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Messages - DoctorShanks

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ROM Hacks + General Discussion / Re: Shiny Puppet Gallery
« on: August 20, 2014, 09:39:41 AM »

After diddling with the RNG gods for a little while, I managed to convince them to let me hatch a Flawless (6IV) Shiny CMomiji out of sheer boredom. 100% manipulation from start to finish, no hacking or "cheating" involved in the process. I can finally go to sleep now.

Here's a Timid 31/0/31/31/31/31 Suwako too.

Fan-made hacks / Re: touhoumon purple
« on: August 16, 2014, 10:47:54 PM »
actually, now that I think about it, something has been bugging me for a while...
Any idea why speed lily black is pure dark in-game, but dark/flying on the shoddy server?
the only other question I really have at this point is why Yamame is so rare. (uncommon encounter rate in one spot) at the very least I'd expect her to show up again at route 111/mirage tower. (although by that point she'd lose her two moments to shine in the wattson/flannery fights)

Yamame can be found at a decent rarity in Steven's room in Granite Cave. SLilyBlack being a Dark/Flying Type on Shoddy is a bug; she is Mono Dark in vanilla as well.

Instead of route 111 or the mirage tower, wouldn't it be more logical for her to spawn in the Fiery Path along her "Subterranean Animism pal" ?

Chibi Koishi? Yeah, she is very missable. If you miss her, you don't get normal Koishi until Victory Road, and you don't get Chibi Koishi until Post-game Safari Zone. I'm not going to offer my input on where she should or should not appear, but Agastya has stated to me that he has no intention of changing the encounter slots as they currently are.

Speed Lily Black's typing is incorrect. She is Mono-Dark in vanilla and apparently in Purple according to NeoTornado.

General Metagame / Re: go test speed aya nerds
« on: August 04, 2014, 12:08:34 PM »
Welcome back to Standard, Blaziken. I'm sure Yumeko is glad to have her back.

I'm having a hard time imagining her sticking around, though. She might not be as dangerous in Doubles because of Detect/HJK mechanics, but we discussed this in Shoddy.

General Metagame / Re: Doubles ladder?
« on: July 22, 2014, 01:10:20 PM »
I haven't ever played Touhoumon doubles, but I think I'd definitely be interested in it. Though if it's all about Earthquake, that honestly doesn't sound very fun, since all you need is an Earth-immune partner...

Time to run Detect leads
Speaking of Detect, wouldn't it protect you of moves such as Explosion/EQ even if you're not immune to them?

Way late response, but yes, this is the entire reason why Protect (in this case, Detect) is pretty much a staple on most Doubles sets. If you can Detect in the face of a predicted Explosion, your opponent loses their Exploder and you come out unscathed (though you're vulnerable to revenge killing on the next turn assuming double-protect). Ghost types certainly enjoy being immune to this move due to its effective 500 Base Power, and let's not forget that Dark-types and Dream-types resist it. To top it all off, there are very few viable users of this move so it would be relatively easy to see coming; Shingyoku-o, Mimi-chan, TAlice, Tensoku, and Goliath would be the main things to look out for IMO. Earthquake is a different story. It's not as common as I imagine it would be, since don't forget that it hits your partner as well, requiring the partner to use Detect or be a Flying-type.

General Metagame / Re: Doubles ladder?
« on: March 12, 2014, 11:53:05 PM »
In Doubles Link battles, you're allowed to change your mind with the first puppet if you haven't already made your move with the second puppet. The Cancel button we had before allowed us to do exactly that, without allowing us to cancel after both moves have been made. I understand the "no changing your mind because you can't do that in-game" thought, and the button being entirely useless in Singles, but what we have now (or in this case, don't have now), doesn't let us turn back when we have made a move with our first puppet, when we normally would be allowed to in a cartridge scenario.

General Metagame / Re: Doubles ladder?
« on: March 10, 2014, 03:18:24 AM »
So I never mentioned it in this thread apparently, but it might be worth noting that not only do spread moves in Gen 3 have a 50% damage penalty (as opposed to the 75% in later gens), but Explosion, Earthquake, and SelfDestruct don't count as spread moves for the purposes of this penalty. Enjoy your Mimi-chan+Earth centralized meta!

(hahaha now who was it that said sendai was balanced for doubles)

That's honestly terrifying, but also exciting to think about.

-Mimi-chan, if unprepared for, can explode for full damage alongside a ghost type partner such as Kogasa, who also happens to sport Intimidate. This would open up serious mind games with Protect lolDetect.
-Attack Shou is a fast and powerful Earth-type who also happens to carry LightningRod to support an Earthquake-immune/flying-type partner such as Hatate, who happens to be a nice check to Sendai.
-Attack Reimu is immune to Intimidate, Earthquake, and Charm, and has set-up options with Tailwind, and a great move-pool. Bring Blade-masters to doubles oh wait those losers take SE damage from EQ which AReimu is immune to hahaha.

There's ur meta. I'm looking forward to it if the changes have a chance at happening.

Off-topic / Re: oh god please don't eat me.
« on: March 07, 2014, 12:06:27 AM »
Welcome! We're a small community playing a small-yet-interesting-game-once-you-get-into-it.

Make yourself at home. Hop on Shoddy sometime and learn about the Attack Reimu-centralized metagame. :)

General Metagame / Re: Doubles ladder?
« on: January 21, 2014, 01:12:01 AM »
-New puppets are sent out immediately after a puppet faints or after a "Spread move" finishes hitting all targets.
-Apparently gen3 had some kind of differences in turn order? Not sure about this.

Just noticed this

Pretty sure the first thing is gen 3 turn order.

I see. Thanks for the information. I remember reading something like that mentioned in Pokemon Battle Revolution a few years back, but I was young and couldn't make sense of it.

General Metagame / Re: Doubles ladder?
« on: January 20, 2014, 03:24:26 PM »
Eh, I'm pretty against any splitting of the already tiny meta/playerbase.

I don' think the player-base would be "splitting" from this. Just because I prefer Doubles doesn't mean I'm going to stop playing Singles from time to time. I just think that we're long overdue for a working Doubles metagame (meaning, the proper functioning of Doubles mechanics and moves).

General Metagame / Doubles ladder?
« on: January 20, 2014, 02:48:21 AM »
Something I (and hopefully others) have been interested in as of late have been Double Battles. It's been around for a while, it has started being played by competitive communities recently (Smogon), and it is a nice change of pace from Singles. Puppets and strategies that see little use in Standard might really shine in Doubles. What I'm requesting here is a simple Doubles ladder/rule-set that we can click and enjoy, with a reset ban-list(?) bar the Cross puppets, and maybe some important bug fixes provided that they aren't too time consuming to fix (Guard is a big one, as is Lightningrod).

Of course, I'm talking as though Doubles hasn't been a thing since the server began. Doubles is there, but it's incomplete with certain things not working, some being a bigger deal than others:

-Cancel Button*****************
-Lightningrod (are there any other abilities besides this that don't exactly work?)
-New puppets are sent out immediately after a puppet faints or after a "Spread move" finishes hitting all targets.
-Hyper Voice? (How does it work on Shoddy?)
-Transform, Recollection, and Snatch might want to see a bit of use? Not sure about this either.

Would you play it? Support? Thoughts? Speculation? Theorymoning?

Teambuilding / Re: Is it me or my team?
« on: January 19, 2014, 02:52:44 PM »
Was there a question in there?

Yeah. The thread title.

Your team looks fine? Next time you attempt that fight, try consulting a 1.8 Type-chart/Touhoudex when making decisions. If Koishi is a recent replacement, then she might not have very many EVs yet compared to the rest of the team.

If you're new to Pokemon, well, all I can say is that practice makes perfect. There are a lot of basic mechanics worth researching as well, such as the STAB, and how speed works, but I'm not sure whether or not to assume you know all this.

Movesets / Re: Mai
« on: November 18, 2013, 02:14:45 AM »
I suggested ordinary Toyohime, not TToyohime. My reasoning for that is because of her sky-high Physical tanking capabilities. Toyo covers the Physical end while Mai covers for Special. DSuwako sounds good on paper too because of her typing.

Movesets / Re: Mai
« on: November 18, 2013, 01:04:37 AM »
Constructive criticism time.

This is just my opinion, but I think Mai really wants Sleep immunity in Insomnia to give her more opportunities to switch in and set up Nasty Plot, especially on stuff like Speed Medicine and Mamizou. Rain Dish is neat, but I would rather use that on a defensive set. Slash Reflect for Rain Dance; I think Mai would much rather set up Rain herself, in the case that DSuwako or Nitori aren't around (Keep in mind Faith doesn't resist Faith in this game).

The nature and EV investment is questionable. What physical threat(s) is Mai trying to take hits from? Can she survive any Blade Flashes that she otherwise couldn't with no Defensive investment? Also, an alternative spread consisting of Modest Nature and 132HP/252Def/40SpA/84Spd accomplishes the same stat distribution with 1 extra Special Attack. The SpA/Spe investments can be changed to 36SpA/88Spd instead in order to speed-creep base 100's with 4 Spd EVs. However, it should be noted that there is pretty much no such thing as a puppet with base 100 Speed that isn't running some kind of speed Investment, except maybe Layla, DSunny, or DRemilia (idk I never used those three to great success). Non-mixed variants of Yorihime, and AShou both always run Speed investment, the former of which will always outspeed and OHKO Mai.

Instead, I would suggest a final spread of Modest with 132HP/252Def/120SpA/4Spd. This Gives Mai more Special Attack and still allows her to outpace uninvested base 90's. More HP investment could be worthwhile for Rain Dish.

Toyohime sounds like a great team mate, as she can take Steel-typed attacks aimed at her and retaliate with Ancient Power or a Rain-boosted Surf... or Whirlwind depending on the situation. Mai isn't taking Steel-type attacks by herself. With that spread, she may survive the odd Blade Flash or Sonicboom, but team support is a must for this.

All in all, this set is a nice surprise for opposing Fire-types, but that's about it. She would be a lot cooler if she got Recover or something.  Personally, I like my Mai's with Insomnia. Hopefully I helped a little.

Teambuilding / Re: Waifu team advice
« on: November 15, 2013, 08:37:31 PM »
Tokiko is more of a defensive bird, and Attack Tokiko has stats on par with Mystia with slightly better stats, and has the added bonus of not being Mystia :). Aya usually takes a defensive role on the Simulators, while Tech and Speed Aya dish out damage. Speed Aya in particular out-speeds everything in the game and ties with Lily Black and Mimi-chan.

Star is incredibly good. Her pile of resistances (which includes all sandstorm types: Beast, Earth, and Steel) is well worth her weakness to Miasma, which is relatively easy to see coming. AStar can be used as a competent Waterfall user, while the other two forms are great with Giga Drain and Surf later on. It's not uncommon to hear of a Star surviving a Poison Bomb, and an HStar surviving a Poison Jab on occasion.

Just thought I'd add this little bit. Good luck.

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