Shoddy Battle 2 > Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion
Change Log
Because I needed one at some point to remind myself that I actually did something productive at some point. Also to keep everyone else updated, and to keep some consistency between myself and Agastya.
In this update:
* Rage was partially fixed. It should do damage but not burn the user.
* Baton Pass was fixed, based on a bug seen in this screenshot.
* Solarbeam in the sun was fixed, it shouldn't lock you into it during sunlight anymore.
* Speed Boost should no longer proc on the puppet's opening turn if it's switched in mid-turn.
* Pressure should no longer activate on ally moves such as Helping Hand and Aromatherapy.
* Truant should no longer crash the server when skill swapped. Hopefully.
* EXS learns never to listen to me again ~Agastya
New changes.
* Added Power Ribbon, Leppa Berry and Lansat Berry, in a small push to make the server more accurate.
* Fixed Unnatural Strength and Keen Eye, they both should prevent stat drops of their respective stats.
* Fixed Water Absorb absorbing moves with zero base power.
* Attack Mokou and Defense Mokou now have Fire Veil instead of Flame Body.
* You can no longer select Fretful on Kazami.
Kind of a big update.
* Added some new puppets. Among these are every Touhou character from Double Dealing Character, Kokoro from Hopeless Masquerade, and 'Transcendant' forms of Renko and Maribel. Renko and Maribel are somewhat incomplete, and will be updated at a later date.
* The Pokeballs in the battle window have been replaced with 'Toho Orbs.'
* You can roll Pokemon Emerald backgrounds in your battle window now.
* Removed the useless Cancel button in the battle window.
* This is a client and a sprite update. Update your client by redownloading it, and update your sprites by deleting your installed sprite package and redownloading it.
Part 2 of the Double Dealing Character Update:
* There is now an "Announce Battles" option that will broadcast to all your chat windows when a battle starts. This option can be toggled in your chat preferences and is disabled by default.
* You can now use /me commands in your chats, which works much like it does in IRC. You can also use /help to learn about other commands that have been in Shoddy this whole time.
* Added some new puppets to the list.
* Puppets were added to the ubers list: Transcendant Maribel, X Utsuho, X Suwako and X Tenshi.
* Retooled Transcendant Renko move pool. Some moves were removed. You may notice some empty move slots if you load a Transcendant Renko with these moves.
* Increased Shinmyoumaru's (Sukuna's) base HP, Defense and Special Defense stats.
* Readjusted the "Cost" of some of the new puppets.
* Fixed an error in Wakasagihime's move pool.
* This is a client and a sprite update. Furthermore, the server will reject your connection if your client isn't updated. Update your client by redownloading it, and update your sprites by deleting your installed sprite package and redownloading it.
I recently did a few fixes here and there and have failed to properly log them as they only take effect on server reboot but I'm going to start logging smaller changes now and if I implement more before the next server reboot I'll just edit the new ones into the latest post here until the server DOES reboot.
* Encore's various bugs, such as priority skewing, improper disable interaction and PP draining, have been fixed.
* Solarbeam's mechanics work correctly now, although the message still pops up inappropriately if there's sun involved.
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