Author Topic: [WIP]Zombie Fairy  (Read 11124 times)

Offline shai_LP

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[WIP]Zombie Fairy
« on: August 16, 2013, 02:06:38 AM »
Heavy spacing issues. Capitalization and punctuation issues here and there everywhere. Easy fix. Smogon format used for sets, but that's cool too. Missing vital information regarding Spikes. (What's the point of Detect on ZFairy again?) Heavy spacing issues. Plenty of information not given, and plenty of mis-information given.

Zombie Fairy
Type: Nature/Flying
Abilities: Play Ghost
Base Stats:
HP: 1
Atk: 70
Def: 40
Spd: 50
SpAtk: 80
SpDef: 40

Hit Super Effectively By: Steel, Fire, Miasma, Flying, and Ice
Immunities: Everything Else

You'd think in a Meta where Aya are common and sweepers running Poison Jab to slay Defense Kaguya and Star Sapphire, that this little fairy playing pretend would be useless. Well, you'd only be half-right. Due to spikes/leech seed immunity, as well as immunity to pursuit trapping, and the fact that Sandstorm users aren't 100% on every team (or at least, now they aren't due to Sand Veil Tenma not existing) Zombie Fairy (referred henceforth by her in game name: ZFairy) Remains into a Niche Pivot/Pseudo Phazer who forces Switches/Un-optimal Move-sets on certain Sweepers just by Existing. Not a bad upgrade over her Progenitor Shedinja, huh?

Offensive Pivot
- Detect
- Fire Spin
- Perish Song/Toxic
- Roar/Wish/Confuse Ray/Will-O-Wisp/
  Tail Whip/Fake Tears/Memento/Toxic
Item: Lum Berry
Nature: Mild (+ SpA - Def)
Ability: Play Ghost
EVs: 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe

That many extra options might go down to other options but bear with me pls doesnt/shanks

This Set's usage is simple, Switch in on an immunity and force them to hit you super effectively, and Switch out to something that can take that hit.

On Something that can't hit you AT ALL (due to taking 2/3 Attacking Moves that just so happened to not hit you) you can have a little bit more fun.

Fire Spin is here to give the partial-trapping kill threat, otherwise ZFairy can't really scare off or kill Big Walls or Bulky Boosters (if they want to get cheeky and attempt to PP stall or something).

I recommend Perish Song over Toxic, but Toxic Potentially allows ZFairy to solo the rest of the opponent's team if your second-to-last Mon Exploded/Destiny Bonded the last Mon that could hit Zfairy, Will-O-Wisp can go there too, but you're already running fire spin, and if they have a Flash Fire Mon you get pretty boned.

Roar will shuffle their switch-in to another member of their team, hopefully something that can't hit ZFairy and the cycle continues itself.

Wish will pass a 50% heal to whatever you switch-in afterwards, much appreciated on bulkier/stall teams

Confuse Ray Forces them to switch again, much like roar except it'll actually affect Gatekeeper/Soundproof Mons, if they decide to stay in anyway it gives your switch-in the opportunity to set-up

If you want to get greedy/play the luck game you can Fire spin here and potentially trapkill something via Perish Song/Toxic Damage

In the same vein, Debuffing Moves also open holes in the opponent in the enemy team, weakening their defense to get hit by Physical Priority or neutering a special sweeper, possibly forcing them to Switch Again

Status is Status, Fullstall loves that Toxic Support and Wisp can Neuter an Offensive Sweeper, making them bring out their cleric.

If you do not have Rain/Sunny Day Evoker on your team I highly suggest you consider Memento so you have the Option of letting your Z-Fairy off herself usefully when you have to switch something in after something dies while Sandstream is up.

- Detect
- Wish
- Roar/Confuse Ray
- Toxic/Will-O-Wisp/Tail Whip/Fake Tears
  /Memento/Roar/Confuse Ray/Perish Song
Item: Lum Berry
Nature: Naive (+Spe -SpD)
Ability: Play Ghost
EVs: 252 Spe/252 Atk

Same set as above except it doesn't have the threat of killing a thing via trapping, lets you spread your supporting wings a bit and opens up a Moveslot, The usage is different enough to justify it's own moveset because this ZFairy will almost always be running Wish to Support the rest of her team.

You can still run Perish Song anyway scare off Boosters/Baton Passers but you won't be able to guarantee a death with it anymore unless they're on their last mon.

EV spread is so you can do as much damage as possible with struggle run when you run out of PP!!!!! [can't really put it anywhere else]

Other Options
You can replace Detect with another move if you want to yolo-ZFairy, but you better have insane prediction skills otherwise.

Swagger if you like it I guess, Taunt maybe? I don't know what ZFairy can speed creep with 50 base speed but it exists to mess with Defense Daiyousei I guess.

I guess you can Dig on their switch-in to get some guaranteed damage but a lot of Zombie Fairy's checks are already flying or Earth Resistant/Immune

You can run Sunny Day if you want to ZFairy to be able to get rid of the sand herself when something dies on your Team and you have to switch her in while the sand is up [Make sure their Suika is dead though]

Zfairy has Access to Nasty Plot and Curse but nothing is going to let you set-up that long on them, and if you had time to set-up like that you could have killed something via perish trapping

Air Slash to play the luck game against anything else you can out-speed with 50 Base speed too I guess

Thief to steal peoples Lum Berries? I'm grasping at straws at this point man.

In Cartridge Play you can Run Pain Split, Eruption, and Tickle, but these are not currently supported in shoddy.

Pain Split is obviously the best of these, being a 100% accurate version of prank, and can probably replace Perish Song on the Offensive Zfairy set if you so desire. It kills enemies in the same amount of turns potentially, but it can be messed up by Lefties/Wish/Recovery. The Trade-Off is that you can maim/weaken Sweepers that switching in to Hit Zfairy with 50% damage immediately.

Tickle is a better Tail Whip and Eruption always has 150BP due to ZFairy only having 1HP, it might not be so amazing off a base 80 SpA but who knows, it might do more than 50% on some select switch-ins.

ZFairy greatly enjoys spikes support due to how much it forces switches and can spin-block twister if you need to

Yumeko will gladly take those Flying and Miasma hits shot at ZFairy and potentially trapkill via pursuit [Or just flat out kill via Blade Flash or Sculpture]

Attack Murasa resists Ice/Steel/Fire and Zfairy is immune to all of it's weaknesses, but more importantly she can get rid of Sandstorm using Rain Dance and Sweep well (DMurasa can be used as a substitute if Playing UU)

Nitori Resists the Above in addition to Flying hits as well due her Wind subtyping, but in return, she shares a Miasma Weakness with ZFairy, which may not be optimal due to how popular of a coverage type it is.

SubPassers can give the Offensive ZFairy Set a turn to do whatever it needs to do even in the face of super effective but its a little gimmicky

JamPassers can give the Offensive ZFairy Set an Opportunity to kill, but again, a little bit more gimmicky

ZFairy herself acts as a very Potent Addition to any Strong Defensive Core that resists her weaknesses and can use her immunities. [Defense Daiyousei + Helper Eirincomes to mind

In General: She wants things that soak her weaknesses and Kill anything on the opponent's side that can potentially harm her.

ZFairy's Arch-Nemesis are all 3 Forms of Suika all of them force Zfairy to get out immediately or Die to Sandstorm. In case the Suika for any reason is running Speed investment, they have the gall to kill Zfairy with Fire Moves or Steel Fist before she can get in her last moment of truth as well.

Yamame forms get special mention because most things Switching in to Response to Poison do not appreciate taking an Earthquake or Rock Bullet Right after switching in.

Sakuya forms and Yumeko get special mention for being able to Sculpture through Zfairy's Detect

Anything running Poison Jab
Anything running Blade Flash or any other Steel Move

Most people run Miasma/Ice/Steel/Fire moves for coverage [rarely will you see Non-STAB flying moves] So you gotta be careful even if the other guy is running a STAB combination you're immune to, this can be circumvented by Detect until you're able to scout out their set but still.

If you broke her Lum you can kill her with Toxic/Will-O-Wisp too

Confusion is also likely to kill her if she's not lucky.

Code: [Select]
This might need reformatting and stuff this is a good enough rough draft to end off on.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 07:06:54 PM by shai_LP »

Offline joshcja

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Re: Zombie Fairy
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 02:13:04 AM »
Z fairy, hate, hatehatehate

Offline shai_LP

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Re: Zombie Fairy
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2013, 02:18:10 AM »
Type: Flying / Nature

                                 Base              Min-MinMaxMax+
HP: 1 -11-
Attack: 70     158176193262
Defense: 40 104127179196
Special Attack: 80 176196259284
Special Defense: 40 104127179196
Speed: 50 122136199218

Z fairy, hate, hatehatehate

Oh boy I sure love fucking over +6+6 Sub Satori with Zfairy
and Tailpassed TByakuren not running Ice Punch

Actually, I think Hatate Forms and Patchouli are really scary to Zfairy too, being able to Trace Play Ghost, Threaten without giving up important coverage and generally potentially facerolling the rest of Zfairy's team
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 09:28:55 PM by shai_LP »

Offline joshcja

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Re: Zombie Fairy
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2013, 02:27:31 AM »
Z fairy, hate, hatehatehate

Oh boy I sure love fucking over +6+6 Sub Satori with Zfairy
and Tailpassed TByakuren not running Ice Punch

Actually, I think Hatate Forms and Patchouli are really scary to Zfairy too, being able to Trace Play Ghost, Threaten without giving up important coverage and generally potentially facerolling the rest of Zfairy's team

Yam's, slayer of all the Z faries.

Offline shai_LP

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Re: [WIP]Zombie Fairy
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2013, 08:59:02 PM »
plenty of mis-information given.



Shanks are you trying to pick a fight.

edit: tell me when I can start editing this again btw

Offline DoctorShanks

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Re: [WIP]Zombie Fairy
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2013, 09:29:39 PM »
plenty of mis-information given.



Shanks are you trying to pick a fight.

edit: tell me when I can start editing this again btw

If you want to go and edit this, be my guest. I've already tried and failed.

I should have been more clear about the mis-information bit. There are moves listed that are not even viable options (Confuse Ray, Tail Whip), and there are good moves listed for the wrong reasons.

Roar: Mention how wonderful it is with Spikes support.
Fire Spin: Barely worth mentioning as an option unless you're attempting to perish trap clerics or if double-switches are a problem for you (free spikes damage).
Detect: Is not a must and the player does not require "insane prediction skills."
Detect's purpose is for scouting and piling up Toxic/Wisp damage, or Perish Song turns.
Confuse Ray: Waste of a moveslot. ZFairy has better things to run.
Selfdestruct: Is not mentioned. Not as useful as Memento, but should deserve a mention. Feel free to ignore if you don't agree.
Tail Whip: lol

I'm really sorry if I'm being mean here. I'm just a little upset with this.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 09:31:59 PM by DoctorShanks »

Offline Naï

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Re: [WIP]Zombie Fairy
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2013, 09:38:27 PM »
Quote from: Shanks
(What's the point of Detect on ZFairy again?)
I *think* I kind of understood why you'd run Detect on her (basically, scouting against coverage moves), but it's not well-explained on the moveset itself.

Yes, you should probably move down some of those /s to "Other Options".
And yes, it's pretty hard to read due to the spacing. Longer paragraphs, please, if you would :<

On the Counters section, you should probably mention Satori. Also, puppets who commonly run Flash Fire will laugh on the Fire Spin's set face, like Sunnymilk forms and ARin.

Really, the main problem is this thing:
Quote from: Shanks
Heavy spacing issues.
When he says "heavy", he probably actually means

No offense intended :<

Offline shai_LP

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Re: [WIP]Zombie Fairy
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2013, 09:43:57 PM »
plenty of mis-information given.



Shanks are you trying to pick a fight.

edit: tell me when I can start editing this again btw

If you want to go and edit this, be my guest. I've already tried and failed.

I should have been more clear about the mis-information bit. There are moves listed that are not even viable options (Confuse Ray, Tail Whip), and there are good moves listed for the wrong reasons.

Roar: Mention how wonderful it is with Spikes support.
Fire Spin: Barely worth mentioning as an option unless you're attempting to perish trap clerics or if double-switches are a problem for you (free spikes damage).
Can't threaten a kill without partial-trapping and it's the only option
Detect: Is not a must and the player does not require "insane prediction skills."
Detect's purpose is for scouting and piling up Toxic/Wisp damage, or Perish Song turns.
I should have been more clear then, to turn it around: without detect theres no margin for error while keeping zfairy in, Lets say you're uncertain if something is running Pjab/Ice Punch [You switched on their STAB],The stakes of staying in are higher, with something that literally dies to any super effective hit this cannot be put under the umbrella of scouting. Its really important risk/reward/stress wise
Confuse Ray: Waste of a moveslot. ZFairy has better things to run. How is 50% of Not Attacking while hurting themselves not usable? If there were more things in the wild with Own Tempo I'd agree but the only worthwhile user is TToyo, whose non-Ice Shard sets get walled completely
Selfdestruct: Is not mentioned. Not as useful as Memento, but should deserve a mention. Feel free to ignore if you don't agree. Maybe, I have to actually test it because 80 Base attack not strong
Tail Whip: lol  Softening something for Priority Maaaaaan its all about making things wanna switch.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 10:49:37 PM by shai_LP »

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Re: [WIP]Zombie Fairy
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2013, 09:47:16 PM »
Quote from: Shanks
(What's the point of Detect on ZFairy again?)
I *think* I kind of understood why you'd run Detect on her (basically, scouting against coverage moves), but it's not well-explained on the moveset itself.

Yes, you should probably move down some of those /s to "Other Options".
And yes, it's pretty hard to read due to the spacing. Longer paragraphs, please, if you would :<

On the Counters section, you should probably mention Satori. Also, puppets who commonly run Flash Fire will laugh on the Fire Spin's set face, like Sunnymilk forms and ARin.

Satori needs to run substandard coverage to hit Zfairy on it's most common set but it's worth a mention once I get there I suppose.

noted Flash Fire Mons.

Really, the main problem is this thing:
Quote from: Shanks
Heavy spacing issues.
When he says "heavy", he probably actually means

No offense intended :<

Do you people have eye problems or small monitors

I mean I went a bit more space heavy here than in the Dark Alice thread but what.

Not even trying to be antagonistic I am genuinely curious

Offline DoctorShanks

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Re: [WIP]Zombie Fairy
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2013, 09:59:31 PM »
Do you people have eye problems or small monitors

I mean I went a bit more space heavy here than in the Dark Alice thread but what.

Not even trying to be antagonistic I am genuinely curious

The implication he made was to put a huge emphasis on the word "Heavy," to imply that this issue is a pretty big problem. I'm actually surprised you didn't understand that, but I'd understand if reading and writing isn't your best subject. No offense intended.

Offline shai_LP

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Re: [WIP]Zombie Fairy
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2013, 10:12:10 PM »
Do you people have eye problems or small monitors

I mean I went a bit more space heavy here than in the Dark Alice thread but what.

Not even trying to be antagonistic I am genuinely curious

The implication he made was to put a huge emphasis on the word "Heavy," to imply that this issue is a pretty big problem. I'm actually surprised you didn't understand that, but I'd understand if reading and writing isn't your best subject. No offense intended.

Just because he said something with Huge inflection doesn't automatically mean it's correct, No Statements made afterwards to why:

this and that over up and there

red fish blue fish three fish two fish

i will not eat that ham sam i am not with a lox or a fox

IS bad

Maybe I'm just used to such spacing, Too much Pulp instead of real lit in the past years, who knows,
I Understand that you guys view the spacing as a problem, I do not Understand Why it is hard to skim/read. I'm already getting out-veto'd with a 2-1 to one and probably heavier from here score, Regardless of I am right or Not Right flew out a long time ago anyway due to the man with the Hammer being one of these people. The nail that stands out gets hammered down.


you might have hit a sore point there calling out my reading comprehension writing is one thing but you hit me right in pride ow

Regardless, Can we at least both agree that once this goes from [WIP] -> [Complete] that we delete the past couple of posts/edit out the irrelevant parts.

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Re: [WIP]Zombie Fairy
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2013, 10:20:40 PM »
The WIP would be removed after it's all cleaned up. I'd hand out Thumbs up icons if it weren't for the fact that users could do that themselves. Deleting posts, maybe, but I need to ask Agastya or ExSariel for permission to do that.

No worries, we all have habits that are hard to break. One writing strategy that I have a hard time following is "Read everything again as though you were reading as someone else." It's just that 99% of readers are used to long paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding (generally optional around here) sentence. It's also more difficult for skimmers to pinpoint where the next section begins, should they only want to read the team options or the counters.

I'm going to do a bit of ZFairy testing myself. Even though she isn't complete, we can still work with what we have. I'll add on to this with my findings in one way or another after we've reached an acceptable outcome.

Offline shai_LP

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Re: [WIP]Zombie Fairy
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2013, 10:34:50 PM »
The WIP would be removed after it's all cleaned up. I'd hand out Thumbs up icons if it weren't for the fact that users could do that themselves. Deleting posts, maybe, but I need to ask Agastya or ExSariel for permission to do that.

No worries, we all have habits that are hard to break. One writing strategy that I have a hard time following is "Read everything again as though you were reading as someone else." It's just that 99% of readers are used to long paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding (generally optional around here) sentence. It's also more difficult for skimmers to pinpoint where the next section begins, should they only want to read the team options or the counters.

I'm going to do a bit of ZFairy testing myself. Even though she isn't complete, we can still work with what we have. I'll add on to this with my findings in one way or another after we've reached an acceptable outcome.

could "delete" the posts by just editing a subtle

"There was something here, It's gone now"

Nice Fake Statistic but I get what you mean, I'm a pretty horrible writer but I've been shoehorned into Proofing/Beta-Reading/StyleChecking on top of having to insert it into a Mag/Newspaper/Newsletter so I'm no real stranger to that.

Ya'll already said to go the nine miles with editing/style/essay-ery in the Sticky but.. to do that method just isn't... enjoyable I feel [I actually had a lot fun writing this and dark alice]. It's a game not a Science Thesis nor a Literary Essay.

If you're going to test out Zfairy I recommend you make a good 3 way defensive core outside Zfairy'd immunities, give her wish and start from there, should be a good starting point on her usage.
Zfairy is a dubious slot for a "Hey I want to be a full stop to TToyohime and no one else in this team Supports me" due to the prevalence of Miasma/Steel coverage.

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On spacing and text formatting
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2013, 11:13:17 PM »
@Shai: I do have nearsightedness, but with glasses on I see perfectly well, you know qq
And no, we have neither, it's just that it genuinely looks bad. The monitor I'm using right now is normal-sized.

This is important, so I feel it should be explained before the wall of text itself.
Quote from: Shai
Ya'll already said to go the nine miles with editing/style/essay-ery in the Sticky but.. to do that method just isn't... enjoyable I feel [I actually had a lot fun writing this and dark alice]. It's a game not a Science Thesis nor a Literary Essay.
Whether you're writing about a game or about science doesn't change the fact that comments and actual text each require completely different styles of writing. If you want your idea to get across in actual text, then there are some basic points to be followed, and that doesn't change for gaming, either.

It's not about being precise or whatever, and it's not even about argumentation; it's just that, if you don't write properly, your idea simply doesn't get across. And that's always a problem, whether you're talking about Touhoumon, MLP or how the Bohr atom model influenced in the discovery and application of Bragg's Law and the diffraction of X-rays. In either of these cases, you necessarily want the reader to understand what you say, and that will never change.

Now lo and behold, for unto thee I bestow thy spacing essay! (lolwut)

Well, I'll try to explain it to the best of my ability. The main problem with your spacing is that if you use any text format too often along a text, then not only will that format lose its emphasizing function, it'll actually give the text a cluttered feel and make reading it harder, not easier. Single break lines are no exception.

Take a look at this post. In this single post, I use
  • single-line spaces to separate paragraphs;
  • simple breaks with no lines inbetween when I feel there is some continuity, but not enough to make a new paragraph, and yet not enough to just keep writing in the same line (rare usage);
  • three-line spacing breaks to separate groups of paragraphs;
  • very long (to be precise, exactly 12 lines long) spacing break to separate a post into more or less unrelated parts;
  • linebreaks accompanied by three-line spacing breaks both above and below to separate concepts within a subsection. A linebreak is done by using this code:
Code: [Select]
    It is also worth mentioning that any change of format, such as the list above or a quote, works as a spacing separator. Because it's different from the rest of the text, the reader will automatically look at it as a separator, even if it wasn't meant to be one. Hence, it might be worth considering mixing one or two of them into your text.

    I sometimes use two-line spacing breaks here and there, too, but there are usually better options.

    If you put it this way, then it's as if you applied a form of spacing proper for short posts into a far longer post, and it just didn't work out. Because the simple one-line spacing break is used too often, it feels as if you didn't use any spacing at all, and, at the same time, it makes the text feel cluttered and hard to read. However, because it's the spacing you're used to, it looks perfectly normal to you.

    What's a spacing proper for shorter posts? Well, exactly the one you used. By separating it in such a fashion, you can easily stress out every and each idea contained in your sentences.

    However, for longer posts, each paragraph should be longer than that. I, particularly, write with relatively short paragraphs, usually ranging from two to three lines each, occasionally with a few longer paragraphs inbetween - as you can see, that forces me to shift my spacing accordingly. On the other hand, if you look at Smogon's and Doesnt's sets (to which I give example links in a bit), they can both write with relatively long paragraphs and not get into trouble for it.

    As you should quickly notice later, I use many other formats in this post, too - spacing alone wouldn't have cut it. The colors, for example, help with cleanly cutting the post in two, as well as with giving the text a more alive feeling. On the other hand, the bigger text in the beginning instinctively calls upon the reader's attention and tells him/her it's okay to start reading from that point.

    Placement is also important. Because I'm the kind of person who overuses the Preview function (which is a habit you should consider cultivating, as well), I often write a whole block of text, then go back and change or add something in the middle of it. That often applies to whole paragraphs. However, it may happen for me to quickly notice that, if placed there, said paragraph would either cause a discontinuation in the post's logic or change an idea's emphasis - which is exactly what happened with this section.

    As a rule of thumb, the spacing shouldn't determine the text; instead, the text itself and the ideas behind it should be the ones to determine the spacing. That means that you should probably take your time writing before trying to apply spacing; it also means that, as you write, you should take breaks here and there (preferably with the Preview function) and adjust the spacing from there.

    It might also be that you just haven't seen sets put in a better way and, as such, lack reference/inspiration. Even if this isn't the case, references are probably worth looking into.

    Here, I'll give you an example. In case you happen not to be familiar with the site (which I don't think is the case), click on "Team Options & Additional Comments" to see details on each set. If anyone was to put it into words, Smogon's sets look much better than yours :<. Because of that, it might be worth your while to try and use them as a reference.

    ...and yet, as you can see, they consist mainly of text put in a very simple way. However, because the separation is well-done,

    Other than that, Doesnt's sets (example) all look pretty good, too. Shanks even mentioned himself on this thread that Doesnt's style is a good example to follow.
    If you haven't read it all already (again, I don't think this is the case), then reading the thread I just linked you to would probably be helpful, too.

    Oh, and if you were wondering what's with the essay, that's one topic I have confidence in. Since a lot of my posts end up being very detailed - and, as such, kind of OMGWALLOFTEXTTHISISSODAMNLONG - I was forced to hone my spacing and formatting skills so that average people could understand what I try to express. Otherwise, most people will just skip half of it, if not just read the beginning and end...

    Quote from: Shanks
    If you want to go and edit this, be my guest. I've already tried and failed.
    Quote from: Shanks
    I'm really sorry if I'm being mean here. I'm just a little upset with this.
    A good start would probably be updating your guideline thread so as to also mention some of the problems you're running into here. For example, you should probably add something about spacing somewhere, it could avoid future issues.

    Also, did you try mentioning Doesnt's model? If you don't know where to start improving a thread from, mentioning a model is probably your best bet. I'm aware you mentioned it in your guidelines (that's exactly where I'm taking it from), but you can't automatically assume everyone'll read them; because of that, it might be worth your time to start by mentioning the model when dealing with problems like this.

    Let's just say that the guidelines are for prevention and that your direct intervention is a remedy. However, in this case, if you remedy it by mentioning vital parts of the guidelines, then doesn't that work, too?

    Either way, these are just suggestions, but I hope I managed to help out a little.

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    Re: [WIP]Zombie Fairy
    « Reply #14 on: August 16, 2013, 11:47:54 PM »
    The issue is less shai's spacing and more the general disorginization of the post. If you focus on 1 or 2 sets that have been consistent at what they do and move other things to options then its a cleaner read overal and may be far easier to compose. I would suggest a wish/phaser support set and a perish trap set with other ideas placed in options. Also I've found that adding a support section is quite nifty and can allow cleaner writing overall.

    Just a few things I've ran into fixing my sets that seem to be applicable here.