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Messages - joshcja

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Movesets / Kaguya
« on: September 09, 2014, 03:44:36 PM »

Typing: Reason/Nature
Ability: Natural Cure/Overgrow
Hp" 210
Atk: 50
Spatk: 80

Kaguya, aka "totally not a better blissy at all, that would be silly" is bulky, really really really bulky. She has the body of a god. With 210/50/120 bulk she may seem squishy on the physical side...until you realize that 210 hp is 210 hp. Combine that natural bulk with a decent Spatk stat, decent stabs, defensive typing and coverage, and reliable recovery and Kaguya will crush your foes.

Not Blissy At All (Mixed wall)
(Kaguya) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 184 HP/252 Def/72 SpDef Or 252 Def/168Spatk/88 Spdef
Bold nature (+Def,-Atk)
- Mana Burst
- Recover
- Toxic
- Energy Light/Extrasensory/Counter

With the given Ev spreads Kaguya can chose to either live an Adamant Airline Technical Aya Brave Bird after Spikes(184 hp) , or 2 hit KO Unboosted Taunt varients of sariel with mana burst gaining room to toxic between taunts (168 spatk), while she still retains the special bulk to tank silly things like stab SE Blazer Advent Reisen Signal Beams on the special side. Natural Cure is as always an amazing ability that allows Kaguya to simply ignore most status effects. Mana Burst is your main STAB and is decently spamable, Recover is Recover and will see a lot of use, Toxic allows Kaguya to rack up damage on opposing walls and special attackers while in the last moveslot Energy Light offers a serviceable secondary Stab, Extrasensory nails Dark-types trying to exploit Kaguya's typing and counter allows Kaguya to absolutely obliterate anything that failed to kill her on the physical side. Useage is simple, drop Kaguya in on a resisted or "weak" attack and sponge all the damage.

Options: Giga drain and frenzy plant are both useable but Kaguya's high Hp and relatively low Spatk make them "not that great". Kaguya can run charge over Toxic and try to rack up boosts for a sweep, Past that Frenzy Plant and Mirror Coat both have their niches as does Taunt, however there are generally better users of these moves. You can also reduce the HP investment to increase Kaguya's speed spdef or special attack if you don't mind the loss of utility on the physical side.

Support: Kaguya enjoys not swapping into Spikes, so a spinner can help greatly, past that strong fire, dark, and flying hits hurt the unholy hell out of her (Heart and ice not so much, having your highest BP moves locked at 90 sucks) so make sure to bring along some decently bulky resists.

Counters:Attack Patchouli completely destroys Kaguya as long as she's carrying a Gothic Outfit or mana charge, so beware. Konngara completely walls Kaguya and can pressure stall her with the greatest of ease. Baton pass pivots such as Ruukoto and the Star forms can use Kaguya as either setup fodder or simply drypass in threatening attackers such as SFlan, Advent Mokou, or Banded Technical Aya who can completely erase Kaguya herself with their dumbstrong offenses and provide a significant threat to any other swapins. Past that counters are dependent on Kaguyas 4th moveslot, Counter guts any physical attackers who cannot straight up destroy Kaguya, Toxic starts the timer on stallbreakers who would otherwise counter her (Nue fears Mana Burst) and Extrasensory can kill or cripple Dark-type nukes on the switching.

Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Shoddy Draftamundo!
« on: September 07, 2014, 10:40:59 PM »
RNG said no.

Lost 2-1 finals

Bow before high haxlord doesnt.

Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Shoddy Draftamundo!
« on: September 06, 2014, 01:05:17 AM »
Victory in the semifinals vs rhetco


Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Shoddy Draftamundo!
« on: September 04, 2014, 12:34:01 AM »
Nuemeta Numbats Drew darkness acrost youki mountain with massive vampire spam.

2-0 Numbats are nubat 1

Fan-made hacks / Re: Touhoumon WIT Version (WIP: First release!)
« on: September 02, 2014, 02:00:34 PM »
Nifty idea I'll give it a try

Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Shoddy Draftamundo!
« on: September 02, 2014, 12:37:04 AM »
Choked Lex to death with Smog(on) 2-0

Creative Conundrum / Re: Hypothetical 6th gen. TPP
« on: September 01, 2014, 02:55:07 PM »
gonna step in here and explain a few things.

First in the dialect of the rural south allow me to explain the general feeling on Achiya Sanae hacks among the "Oh we get it 2hu is hard but why the fuck is there a level 100 LWZ boss at the first gym" folks. His hacks are either "Well bless his soul, it aint his fault momma drank durin the pragnency" or "Thems fightin words sonny >.>". Either way saying Achiya did it so its a good idea not exactly a strong first step.

Seiga was made dark faith in Purple because she's twisted evil taoist hermit. Typing tends to flow more into the belief area than the element area for primary forms. Plus seiga makes holes in...whatever she likes more or less, not just the earth (Hell she takes like..a week to make one hole in the ground in wind and horned hermit or some shit, not exactly her forte).

As a heads up, in care the new type chart, new/changed moves, new approach to evolutions, Replacement of electric rats with Loli's, not loli's and "Is that a rack or a person" confused you, this stopped being pokemon a long time ago. So earth is earth yo. Plus the whole, "who would even be rock" question I mean there's the tenshi's, but that's about it.

Blade Flash and Aqua jet respectively cover anything a rock type prio would.

Oh dear GOD dark does not need any buffs. Double immunity to 2 of the strongest offensive types in the game on the strongest offensive type in the game. Also Dark immuning psychic made no sense in the first place, even in pokelogic, it was just a dumb GF thing made because omgzorz psychic OP superovercompensategooooo. Additionaly 1.8 already has a somewhat strong type balance why tweak that just because "Well I like darks cause I'm dark inside n stuff and if I was a pokeman I'd be a houndoom, so lets give it an immunity"

Illusion is meant to be a primarily unstabed type because STAB Espeed is really really dumb. Really, really, dumb.

Gonna say you should try some 1.8 hacks made by somone who understands things like "good" difficulty (Looks scathingly at 1.5) or level curve (Looks mournfully at vanilla fire red) or how 2 region (Looks disparagingly at Java, Jhoto in FRE) before you go all gamefreak on gen 6.

Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Shoddy Draftamundo!
« on: August 29, 2014, 02:07:59 AM »
Did round 6 early vs prinny.

Cant say I really "won" but the score card still reads 2-0

Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Shoddy Draftamundo!
« on: August 29, 2014, 01:09:02 AM »
Got carried by cat vs Zx


Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Shoddy Draftamundo!
« on: August 29, 2014, 12:20:24 AM »
Won 2-0 vs GabCVS


Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Shoddy Draftamundo!
« on: August 28, 2014, 05:28:23 PM »
Missplayed on the last turn and threw away the win like an idiot courtesy of blind puppets.

lost 1-2 vs doesnt

Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Shoddy Draftamundo!
« on: August 26, 2014, 03:17:26 AM »
Won round 2 with a disgusting semi stall vs shanks


Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Shoddy Draftamundo!
« on: August 26, 2014, 01:58:02 AM »
Nuemeta Numbat was victiorious over tengu-theta wave with a 2-0

Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Shoddy Draftamundo!
« on: August 25, 2014, 03:49:09 AM »
Sorry man, we wound up dropping you </3

Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Shoddy Draftamundo!
« on: August 24, 2014, 10:32:09 PM »

Draft starts at 8:30 central US time today BE THERE OR BE RECTANGULAR

Late entries are accepted and w/e but we're good to go

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