Touhou Puppet Dance Performance / Re: December 26th Broadcast
« on: December 26, 2015, 10:50:36 PM »
Forgot to post this here too:
Battle facility appears to follow the rules of Gaiden. You bring six mons, go into team preview and play see 6 choose 3, except the opponents only have 3 mons to begin with so it's stacked in your favor for once.
Hemo's Power Aya traded Rush Attack for a Focus multi-hit, which screws him over on-stream multiple times because it just doesn't have the killing power Rush Attack did on physical walls.
Extra Marisa is Nature/Chaos.
Extra Renko is Light/Void.
Extra Maribel is Illusion/Void.
Extra Sumireko is Dream.
Extra Yukari is Illusion/Chaos.
Extra Cirno is Water/Fighting.
Extra Luna is Electric/Chaos.
Speed Clownpice is Fire/Illusion.
Extra Renko has an ability that changes the target's ability to なし (No Ability) when she enters battle.
Extra Renko is running four status moves: Bind Trap, Grim Reaper's Dance, Continue, and a new Chaos move that had priority but didn't appear to do anything useful.
Extra Sumireko has Darkness Sweets, Ultra High Tone, Shake Gear, and Upbeat.
Speed Clownpiece has a new move that inflicts Burn and Fear simultaneously, Surge of Flame, Blessing of Mana, and Mysterious Wave.
Extra Yukari has a new Focus Illusion attack with 120 BP, two Focus Chaos attacks with 95 and 80 BP, and Barrier Option.
Also, Power Reimu apparently has access to Sneaking/Sucker Punch now.
Battle facility appears to follow the rules of Gaiden. You bring six mons, go into team preview and play see 6 choose 3, except the opponents only have 3 mons to begin with so it's stacked in your favor for once.
Hemo's Power Aya traded Rush Attack for a Focus multi-hit, which screws him over on-stream multiple times because it just doesn't have the killing power Rush Attack did on physical walls.
Extra Marisa is Nature/Chaos.
Extra Renko is Light/Void.
Extra Maribel is Illusion/Void.
Extra Sumireko is Dream.
Extra Yukari is Illusion/Chaos.
Extra Cirno is Water/Fighting.
Extra Luna is Electric/Chaos.
Speed Clownpice is Fire/Illusion.
Extra Renko has an ability that changes the target's ability to なし (No Ability) when she enters battle.
Extra Renko is running four status moves: Bind Trap, Grim Reaper's Dance, Continue, and a new Chaos move that had priority but didn't appear to do anything useful.
Extra Sumireko has Darkness Sweets, Ultra High Tone, Shake Gear, and Upbeat.
Speed Clownpiece has a new move that inflicts Burn and Fear simultaneously, Surge of Flame, Blessing of Mana, and Mysterious Wave.
Extra Yukari has a new Focus Illusion attack with 120 BP, two Focus Chaos attacks with 95 and 80 BP, and Barrier Option.
Also, Power Reimu apparently has access to Sneaking/Sucker Punch now.