Heavy spacing issues. Capitalization and punctuation issues here and there everywhere. Easy fix. Smogon format used for sets, but that's cool too. Missing vital information regarding Spikes. (What's the point of Detect on ZFairy again?) Heavy spacing issues. Plenty of information not given, and plenty of mis-information given.
Zombie FairyType:
Nature/FlyingAbilities: Play Ghost
Base Stats:HP:
1Atk: 70
Def: 40
Spd: 50
SpAtk: 80
SpDef: 40
Hit Super Effectively By: Steel, Fire, Miasma, Flying, and Ice
Immunities: Everything Else
OverviewYou'd think in a Meta where Aya are common and sweepers running Poison Jab to slay Defense Kaguya and Star Sapphire, that this little fairy playing pretend would be useless. Well, you'd only be half-right. Due to spikes/leech seed immunity, as well as immunity to pursuit trapping, and the fact that Sandstorm users aren't 100% on every team (or at least, now they aren't due to Sand Veil Tenma not existing) Zombie Fairy (referred henceforth by her in game name: ZFairy) Remains into a Niche Pivot/Pseudo Phazer who forces Switches/Un-optimal Move-sets on certain Sweepers just by Existing. Not a bad upgrade over her Progenitor Shedinja, huh?
Offensive Pivot- Detect
- Fire Spin
- Perish Song/Toxic
Confuse Ray/Will-O-Wisp/
Tail Whip/Fake Tears/Memento/Toxic
Item: Lum Berry
Nature: Mild (+ SpA - Def)
Ability: Play Ghost
EVs: 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
That many extra options might go down to other options but bear with me pls doesnt/shanksThis Set's usage is simple, Switch in on an immunity and force them to hit you super effectively, and Switch out to something that can take that hit.
On Something that can't hit you AT ALL (due to taking 2/3 Attacking Moves that just so happened to not hit you) you can have a little bit more fun.
Fire Spin is here to give the partial-trapping kill threat, otherwise ZFairy can't really scare off or kill Big Walls or Bulky Boosters (if they want to get cheeky and attempt to PP stall or something).
I recommend Perish Song over Toxic, but Toxic Potentially allows ZFairy to solo the rest of the opponent's team if your second-to-last Mon Exploded/Destiny Bonded the last Mon that could hit Zfairy, Will-O-Wisp can go there too, but you're already running fire spin, and if they have a Flash Fire Mon you get pretty boned.
Roar will shuffle their switch-in to another member of their team, hopefully something that can't hit ZFairy and the cycle continues itself.
Wish will pass a 50% heal to whatever you switch-in afterwards, much appreciated on bulkier/stall teams
Confuse Ray Forces them to switch again, much like roar except it'll actually affect Gatekeeper/Soundproof Mons, if they decide to stay in anyway it gives your switch-in the opportunity to set-up
If you want to get greedy/play the luck game you can Fire spin here and potentially trapkill something via Perish Song/Toxic Damage
In the same vein, Debuffing Moves also open holes in the opponent in the enemy team, weakening their defense to get hit by Physical Priority or neutering a special sweeper, possibly forcing them to Switch
AgainStatus is Status, Fullstall loves that Toxic Support and Wisp can Neuter an Offensive Sweeper, making them bring out their cleric.
If you do not have Rain/Sunny Day Evoker on your team I highly suggest you consider Memento so you have the Option of letting your Z-Fairy off herself usefully when you have to switch something in after something dies while Sandstream is up.
Supporter- Detect
- Wish
- Roar/Confuse Ray
- Toxic/Will-O-Wisp/Tail Whip/Fake Tears
/Memento/Roar/Confuse Ray/Perish Song
Item: Lum Berry
Nature: Naive (+Spe -SpD)
Ability: Play Ghost
EVs: 252 Spe/252 Atk
Same set as above except it doesn't have the threat of killing a thing via trapping, lets you spread your supporting wings a bit and opens up a Moveslot, The usage is different enough to justify it's own moveset because this ZFairy will almost always be running Wish to Support the rest of her team.
You can still run Perish Song anyway scare off Boosters/Baton Passers but you won't be able to guarantee a death with it anymore unless they're on their last mon.
EV spread is so you can do as much damage as possible with struggle run when you run out of PP!!!!! [can't really put it anywhere else]
Other OptionsYou can replace Detect with another move if you want to yolo-ZFairy, but you better have insane prediction skills otherwise.
Swagger if you like it I guess, Taunt maybe? I don't know what ZFairy can speed creep with 50 base speed but it exists to mess with Defense Daiyousei I guess.
I guess you can Dig on their switch-in to get some guaranteed damage but a lot of Zombie Fairy's checks are already flying or Earth Resistant/Immune
You can run Sunny Day if you want to ZFairy to be able to get rid of the sand herself when something dies on your Team and you have to switch her in while the sand is up [Make sure their Suika is dead though]
Zfairy has Access to Nasty Plot and Curse but nothing is going to let you set-up that long on them, and if you had time to set-up like that you could have killed something via perish trapping
Air Slash to play the luck game against anything else you can out-speed with 50 Base speed too I guess
Thief to steal peoples Lum Berries? I'm grasping at straws at this point man.
In Cartridge Play you can Run Pain Split, Eruption, and Tickle, but these are not currently supported in shoddy.
Pain Split is obviously the best of these, being a 100% accurate version of prank, and can probably replace Perish Song on the Offensive Zfairy set if you so desire. It kills enemies in the same amount of turns potentially, but it can be messed up by Lefties/Wish/Recovery. The Trade-Off is that you can maim/weaken Sweepers that switching in to Hit Zfairy with 50% damage immediately.
Tickle is a better Tail Whip and Eruption always has 150BP due to ZFairy only having 1HP, it might not be so amazing off a base 80 SpA but who knows, it might do more than 50% on some select switch-ins.
SupportZFairy greatly enjoys spikes support due to how much it forces switches and can spin-block twister if you need to
Yumeko will gladly take those Flying and Miasma hits shot at ZFairy and potentially trapkill via pursuit [Or just flat out kill via Blade Flash or Sculpture]
Attack Murasa resists Ice/Steel/Fire and Zfairy is immune to all of it's weaknesses, but more importantly she can get rid of Sandstorm using Rain Dance and Sweep well (DMurasa can be used as a substitute if Playing UU)
Nitori Resists the Above in addition to Flying hits as well due her Wind subtyping, but in return, she shares a Miasma Weakness with ZFairy, which may not be optimal due to how popular of a coverage type it is.
SubPassers can give the Offensive ZFairy Set a turn to do whatever it needs to do even in the face of super effective but its a little gimmicky
JamPassers can give the Offensive ZFairy Set an Opportunity to kill, but again, a little bit more gimmicky
ZFairy herself acts as a very Potent Addition to any Strong Defensive Core that resists her weaknesses and can use her immunities. [
Defense Daiyousei +
Helper Eirincomes to mind
In General:
She wants things that soak her weaknesses and Kill anything on the opponent's side that can potentially harm her.CountersZFairy's Arch-Nemesis are all 3 Forms of
Suika all of them force Zfairy to get out immediately or Die to Sandstorm. In case the Suika for any reason is running Speed investment, they have the gall to kill Zfairy with Fire Moves or Steel Fist before she can get in her last moment of truth as well.
Yamame forms get special mention because most things Switching in to Response to Poison do not appreciate taking an Earthquake or Rock Bullet Right after switching in.
Sakuya forms and
Yumeko get special mention for being able to Sculpture through Zfairy's Detect
Anything running
Poison JabAnything running
Blade Flash or any other Steel Move
Most people run Miasma/Ice/Steel/Fire moves for coverage [rarely will you see Non-STAB flying moves] So you gotta be careful even if the other guy is running a STAB combination you're immune to, this can be circumvented by Detect until you're able to scout out their set but still.
If you broke her Lum you can kill her with Toxic/Will-O-Wisp too
Confusion is also likely to kill her if she's not lucky.
This might need reformatting and stuff this is a good enough rough draft to end off on.