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Messages - shai_LP

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Movesets / Re: Yumeko
« on: September 18, 2013, 02:01:09 AM »
No Listing Spikes in her other options?

I mean

Attacking Lead Sets

General Metagame / Re: OU/Standard Threatlist WIP [Open for editing]
« on: September 16, 2013, 08:22:22 PM »
I don't know if I agree with Futo not being there either. [Torrent Aqua Jets or Flash Fire things are pretty scary]

Don't get how Lyrica is supporting when she's there to attack

I mean memento maybe but really?

I feel like Kikuri has an edge over Dbyakuren because spikes immunity [levitate], I have never seen DByaks ever so I wouldn't mind her being removed.

Speed Wriggles and Cirno are pretty powerful yeah I think I originally had cirno until josh cut it top 50 only [which I'm still not sure about...]

Genji can keep himself healthy but I agree that he's a bit underwhelming. Amnesia Toxic-Stall Genji is a bit irritating but....

edit: nvm at lyrica I'm dumb I forgot about suicide spiker

General Metagame / Re: OU/Standard Threatlist WIP [Open for editing]
« on: September 15, 2013, 04:42:37 AM »
Because something broke

I had to rollback to a back-up with pre-doesnty edits so for better documentation.

Please post any changes or adds you would do to the doc here

Or better yet mirror what changes you have added

rhetco pls what happened

Movesets / Re: Technical Hatate
« on: September 12, 2013, 07:39:50 PM »
Shouldn't the set be like

Code: [Select]
Technical Hatate @ Gothic Dress/Leftovers
Ability: Focus
EVs: 124 Def/252 SpAtk/132 Spd
Modest nature (+SpAtk,-Atk)
-Baton Pass
-Heat Wave
-Luster Purge/Nasty Plot

and if you say that she can run a no-pass set well shouldn't it's usage be different enough to let it have it's own set?

Code: [Select]
Technical Hatate @ Gothic Dress/Leftovers
Ability: Focus
EVs: 124 Def/252 SpAtk/132 Spd
Modest nature (+SpAtk,-Atk)
-Nasty Plot
-Heat Wave
-Luster Purge

Movesets / Re: Please read before posting a thread in this section.
« on: September 11, 2013, 09:27:37 PM »
Here are some Stat Tables

because it looks nicer

Kuri Style [easier to slap on anything]

Type: Type / Type

                                 Base              Min-MinMaxMax+
HP: 80 -301364-
Attack: 110 230256319350
Defense: 80 176196259284
Special Attack: 80 176196259284
Special Defense: 80 176196259284
Speed: 100 212236299328

Code: [Select]
[left][sub]Type: [b]Type / Type[/b][/sub][/left]



[td]                                 [/td]


[td]              [/td]







[td][b]HP[/b]: [/td]


[td] [/td]







[td][b]Attack[/b]: [/td]


[td] [/td]







[td][b]Defense[/b]: [/td]


[td] [/td]







[td][b]Special Attack[/b]: [/td]


[td] [/td]







[td][b]Special Defense[/b]: [/td]


[td] [/td] 







[td][b]Speed[/b]: [/td]


[td] [/td]







Coylise Style **will do later



Creative Conundrum / Re: Shard Forms You Wished Existed But Don't Exist
« on: September 01, 2013, 12:04:24 PM »
there is no basis to Speed Alice though

speed Byakuren has 2fast4u Hopeless Masquerade Byakuren

Creative Conundrum / Re: Shard Forms You Wished Existed But Don't Exist
« on: September 01, 2013, 08:18:35 AM »
Speed Byakuren

Faith/Illusion type

STAB Extremespeed!!!

Movesets / Re: [WIP] Speed Flandre
« on: August 31, 2013, 07:17:04 AM »
why are you running those EVs when Hustle boosts SFlan's Attack to her fully invested Special Attack with no attack investment whatsoever

2/10 see me after class

Movesets / Re: Mamizou
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:58:36 PM »
Can't wait for transform to work in shoddy

Dual Screens Transform Explode/Spikes hnnngh

write aki sisters or namazu

Teambuilding / Re: I dunno what to call this team lol
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:45:12 PM »
..Picking a boost item for Yorihime would be confusing for me since I gave her coverage and that would mean having to choose between boosts from different types...

boost STAB

...Why Tailwind, though, when Goliath's SPD is initially already painful to look at?...

You'll out-speed Walls/Wallbreakers with base 90/95s with 1 boost with proper EVs, if you get +2 speed [via yourself or Baton Passing from Lily] You'll out-speed Mimi-Chans with the same spread

...I should replace Roar on Suika as suggested here as well to Steel Fist, Bulk Up or Focus Punch, which I think could benefit if Lily's Substitute somehow lasts to when I can get Suika out...

Don't use Focus Punch

poot poot

[inspoiler]don't take this the wrong way but you sound young[/inspoiler]

Movesets / Re: Please read before posting a thread in this section.
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:11:10 PM »
threw links

Code: [Select]

edit: damnit josh still being lay-zee and just dropping URL line zzz


Define OU.

The Standard tier everyone plays in that isn't Ubers and isn't UU more like QQ tier


The point of making one is pretty much so newbies or anyone can have a reference of what to be ready for in team building.

You can't tell me that there AREN'T Adv Reisens, Tech Toyos, and Attack Suwakos running about

Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Temporary Shoddy 1 server
« on: August 24, 2013, 11:55:21 PM »
In case anyone built a team on Shoddy 1, it's possible to port it to Shoddy 2 by simply loading it there; from there, you can re-save it on Shoddy 2 format and have it be analyzed by the team analyzer, for example.

Just watch out for small compatibility issues: for example, the "None" option for Shoddy 1 items is different from Shoddy 2's, as well as the Swimsuit (it's called School Swimsuit in S1) and some moves, such as Dust Shoot/Gunk Shot.

If any of those issues are present, then the team won't load properly in Shoddy 2, and you have to go back to Shoddy 1 and change it there; the teambuilder should work even if the server isn't up.

(Also note that, while you can port from S1 to S2, you can't directly port S2 teams to S1, but I don't think anyone wants to right now :< )

You can also open up the team file and manually remove the offending items/moves there too

define bulky attacker better

The only thing I can think of is Curse Sendai and Toyos in general and even then for things with bulk they don't really stick around too long

Movesets / Re: Attack Minoriko
« on: August 24, 2013, 09:48:50 AM »
whens aki sisters

You should put the numbers to why 55 is such a magical number:

The AMinoriko has a speed of 418.  The Mimi-chan has a speed of 416.
252 speed EVs 31 IVs AMinoriko with Speed Doubling ability and a neutral nature is faster than than 252 speed EVs 31 IVs Mimi-chan with a positive nature.

Its also worth nothing that unlike Attack Murasa, it isn't likely for Minoriko's Sun Sweep to get ninja'd by a faster Chlorophyll abuser since the only other things that have it are Shizuhas, Minorikos, Medicines and Aki Sisters.

Should watch for Trace users too, but you already sorta mentioned Hatate [birds], and Patchouli and Satori's standard sets can't hit Minoriko Super Effectively.

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