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Messages - MQJinx

Pages: [1] 2
Touhou Puppet Dance Performance / Randomized TPDP?
« on: August 21, 2016, 03:18:34 AM »
When would we expect a randomizer to be in development? I'd like a new experience playing TPDP as I did playing randomized versions of games throughout TPP playthroughs.

Creative Conundrum / Shining Shooting Star Puppets
« on: July 23, 2016, 02:48:57 AM »
What are some of your ideas for puppets of characters from this game if you were to put them in?

For me (1.8 ):

Ami: Dream/Heart
Rakuki: Reason/Faith
Koreirei: Dream/Fire
Seiryuu: Nature/Wind
Kage: Illusion/Ghost
Rakukun: Reason/Faith
Tensei: Reason/Dream
Kirigakure: Nature/Ice

Metagame Discussion / Ex-Koishi
« on: June 24, 2016, 01:17:46 AM »
Bulky Attacker
Ex-Koishi @ Silver Hairpin / Gold Hairpin
Ability: Infiltration / Active
EVs: 64 HP / 64 FAtk / 2 Spe
Red Mark
- Distortion Bomb
- Sneaking
- Full Burst Detonate
- Dancing Sword

How does this set fare? This set is designed to be a tank to absorb attacks and take advantage of the high HP and Attack to pivot into some foes that you want to take on for bulky offense and balance.

Creative Conundrum / Seoi Ha
« on: March 23, 2016, 02:25:06 AM »
How would you put Ha from Touhou Shizenyu in the game?

I would make her Nature/Wind.

Metagame Discussion / Ex-Aya
« on: March 08, 2016, 12:27:37 AM »
Ex-Aya @ Intercept Bit / Reflect Bit / Food Rations
Ability: Intuition
EVs: 64 HP / 64 FDef or 64 SDef / 2 Spe
Blue / White Mark
- Perch
- Miasma
- Spinning Air
- Lightning Speed / Backdraft

How does this set look? Come in on anything that you can take a hit from and stall it out, gaining momentum with Lightning Speed if you have it.

Metagame Discussion / Speed Sanae
« on: February 24, 2016, 03:28:48 PM »
Sharp Wind Sweeper
S-Sanae @ Food Rations / Black Choker
Ability: Common Senseless
EVs: 64 SAtk / 2 SDef / 64 Spe
Black / Green Mark
- Sharp Wind
- Spinning Air / Macroburst
- Waves of Earth / Earthen Feast
- Mist Fog

How does this set look? Come in on something that you can force out and start setting up, and with Common Senseless you can hit Warped-types with your Wind STAB and Wind-types with Earth STAB.

Metagame Discussion / Ex-Sagume
« on: February 16, 2016, 12:23:27 AM »
How do these sets look?

All-Out Attacker
Ex-Sagume @ Gold Hairpin / Good Belt / Silver Hairpin
Ability: Reverse Function
EVs: 64 HP / 64 FAtk / 2 SDef or 64 FAtk / 2 SDef / 64 Spe
Red / Green Mark
- Distortion Bomb / Alluring Labyrinth
- Trickster / Break Shot
- High Tone Crush / Full Burst Detonate
- Poisoned Arrow

Try to make your opponent set up (for example, by having something passive that can be used as bait) to take advantage of Reverse Function or switch into hits to tank them and retaliate with the appropriate move.

Focused Movement Sweeper
Ex-Sagume @ Food Rations / Life Charm
Ability: Reverse Function
EVs: 64 FAtk / 2 SDef / 64 Spe
Red Mark
- Focused Movement
- Distortion Bomb / Alluring Labyrinth
- High Tone Crush
- Poisoned Arrow / Spark Javelin

Set up on anything that can't do anything to you, and start wrecking havoc on the opposing team.

Metagame Discussion / Defense Doremy
« on: February 10, 2016, 03:27:16 AM »
D-Doremy @ Intercept Bit / Food Rations
Ability: Dark Clothing
EVs: 64 HP / 64 FDef / 2 SDef
Blue Mark
- Drain Seed
- Blessing of Mana
- Energy Absorb
- Dark Corrosion

How does this set look? Come in on any focus attacker and stall them to death, all while recovering your own health in the process with Drain Seed, Blessing of Mana, and Energy Absorb

Metagame Discussion / Defense Sagume
« on: February 02, 2016, 03:43:42 PM »
Bulky Attacker
D-Sagume @ Vat of Poison / Floating Stone / Gold Hairpin / Silver Hairpin
Ability: Wisdom Eye
EVs: 64 HP / 2 FDef / 64 SAtk
Black Mark
- Poison Bomb
- Charge Stealing
- Impulse
- Lightning Speed / Curse Reversal / Manifest "Genbu"

How does this set look? This can either be played as a pivot or a genbu setter to take advantage of D-Sagume's bulk.

Metagame Discussion / Speed Junko
« on: January 26, 2016, 03:15:22 AM »
How do these sets look?

All-Out Attacker
S-Junko @ Good Earrings / Straw Dolls / Black Choker
Ability: Hate Reincarnate
EVs: 64 SAtk / 2 SDef / 64 Spe
Green Mark
- Arclight / Moonbow
- Darkness Sweets
- Impulse / Mysterious Wave
- Emperor's Indignity / Jewelry Storm / White Lily Dance / Puppet's Grudge / Miasma

This set plays like a wallbreaker, inflicting a huge amount of damage on anything that doesn't resist or is significantly bulky.

S-Junko @ Food Rations
Ability: Unjustness
EVs: 64 SAtk / 2 SDef / 64 Spe
Green Mark
- Moonbow
- Darkness Sweets
- Moon's Protection
- Barrier Option

Gradually boost up while draining PP from your opponent for an eventual sweep.

PP Staller
S-Junko @ Food Rations
Ability: Unjustness
EVs: 64 HP / 2 FDef / 64 Spe
Green Mark
- Moonbow / Darkness Sweets
- Nature Barrier
- Barrier Option
- Miasma

Constantly use Nature Barrier and Barrier Option when predicting attacks and use Miasma and Barrier Option when predicting a switch.

Creative Conundrum / Book of Star Mythology Puppets
« on: January 19, 2016, 03:38:17 AM »
What are some of your ideas for puppets of characters from this game if you were to put them in?

For me (1.8 ):

Fabritis: Dream/Heart
Iphonea: Dream/Heart
Tobiko: Wind/Illusion
Shelia: Reason/Dream
Ichiyou: Dark/Steel

Metagame Discussion / Ex-Hina
« on: January 19, 2016, 01:36:11 AM »
How do these sets look?

Special Wall
Ex-Hina @ Vat of Poison / Small Bit / Intercept Bit
Ability: Air Cushion
EVs: 64 HP / 2 FDef / 64 SDef
White Mark
- Drain Seed
- Nature Barrier / Force Shield
- Holy Flare
- Poison Stream

Come in on spread attackers, and use Drain Seed on any switch-ins, then your protection move to sap their health before switching out.

Ex-Hina @ Vat of Poison / Golden Hairpin
Ability: Air Cushion
EVs: 64 HP / 2 FDef / 64 SDef or 64 HP / 64 FAtk / 2 SDef
Red / White Mark
- Holy Flare
- Poison Stream
- Changeling
- Shadow Bomb / Miasma / Thermit / Squall

This set plays more like a slow user of Changeling that can allow a teammate to get in safely.

Shoddy Touhoumon Info/Discussion / Re: Shoddy Touhoumon 2 [Status: Up]
« on: January 18, 2016, 03:05:18 AM »
Would we expect to see Kosuzu, Sumireko, and all of the LoLK cast in future updates?

Metagame Discussion / Ex-Medicine
« on: January 13, 2016, 09:09:11 PM »
How do these sets look?

Moon's Protection
Ex-Medicine @ Vat of Poison
Ability: Poison Labyrinth
EVs: 64 SAtk / 2 SDef / 64 Spe
Green Mark
- Moon's Protection
- Impulse
- Poison Bomb
- Mist Fog / Poltergeist

With this set, come in on a defensive or choice-locked threat and boost up with impunity.

Revenge Killer
Ex-Medicine @ Good Belt / Good Earrings / Straw Dolls
Ability: Poison Labyrinth
EVs: 64 SAtk / 2 SDef / 64 Spe
Green Mark
- Sweet Desperado
- Impulse
- Mist Fog / Poltergeist
- Shark Trade / Poltergeist

This set is more effective as a way to handle offensive threats, and it can stay effective against defensive threats with Shark Trade.

Fast Trap Setter
Ex-Medicine @ Vat of Poison / Black Choker
Ability: Poison Labyrinth
EVs: 64 HP / 2 SAtk / 64 Spe
Green Mark
- Poison Trap
- Upbeat
- Confinement
- Impulse

With this set, taunt any leads that cannot do anything back with their offensive options and then stack up traps.

Literally Satan
Ex-Medicine @ Good Belt
Ability: Poison Labyrinth
EVs: 12 HP / 54 SAtk / 64 Spe
Green Mark
- Shark Trade
- Moon's Protection / Confinement / Claim / Upbeat
- Continue
- Poison Bomb / Impulse

With this set, come in on a defensive threat, use Shark Trade to cripple it and then you are free to do all kinds of nasty stuff while it struggles to do anything. (The 12 HP EVs are to be sure that under L50 rules, Charon Ferries and Life Meeting Point cannot 3HKO Medicine.)

Metagame Discussion / Ex-Satori
« on: January 04, 2016, 05:08:14 PM »
Ex-Satori @ Straw Dolls
Ability: Infinite Changes
EVs: 64 FAtk / 2 SAtk / 64 Spe
Green Mark
- Royal Prism
- Poisoned Arrow
- Darkness Sweets
- Dancing Sword

How does this set look? I use it to revenge kill and to clean up late game.

Also what are some good teammates for Ex-Satori?

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