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ROM Hacks + General Discussion / Re: Touhoumon Ordinary Version 1.3
« Last post by Javisito on July 12, 2023, 02:15:03 PM »
I found the patch, with web archive help:
ROM Hacks + General Discussion / Touhoumon Ordinary Version 1.3
« Last post by Drewko on April 30, 2023, 01:27:29 AM »
Man, this place saw better times...
Anyway, I don't expect anybody alive here but usual places give no answers so... Does anyone has patch to Touhoumon Ordinary 1.3? Forum where it was posted is dead and there's nothing on web archive besides some collection of Touhoumon roms with not-so-conveniently older version of this hack.
Shard of Dreams / Re: Need help with Shard of Dreams extended expansion
« Last post by Freezing Time on October 23, 2022, 08:45:25 AM »
It's a bug, which can occur sometimes. If other parts of the mod are working correctly just launch japanese version first. After getting to the character choice in it, it got fixed in english too, at least for me
Shard of Dreams / Need help with Shard of Dreams extended expansion
« Last post by Isrra29 on July 20, 2022, 05:21:33 PM »
I recently discovered this game and i wanted to try it, so, i download it and it came with this expansion i also wanted to try (as i know it has all the main touhou games characters) and when i first launched the game everything was going normal (it showed shard of dreams in the title screan), but when i choose my starter i only have up to touhou 15 characters. Did the mod glitch or do i have an old version? If its the second condition, how do i update the mod so i can have access to the other puppets.
Metagame and teambuilding / New TPDP Team
« Last post by CharlotteChariot on May 16, 2022, 07:29:58 AM »
Hello! I am looking for Marks and Moveset ideas for the following puppets. Along with EVs aswell.

Extra Yorihime

Extra Toyohime

Extra Remilia

Defense Yukari

Extra Reimu

Speed Sakuya

I didn't want to flood the forums with several posts so I put them all into one to make it easier. Any assistance is appreciated!
ROM Hacks + General Discussion / Re: Where is touhou puppet play 1.5 english port?
« Last post by Mille on March 23, 2022, 06:28:38 AM »

This has patches for EN 1.0, 1.53, and AE.

Note that 1.0 and 1.53 are not fully complete in their current forms, but this is the state of the ROM we had. Info files state more context.
ROM Hacks + General Discussion / Re: Where is touhou puppet play 1.5 english port?
« Last post by Chris on March 12, 2022, 08:15:47 PM »
Actually a good question, just like Emerald AE I've never been able to find this one. Though of course  Emerald AE got put back up a few months ago.  As far as I'm aware though, this one isn't online anymore unless someone reuploads it.
ROM Hacks + General Discussion / Where is touhou puppet play 1.5 english port?
« Last post by Blank on March 11, 2022, 11:11:01 PM »
I tried to find it on google and this forum and i can't seem to
Does anyone have the ips patch?
ROM Hacks + General Discussion / Re: Touhoumon Emerald AE's link is not working
« Last post by Chris on January 12, 2022, 01:05:58 AM »
Finished up the main story about two days ago and I gotta say, I actually really enjoyed this hack its really good compared to the other 1.5 games I've played. Tempted to say I found it more fun than Blue but I'm not quite sure yet.

now to go check out the trainer tower
ROM Hacks + General Discussion / Re: Touhoumon Emerald AE's link is not working
« Last post by Mille on January 11, 2022, 06:59:01 AM »
this hack is also where xtenshi came from! except here she also has faith type because resistances

its a good time as a single player romp.
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