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Messages - Rejnka

Pages: 1 [2]
Creative Conundrum / Touhoumon: Random community edition!
« on: April 19, 2015, 10:15:44 PM »
Hello, persons. Today, I am trying to start a community hack. I can't do any deep end stuff, but I will try to be a good leader for this project.

Basically, this is taking community ideas and making it a hack.

Below is our "in discussion ideas"
  • Status will wear off, and the wearoff can be delayed by getting the status again.
  • Begone, permanent weather! Instead, the same event that triggered it boosts it (Note: Possibly it is permanent as long as a puppet with a weather ability is out?)
  • Windy stuff. Flying is now Wind and old-Wind is now electric, with various stuff tweaked to match.
  • Hidden Force. Good ol' Hidden Force.
  • Less annoying HMs. Forgetting them, item replacements, maybe both?
  • Fog! Ghost/Dark weather, gives Dark moves perfect accuracy, Ghosts get 50% Defense, abilities will happen, Ghost-Type Weather Ball, and weakened SolarBeam and Synthesis!
  • Crits that do 1.5x damage and not 2x.

Hall of rejects. May they R.I.P. in kill.
  • lol crit meter
  • Statused damage is now 75% normal and not 50% normal

Below is random stuff I'm proposing and will likely happen if not countered with another idea
Original region, with it being the only area in the world with Touhoumons (likely called Bonéka like in World Link and stuff) as the rest of the world has Pokémon in it.

Creative Conundrum / Re: i actually made DDC sprites a long time ago
« on: April 12, 2015, 11:55:24 PM »
better than anything i could make, m8

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