really threaten you/You're fairly certain will switch out and drop the Enemy's Switch-In to 66% Speed. With the following Spread even Modest Dark Alice will outspeed Base 140 Speed Boosting Natures [Jolly Mimi-Chan, Speed Aya in Ubers...]

Youki/SYoumu is a hilariously common switch-in to Dark Alice, Resisting Both STABs and Outspeeding Dark Alice before she can Fire Blast/Energy Ball and killing her Draw the Line/Battle Chant [Blade Flash surprisingly won't kill 100% healthy Alice, even with Band]. Aya forms do not appreciate the -1 Seeing that have to waste a turn detecting to get back to Speed. Even if you don't get a switch you've got solid damage and they're assured to die to the next hit now that they don't out speed you, if they switch in something that walls you Speed is a Huge Deal and you open opportunities for other members of your team to come in and threaten.

Outside of Icy wind this Functions Similar to the Last Set

oh and zfairy can't switch in that icy wind thats a big deal man.

Other Options
You can run Pinch Berries, with or without Endure due to Dark Alice's bulk. Salac in particular is appeasing due to the fact you'll end up out-speeding even Mimi-Chans at +1, if you're going to do this, its best you put that Extra EV point into HP so you can hit 1/4 HP quicker/easier.

Taunt is Taunt, lets you beat annoying demons like Yoshika/Speed Medicine without breaking a sweat, seeing that Dark Alice is more suited to wallbreaking and not sweeping it could be worth giving up your coverage spot for.

Magic Coat can find some use in an Anti-Lead set, but requires a bit more prediction, could be worth pairing with Taunt. Maybe.

Less Consistent Options
Tri-Attack functions similar to Signal beam and has a better hax chance (20% vs 10%). You could trap something with Jamming but why not Outright kill it? Mirror Coat requires prediction but leaves you Weakened with a Base 95'r. Knock-Off hits items off other puppets but you're better of maiming them instead usually. Light Screen/Toxic suffer from the same issues.

Feint is Dark Alice's sole source of Priority, but it's hilariously weak even if you opt to invest your Attack for some reason:
'Silly Damage Calcs'
252 Atk Choice Band  Dark Alice Feint vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Ruukoto: 48-57 (19.91 - 23.65%) -- possible 5HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Dark Alice Feint vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Advent Alice: 42-50 (16.09 - 19.15%) -- possible 6HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Dark Alice Feint vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Luize 28-33 (8.72 - 10.28%) -- 9HKO at best
but it can go around Detect/Beat other priority moves with +2!!!!
It also handily deals with most EndureSalac users, although there are much better puppets to run priority on. Rest is ok I guess but I've never had any success with a ChestoRest set so I didn't list it, maybe with good cleric support.

Imprison + Signal Beam can potentially counter some Heart Types or even Non-Heart types looking to sucker you with a Signal Beam but if you Imprison something not running the same things as you you're SoL, requires strong prediction. Detect is ok for scouting. Hearts Eye looks impressive but you're better off hitting something instead.

Conversion can make you not weak to heart, maybe. *grasping at straws*

You can run an EV set of 252HP/252 SpA like TToyo to extend Dark Alice's bulk, but you'll start to be speed creeped by certain popular EV Builds (Standard Helper Eirin comes to mind, but she usually runs in fear of her life from Reason STAB)

Team Support

Kill Hearts Obviously
Wishers are appreciated, Ruukoto/Advent Alice get special mention for being able to pass guaranteed Wishes via SlowPassing and baiting out Dream Attackers for Dark Alice to Sponge
Gets along well with Earth/Ghost-weak stuff
Many of Dark Alice's counters that don't get care about getting Speed Debuffed from the Icy Wind happen to be specially-defensive heart types or Yumeko, so carrying counters to those seems like a good idea. Advent Mokou, Yorihime, and Futo can all do a number on these.

Lock-On Passing from Helper Nazrin or Star Sapphire forms greatly help Dark Alice's consistency with +2 Accuracy boost. The former is notable for having STAB charge beam to boost SpA alongside Accuracy, you might find the power a bit underwhelming though.

Checks and Counters

The Heart

Advent Meiling will wall Dark Alice regardless of set, and then forces her out with Vital Throw. What do Advent Alice and Lily White have in common? Monohearts that can soak up Dark Alice's STABs and kill her with Signal Beam/Body Slam. Anything Looking to Revenge Kill with Coverage Signal Beam is pretty much a death sentence to Dark Alice if she doesn't get out, Advent Reisen and Speed Koishi fit the bill, Outspeeding Dark Alice under usual conditions.

Strong Steel Hits [IE Drawn Line/Braver] usually down a full HP Dark Alice

Even the things that get crippled by Icy Wind on switch-in don't care about it on Revenge Switch in anyway, So Youki, Speed Youmu, Advent Cirno, Speed/Regular Yorihime and Meira can Sack Dark Alice on the revenge.if Running Modest Dark Alice, this list extends to Jolly Momji, Timid Keine,Jolly Attack Komachi and Jolly Elly(The former actually speed ties Timid Dark Alice as well)

Things that straight up just tank Dark Alice's hits like Defense Daiyousei, Konngara, Star Sapphire and Defense Kaguya can force her out, Especially if they carry Drawn Line/Signal Beam. Kon is the worst of these, Tanking Luster Purge/Hyper Beam like nothing and doubling it's PP cost.

Test[/size]]test if you can spoiler in spoilers

I guess you can, Spoilerception
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 07:05:41 PM by shai_LP »

Offline DoctorShanks

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Re: [Early Draft] Dark Alice
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 04:27:23 PM »
By the time you roll out the final draft, just remember that a period does not mean that you need to start a new paragraph. One paragraph per set/section is plenty; two maximum if you think you'll need it.

Energy Ball is an absolute must for Hearts and Steels. Magical Leaf is entirely unnecessary.

Modest 252 SpAtk Witch Costume DarkAlice Mana Burst Luster Purge vs. 252 HP/252 SpDef Calm Technical Toyohime: 48.6% ~ 57.0% = Guaranteed 2HKO after Spikes.

Have you tested the Charge set? Any success and failure stories?

EDIT: Sorry I meant to write Luster Purge... TToyo has no trouble with Mana Burst.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 05:51:23 PM by DoctorShanks »

Offline shai_LP

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Re: [Early Draft] Dark Alice
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2013, 05:43:04 PM »
By the time you roll out the final draft, just remember that a period does not mean that you need to start a new paragraph. One paragraph per set/section is plenty; two maximum if you think you'll need it.

I don't like squished paragraphs though..

I'm trying to hit a compromise but this isn't to the point of one line one space anymore I think.

Energy Ball is an absolute must for Hearts and Steels. Magical Leaf is entirely unnecessary.

Modest 252 SpAtk Witch Costume DarkAlice Mana Burst vs. 252 HP/252 SpDef Calm Technical Toyohime: 48.6% ~ 57.0% = Guaranteed 2HKO after Spikes.



Yeah sure. I mean the fact that Focus Miss has 8 PP and Not an Entirely wholesome amount of Accuracy mean theres a lot of Room for be substituted upon.  Going with that mindset is the wrong idea. When team might not necessarily Run Spikes/Have Spikes up in the first place.

I mean yeah, Dark Alice does have to gamble on little on her Main STAB, but why do I need to Gamble on hitting Heart Types that I may or may not even get on Switch-In/Out-Speed/Could Die if I miss? I'll Concede that Energy Ball may be her more utility Coverage move but..

Have you tested the Charge set? Any success and failure stories?
Yes but Nothing Meaningful.

"Oh man I'm sweeping with Dark Alice there sure isn't any nasty walls coming up or nothing"

That Charge Variant set runs EBall too but still.

[inspoiler]please do feint calcs[/inspoiler]

Offline DoctorShanks

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Re: [Early Draft] Dark Alice
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2013, 06:03:59 PM »
Me and many others could rave on and on about how important Spikes is for both offensive and Stall teams. And that calculation is one of the reasons. (Sorry, it's with Luster Purge and not Mana Burst).

The reason Dark Alice has Energy Ball is not to switch in on Hearts/Steels, but to make slower Hearts/Steels think twice about switching in. If your enemy is faster, swap out, otherwise the "Die-And-Miss" chance is still an acceptable 75% in your favor. Everything else listed as an other option besides Signal Beam and Fire Blast are just bonus and generally unneeded coverage.

Dark Alice has absolutely no reason to be running Feint, and it is definitely not worth the defense drop from a different ability.

Mild DarkAlice Feint vs. Ruukoto: 9.54% ~ 11.2%


Quote from: Shai_LP
I don't like squished paragraphs though..

The only reason our teacher's told us to double-space our essays in High School is because it was easier for them to mark. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter whether you do or don't like "squished" paragraphs. Spacing like this makes it pretty difficult to navigate.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 06:08:38 PM by DoctorShanks »

Offline shai_LP

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button pushing
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2013, 06:56:34 PM »
That doesn't mean its not replaceable.

If you're gonna push it so much I guess Energy Ball will get it's own slot but I've ran Non-Energy Ball Sets Success many a time that were able to check things EnergyBall + Coverage Move couldn't

I mean its not like I can stop you if I really wanted to.

[inspoiler]Feint was a joke similar to Ice Shard TToyo that fell on deaf ears[/inspoiler]

The only reason our teacher's told us to double-space our essays in High School is because it was easier for them to mark. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter whether you do or don't like "squished" paragraphs. Spacing like this makes it pretty difficult to navigate.

Subjective, I can read line by line similar to Book Dialogue that runs like a stream consciousness rather than blocky walls

Is this harder to read mobile?

Harder to read on small monitors?

Harder to read for people who sub-vocalize? I certainly know I don't.

Well, again, Its not like I can stop you if you really want to change it, I know better to get into a formatting edit-war with someone of higher rank.

I don't even know why my jimmes are so rustled godamn doesnt was right


post-mad-disclaimer: The following might have a bit of a bad tone, 1 minute after reading it over I could have probably worded better.

but after a minute of thinking on it I decided to leave it as it is because to edit the tone would take away from it.

[inspoiler]nothing against you personally but I'd find some of your blocks of writing/formatting style difficult to graze over if it wasn't for generous bold-usage. I feel that something you can Scan over quickly is better than something you can't

furthermore I probably had no reason to get extremely angry at the formatting addition to that because as the topic said, this IS a draft, but whatever.[/inspoiler]

test for smogon-style-additional-comments compromise, is there anyway to remove the "spoiler" part of the box or Replace the "spoiler" with other words?

Code: [Select]
[spoiler='Title']text[/spoiler]Is ussually how it's done in other forums,

edit: oh hey it works, wonder why it didn't last time, but sometimes collapsible spoilers don't wanna open....
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 07:10:37 PM by shai_LP »

Offline DoctorShanks

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Re: [Early Draft] Dark Alice
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2013, 10:02:56 PM »
My "generous bold usage" was an early writing mistake, and is only present in the counters section of all of my older write-ups. Thanks for reminding me that I need to fix that.

Offline shai_LP

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Re: [Early Draft] Dark Alice
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2013, 10:23:39 PM »
My "generous bold usage" was an early writing mistake, and is only present in the counters section of all of my older write-ups. Thanks for reminding me that I need to fix that.

no no

You don't get it the generous bold usage was good it made it easier to skim. Its really not a problem.
Maybe a problem stylistically, but Its really nice and Eye-catching for quickskim.

After running some Calcs [After putting my foot in my Mouth] I've found out that Modest Dark Alice can only kill Full HP Investment TToyo +0 sometimes with Magical Leaf AND Nature Type-Booster, with a clean 90+% OHKO on Speed Creeping Variants

without the booster its a 2HKO usually sometimes oneshotting Speed Creepers, which your Inaccurate Moves Does, which wouldn't be bad. IF not for the fact that it fails to kill anything x2 weak to nature with a Type-Booster. Its pretty sad.

So it has a slightly gimmicky surprise-counter to 1 mon set running Camouflage [the item] that can come in on an Earth Power or Surf [with some damage] and OHKO sometimes that can still dent other things and that's it


Black Dark Alice
Type: Reason/Dark
Ability: Pressure/Levitate
Base Stats:

     Base        Min-  Min  Max  Max+
HP  90          -     321  384  -
Atk  50          122   136  199  218
Def  85          185   206  269  295
Spe  95          203   226  289  317
SpA  140         284   316  379  416
SpD  100         212   236  299  328

+ Very Bulky for her SpA Stat
+ Spikes Immunity on a Wallbreaker
+ Can take banded priority hits from full HP and Resistant to Extremespeed [0.5] and Mach Punch [0.25]
- No real way to hit Star Sapphire/DKaguya
- x4 Heart Weakness [very common type]
- Very many of her "staple" moves and at least one of her STABs are inaccurate

Special Attacker
Item: Mistress Outfit/Lum Berry/Witch Costume
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest (+SpAtk, -Attack)/Timid (+SpAtk, -Attack)
EVs: 4 HP, 252 SpAtk, 252 Speed
- Hyper Beam
- Mana Burst/Luster Purge
- Energy Ball
- Signal Beam/Fire Blast/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Charge

Modest Dark Alice hits 416 SpA, Timid Hitting 379 SpA but hitting 317 Speed. There's a World of Difference in regards to OHKOs and What can Check Dark Alice there. {Add Collapsible here later} Hyper Beam/Luster Purge absolutely destroys anything it hits if they're not specially bulky. Anything that lives takes a 1/5 chance of having their Special Defense Lowered a Stage as well. Both of these carry a chance of missing though, so if you'd like something more reliable on the Reason side take Mana Burst. What you take for Coverage Afterwards Depends on what you want to kill

Energy Ball kills obvious the obvious Heart type switch in and lets Dark Alice beat slower Heart Types provided she doesn't miss. Signal Beam lets you hit other Dark Types Harder and fill the reliable ManaBeam Combo if you fear Hyper Beam Misses on SE Hits Thunderbolt scares off Advent Murasas that haven't put Rain Up yet and some fliers Fire Blast Steels on the Switch-In and Scares off Nature types Ice Beam Provides steady neutral coverage, Scares off Natures and tells Defensive Regular Aya to take a hike. Charge has similar typing to Signal Beam and is weaker, but is Dark Alice's only way to boost her special attack higher, its worth noting it has similar power to Signal Beam at +1 as well

the last 2 scare off Zfairys

Youki/SYoumu Lure & Utility
Item: Mistress Outfit/Lum Berry/Witch Costume/Thick Fur
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest (+SpAtk, -Attack)/Timid (+SpAtk, -Attack)
EVs: 4 HP, 252 SpAtk, 252 Speed
- Hyper Beam
- Mana Burst/Luster Purge
- Icy Wind
- Thunderbolt/Energy Ball/Ice Beam/Fire Blast/Signal Beam/Charge

Switch in on something scary that can't really threaten you/You're fairly certain will switch out and drop the Enemy's Switch-In to 66% Speed. With the following Spread even Modest Dark Alice will outspeed Base 140 Speed Boosting Natures [Jolly Mimi-Chan, Speed Aya in Ubers...]

Youki/SYoumu is a hilariously common switch-in to Dark Alice, Resisting Both STABs and Outspeeding Dark Alice before she can Fire Blast/Energy Ball and killing her Draw the Line/Battle Chant [Blade Flash surprisingly won't kill 100% healthy Alice, even with Band]. Aya forms do not appreciate the -1 Seeing that have to waste a turn detecting to get back to Speed. Even if you don't get a switch you've got solid damage and they're assured to die to the next hit now that they don't out speed you, if they switch in something that walls you Speed is a Huge Deal and you open opportunities for other members of your team to come in and threaten.

Outside of Icy wind this Functions Similar to the Last Set

oh and zfairy can't switch in that icy wind thats a big deal man.

'Other Options'
Tri-Attack functions similiar to Signal beam and has a better hax chance (20% vs 10%). You could trap something with Jamming but why not Outright kill it? Mirror Coat requires prediction but leaves you Weakened with a Base 95'r. Knock-Off hits items off other puppets but you're better of maiming them instead usually. Light Screen/Toxic suffer from the same issues.

Taunt potentially lets you beat some walls Dark Alice couldn't normally beat, but I don't think Dark Alice has space for it.

Feint is Dark Alice's sole source of Priority, but it's hilariously weak even if you opt to invest your Attack for some reason:
'Silly Damage Calcs'
252 Atk Choice Band  Dark Alice Feint vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Ruukoto: 48-57 (19.91 - 23.65%) -- possible 5HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Dark Alice Feint vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Advent Alice: 42-50 (16.09 - 19.15%) -- possible 6HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Dark Alice Feint vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Luize 28-33 (8.72 - 10.28%) -- 9HKO at best
but it can go around Detect/Beat other priority moves with +2!!!!
It also handily deals with most EndureSalac users, although there are much better puppets to run priority on. Rest is ok I guess but I've never had any success with a ChestoRest set so I didn't list it, maybe with good cleric support.

Magic Coat Bounces back T-Waves back at the enemy potentially, but is generally not worth a slot. Consider if you're using Dark Alice as a Lead I guess. Imprison + Signal Beam can potentially counter some Heart Types or even Non-Heart types looking to sucker you with a Signal Beam but if you Imprison something not running the same things as you you're SoL, requires strong prediction. Detect is ok for scouting, Endure+Salac is for faster things. Hearts Eye looks impressive but you're better off hitting something instead.

Conversion can make you not weak to heart, maybe. *grasping at straws*

You can run an EV set of 252HP/252 SpA like TToyo to extend Dark Alice's bulk, but you'll start to be speed creeped by certain popular EV Builds [Standard Helper Eirin and APatchouli come to mind]

Team Support

Kill Hearts Obviously
Wishers are appreciated, Ruukoto/Advent Alice get special mention for being able to pass guaranteed Wishes via SlowPassing and baiting out Dream Attackers for Dark Alice to Sponge
Gets along well with Earth/Ghost-weak stuff
Many of Dark Alice's counters that don't get care about getting Speed Debuffed from the Icy Wind happen to be specially-defensive heart types or Yumeko, so carrying counters to those seems like a good idea. Advent Mokou, Yorihime, and Futo can all do a number on these.

Lock-On Passing from Helper Nazrin or Star Sapphire forms greatly help Dark Alice's consistency with +2 Accuracy boost. The former is notable for having STAB charge beam to boost SpA alongside Accuracy

Checks and Counters

The Heart

Advent Meiling will wall Dark Alice regardless of set, and then forces her out with Vital Throw. What do Luize, Advent Alice and Lily White all have in common? All Monohearts that can soak up Dark Alice's STABs and kill her with Signal Beam/Body Slam. Anything Looking to Revenge Kill with Coverage Signal Beam is pretty much a death sentence to Dark Alice if she doesn't get out, Advent Reisen and Speed Koishi fit the bill, Outspeeding Dark Alice under usual conditions.

Strong Steel Hits [IE Drawn Line/Braver] usually down a full HP Dark Alice

Even the things that get crippled by Icy Wind on switch-in don't care about it on Revenge Switch in anyway, So Youki, Speed Youmu, Advent Cirno, Speed/Regular Yorihime and Meira can Sack Dark Alice on the revenge.if Running Modest Dark Alice, this list extends to Jolly Momji, Timid Keine,Jolly Attack Komachi and Jolly Elly(The former actually speed ties Timid Dark Alice as well)

Things that straight up just tank Dark Alice's hits like Defense Daiyousei, Konngara, Star Sapphire and Defense Kaguya can force her out, Especially if they carry Drawn Line/Signal Beam. Kon is the worst of these, Tanking Luster Purge/Hyper Beam like nothing and doubling it's PP cost.

Test[/size]]test if you can spoiler in spoilers

I guess you can, Spoilerception
« Last Edit: August 26, 2013, 12:50:05 AM by shai_LP »

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Re: [Early Draft] Dark Alice
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2013, 08:41:46 AM »
Updated a little

Maybe its a little nicer?

probably not.

PS: Salty Bet is a nice thing to have open while working on this



ability of description 1

ability description 2


     Base        Min-  Min  Max  Max+
HP  50          -     241  304  -
Atk  170         338   376  439  482
Def  75          167   186  249  273
Spe  95          203   226  289  317
SpA  105         221   246  309  339
SpD  65          149   166  229  251



Set Name One
Attack Flandre @ special bloomers
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)/Jolly (+Spe, -SpA)
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
- Thrash
- Superpower
- Steel Wing
- Fire Punch / Thunder Punch


Set Name Two
Attack Flandre @ Mistress Outfit / Chinese Dress / Lum berry
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)/Jolly (+Spe, -SpA)
EV's: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
- Thrash
- Superpower
- Steel Wing
- Fire Punch / Thunder Punch


Other options

Checks and Counters

« Last Edit: August 25, 2013, 11:07:35 PM by shai_LP »

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Re: [WIP] Dark Alice
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2013, 02:47:15 AM »
This does look a lot nicer. Honestly lol, it's almost professional already.

I think this can stop being a WIP as soon as you finish playing with the

There are also some minor grammar mistakes here and there, but eh.

Offline joshcja

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Re: [WIP] Dark Alice
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2014, 08:04:50 PM »
Edit: Tested and is good. Pretty much standard offensive stallbreaker here. The only reason this monster is UU is because fucking D kags shits on her soul so lets make that irrelevant.

Stallbreaker (Dark Alice) (M) @ Witch Costume (Reason)
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 36 Def/220 Spd/252 SpAtk
Modest nature (+SpAtk,-Atk)
- Fire Blast
- Luster Purge
- Taunt
- Thunderbolt/Eball

Usage should be simple, click kill or click taunt to wither or flat destrolish walls and abuse the shit out of levitate until nothing can tank a luster purge, then its clobberin time. Murasa is the only mon that actually resists Fire/Reason so I eschewed hyper beam as it offers no relevant neutral coverage (Still stopped by ghost, and heart, and most steels) and just ran t bolt to murder the crap out of her. Speed invest may seem odd but at 95 your only creeping Doc and things slower than doc so I just dumped the spares into def to tank blade flash better.

Options: DAlice can run more bulk to abuse slow things better, a few benchmarks for her "bulk" invest are T aya BB (208 def)  and Kongarra Braver (228 def). E ball gets props for its ability to actually hit louize and lily white i guess but even modest full spatk they can still swap in on you. you can run timid to snipe max speed docs but the power loss is disgusting and requires toxic over t bolt.

Counters: Lily white and Ad Alice can come in on non Eball, get taunted and take spikes damage, past that uuuh... none, thats the point really, i mean you can revenge her or do next level prediction switching and some super bulky steels and hearts hard check her but this thing is gonna hurt and has enough bulk she can play around with overperdiction as much as she wants. Basically its just another fat ass wallbreaker that needs redundant checks. On the bright side she's not SFlan.

(FML Shai you have dishonored your famiry)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2014, 05:15:48 AM by joshcja »