Hello everyone, and welcome to how to navigate
Moonrunehell Melonbooks and BuddyDRM. I will do my best to make this as pain free as possible, with images and as detailed instructions as 6AM allows me. If anything is difficult for you to understand PLEASE do not hesitate to get a hold of me. I'm nearly always active on Skype, Steam, and the IRC (or any combination of those) through the name CrucialTwinz, and I will be more than happy to answer any questions I know the answer to. With that out of the way let's get started on this.
Step 1: Go here!
http://www.melonbooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=IT0000177135That's your lovely game you will be purchasing (today or sometime I hope).
Step 2: On the screen that shows up, you'll want to click on the orange box to the right of the box art to add it to your cart.
Step 3: The screen you're on now is your cart. You want to select the yellow "go to checkout" box on the right side near the top.
Step 4: Next you'll be taken to a "log in" screen. On the log in screen you want to select the big 'ol orange "New Account" button. After all, if you had an account already, why would you need me? No, but go ahead and hit that button. There's honestly NO reason to be a guest as you only can download the game again within 10 days if you lose it.
Step 5: Start scrolling down til you find a lovely pair of boxes and another green button. In both the first and second box insert your e-mail address, then press the green button to continue!

Step 6: The next screen is letting you know that you received a verification e-mail. Go to your e-mail address you entered and click on the lone blue link in the e-mail from melonbooks. That will take you to THIS screen, where you fill out your information to create an account! Top to bottom it goes: ID, password, password again, nickname, Last name, First name, last name in katakana, first name in katakana, birthday. I made a mistake with the picture originally, and in all honesty, the katakana name wasn't an issue. I just punched in some words in Google Translate and copy paste it! After finished up, just select the green option at the bottom to continue, then go through the few confirmation screens!

Step 7: If everything was entered correctly you should return to the melonbooks homepage logged in and with TPDP in your cart. When you get there go ahead and select the yellow "checkout" option on the right side of the screen!
Step 8: It'll take you back to an earlier screen, where you see the items in your cart. Go ahead and just click the yellow button again to continue on!
Step 9: When you click it this time, it will pull up a "Select your payment method" screen, and for the sake of sanity, we're gonna say that you're using Debit/Credit Card. After selecting CC and hitting the continue button then you'll be taken to the screen in the picture. You'll want to input your card information here. Then hit continue after inputting your info!
Step 10: Honestly, just click the yellow button on the next screen. EZ.
Step 11: If everything has gone through OK then you're done with the purchase! On the final screen, which is your download screen, you will see some information just saying that your downloads will be in a ZIP. Just click the little blue box next to your game and that will get you a ZIP with a folder and a setup file in it! Save it where you like, and DO NOT, I REPEAT,
DO NOT close that tab. You need the CD key that is below the download button (what's blacked out on my picture). Everything is DONE as far as the purchase now! *claps*

Now, once you get the file exacted and opened up you'll get a fantastic little pop up about installing BuddyDRM. Go ahead and install that and go through the installer that pops up. When you get it installed click on the setup file AGAIN. When you do so you'll get the following image.

This is actually quite easy to deal with now! The second and smaller box is the "Create an Account" link. After clicking on that It'll pull up the following screen. On this screen just enter your Username, Password twice, and Email twice!

That's the only screen you need to enter anything for the account creation. You just have to continue past the next two. One is a confirm screen, the next is the completion screen. With both of those screens confirmed through you're now able to log in through the BuddyDRM window.

Alright, so from here, sign in through BuddyDRM, and it'll pull up a screen with a few boxes. This is where THE TAB YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE CLOSED WITH YOUR CD KEY IS NEEDED. Put in your CD Key and confirm it. That will pull up a confirmation screen. Here it SHOULD give you a download prompt for the setup for the game, unfortunately I had to close my Buddy and reopen it to get my download to activate. From there it's just a matter setting your folder to download the game setup, launching the setup, and installing the game! You're set! You now have TPDP officially purchased and installed!
HAVE FUN!TO NOTE: You do not need to keep Buddy installed after installing the game. Paypal is
NOT accepted. The total you'll spend for the game is $22.52. MAKE SURE TO TURN YOUR COMPUTER TO JAPANESE LOCALE PRIOR TO INSTALLING THE GAME. IT WILL SOLVE YOU FROM HAVING TO POST 9 TIMES OUT OF 10 THAT YOU'RE HAVING AN ISSUE. (I really don't know why I didn't add that sooner, sorry guys)