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Topics - PrinnyAce

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Alright so since we don't have access to something that tells us the changes to mons because Hemo decided to not give a patch note of some sort this time around for a sequel its time to make some discovery.

Bolded names are new abilities or moves.

Gained "Curse Return" as a second ability

Lost "Desperate Defend" but gained "In Sync"

Lost "Bad Medicine" but gained "Jamming"

Lost "Chaos Inducer" but gained "Southern Expanse"

Lost "Discourager" but gained "Smoke Deploy"

Lost "Vigorous Spirit" but gained "Counter Stance"

Lost "Optimist" but gained "Stimulative"

Lost "Desperate Defend" but gained "Full Power"

Lost "Short Tempered" but gained "Red Lord's Fire"

Lost "Assault" but gained "Invigorative"

Gained "Pride" as a secondary ability

Lost "Sermon" but gained "White Lord's Metal"

Lost "The Dark's Power" but gained "Strict Dosage"

Lost "Assault" and "Robust Spirit" but gained "Immovable" and "Vigorous Spirit"

Lost "Hate Reincarnate" but gained "Fox's Wedding"

Lost "Optimist" but gained "Desperation"

Lost "Immovable" but gained "Black Lord's Water"

Lost "Insight" but gained "In Sync"

Lost "Flawless" but gained "Free Breathe"

Lost "Vanishing Act" but gained "Telescopic"

Lost "On Fire" but gained "Ballistic Correction"

Lost "Light Curtain" but gained "Eastern Expanse"

Lost "Poker Face" but gained "Sand Attack"

Thank you to dabomstew for this list of move changes

General Metagame / People who can spin.
« on: June 27, 2013, 01:40:17 AM »
Alright here is a hastily made list of touhoumons who can spin. If I missed anyone tell me. If people want me to spread out the forms instead of having this all form list tell me. Also tell me what chibis can spin so I can make a list for them.

Users of Rapid Spin:

All Chen forms
All Kisume forms
All Kogasa forms
All Nitori forms
All Tewi forms
All Hina forms
Attack Lily Black
Technical Sekibanki

Users of Twister:

All Shizuha forms (including Aki Sisters)
All Kogasa forms
All Meiling forms
All Utsuho forms
All Aya forms (including Tenma)
All Sariel forms
All Raiko forms
Defense Wriggle
Technial Kyouko

Movesets / [WIP]Defense Reisen
« on: June 16, 2013, 03:55:46 AM »
WIP - Shoddy format for sets not used. Occasional Capitalization issues. Easy fix.


HP: 85
Attack: 75
Defense: 70
Speed: 70
SpAtk: 95
SpDef: 135

Keen eyes: Prevents Accuracy Drops. (Useless in the long run dont use it.)
Insomia: Prevents Sleep.

Introductory to Defense Reisen
So wanna learn how to use Defense Reisen? All right let me tell you a few things about her. Though just a warning its has been awhile since I've used her in long successions so I can't go into deep detail about her stats. Now lets start by saying that DReisen has an impressive 135 Special Defense as shown in the stats and a decent 85 hp which shows obvious signs that she is suppose to be use a special wall. Which is good because heart is a pretty good defensive typing for this kind of thing as Reason and heart moves are pretty common special attack moves used. Now you might be wondering though as you also look at AdAlice and see she pretty much does the same thing but with more special defense over HP and she has access to will-o to cripple physical attackers and even has heal bell to support your own teammates. So why use DReisen? Well DReisen has a few different options to choose from then AdAlice so dont worry about not being as good as DReisen does thing differently.

Defense Set

Evs: HP 252, SpDef: 252, SpAtk: 4
Nature: Calm
Item: Leftovers

Signal Beam
Night Shade

All right here it is the set I always use because of how effective it is back when i used DReisen alot more. Now you notice Night shade is well bolded, well that is what makes this mon so effective is that move because well night shade is a pretty awesome move on a defensive mon especially one that has access to signal beam. Basically night shade works so well because signal beam will hit what night shade cannot which is dark types. Obviously Toxic goes on a set like this because most defensive set mons need passive damage to help them break through things. Substitute is substitute and you will most likely get a free sub if you play your cards right and use DReisen's single type to its full extent. Though if you wanna you can use Reflect as a way to not die to any physical attacker switchins though don't stay in against a dream or faith type still. The results could.... end up fatal.

Bulky Attacker
Evs: HP 252, SpAtk 252, SpDef 4
Nature: Modest
Item: Leftovers

Mist Ball\Signal Beam
Dream Eater
Mana Burst

I've consider the fact you might want to use a bulky attacker set so here you go. 95 spatk isn't too shabby so this should work pretty well. Mist Ball can cause alot of damage and might help kill a few things signal beam wouldnt but if the accuracy scares you from using mist ball then use signal beam even though you might not kill those few things. Dream Eater is there for extra recovery with lefties or will be your main source of recovery if you have something else like a Blazer. Mana burst is there to really hurt faiths that wont kill DReisen for some reason or if got predicted in some way. Sub and Reflect are there for what you would expect. Sub for a chance to attack the switch in or Reflect against physical attacker switchins.

Counters and Checks.
So as you would expect for the special defense build is that alot of things with pretty good physical attack can check DReisen if it isnt already behind a sub. Another thing that can check DReisen is things with natural cure and maisma types if she isnt packing mana burst. Oh and another thing to mention is that her own type can wall her if she doesnt carry night shade or toxic them. Also most things that can counter DReisen are Dream or Faith types but there is someone who should get a honerable mention and thats Mugetsu. Due to Mugetsu's typing DReisen wont be doing anything besides toxic stalling which is bad if Mugetsu gets behind a sub since then she could just set up spikes and\or baton pass the sub to something much scarier.

Other Options aka things that I just considers
So here are some options that I'm not joking when I say I just thought about them. First off Sludge bomb can be a thing if you are scared that you are going to run into certain special defensive fairies, which are DSunny, Star Sapphire and DDaiyousei. Flash will not really  help the defensive set too much and might work on the bulky attacker set. You could run an agility set by using the bulky attacker set and messing with the hp evs and speed to fit how fast you want to go with agility but I have no clue how good it would do but try it and tell me how well it works after you use it a few times.

tl;dr version
DReisen is basically a special defensive toxic staller who has access to night shade and sub. She can go bulky attacker if you want to go do that. Watch out for faith, dreams, Maisma, hearts, and certain other things like DDaiyousei or Mugetsu.

(There I'm done I'm not good at these things but I made another one of these topics. I hope I at least got someone to try out DReisen)

Movesets / [WIP]Attack Yuugi
« on: June 17, 2012, 04:42:51 PM »
WIP - No sets listed; leaves the reader to make up their own set. Lack of information on (specific) counters.

Attack Yuugi
Type: Earth/Dream
Abilities: Unnatural Strength
Base Stats:
HP: 100
Atk: 165
Def: 90
Spd: 65
SpAtk: 70
SpDef: 50

Look at this monster. She has base 165 attack and decent physical bulk. She is troublesome no matter how you look at it. She has a nice Earth\Dream typing which works well offensively. Her move pool is pretty nice in variety, containing things she needs to counter predicted Switch-ins. Now this is the big deal with her: you need to predict the switch in because for the most part, she isn't going to be able to straight out attack unless you are using a choice band set which would than allow her to be able to do a decent chunk of damage even with a resisted STAB attack. Also, she only has a base Special Defense stat of 50, so don't think you can send her in on special attackers, because it's unlikely that she will survive their assaults. Now another thing is, for the most part, teams with her should be built around her so she doesn't get flat out murdered. Despite these flaws, she is probably one of the best physical attackers in the game, and she has the ability to straight out murder anything that dares to underestimate her strength.

Recommended Moves: Super Power, Earthquake, Vital Throw, Meteor Mash, Ice Punch.
Optional stuff: Head Smash. Comet Punch, Strength, Submission, Dizzy Punch.

This set is the only set I used and the only set I would recommend either way. Now I would say this set of moves works well, but I won't. Instead, I'll just let you mess around with the moves. Superpower is probably the most recommended move because not only is it her most destructive move, she isn't going to stay in for long before she is murdered, so the drops to her stats matter very little as you'll probably want to switch out afterwards. Superpower can also be replaced by Strength, Submission or Comet Punch, the latter of which has the ability to break through Substitutes. Earthquake is her best option for a reliable earth STAB, though Head Smash can be used if you want to absolutely obliterate anything that doesn't resist it, or anything that has levitate or is a flying type. Vital throw has a 50% item knock off chance, but if you want to use Dizzy Punch for a chance at Confusion, you can do that too. Meteor Mash is a must as it allows her to hit both types that Attack Yuugi has trouble dealing with: Dark types and Flying types. Ice punch is for nature types that might go after her, and it can hit flying types if needed. That's basically all she needs to work.

Flying, Grass, Dark-types... almost anything with a good enough special attack to deal huge damage. Flying-types block her STAB combination, but they have to be careful of Meteor Mash. Grass types can come in on Earthquake and Dark-types can easily revenge kill her and take a Dream type attack.

Movesets / [WIP]Kirisame
« on: March 17, 2012, 09:34:50 AM »
(well this should be interesting as I never tried making a strategy for things like this.)

Not Shiny                 Shiny

Type: Wind\Reason
Vital Spirit: Keeps you from falling asleep
Flash Fire: become immune to fire moves and increase your own fire moves strength when hit by fire moves
Base Stats
HP: 80
Attack: 75
Defense: 65
S. Attack: 140
S. Defense: 90
Speed: 90

Kirisame blows holes through teams even better then her modern self with her great offensive typing and a base 140 Special Attack. She also has access to one of the powerful reason move, Psycho Boost. Unless the Touhoumon getting hit has great special defense or resists it(or both) they are going to have a sharp blow to their HP due to that move. But that is where the good news stops. Just like her modern self(and those other forms), she cant exactly take a physical hit even with the higher HP and Defense. She isnt really as fast as her modern self either so watch out for fast foes. Another thing to note is that her ability flash fire can only be used to null fire damage as she doesn't learn any fire moves herself. She is weak to one of the most common type, Earth. But don't let these bad bits stop you from using her as she can definitely assist your team once you get rid of most of her troubles

Mana Charger
-Mana Charge
-Mana Burst\Psycho Boost
-Energy Ball\Thunder Wave
Nature: Modest\Timid
Ability: Vital Spirit or Flash Fire
EVS: Attack: 252 | Speed: 252
This is the set I like to run. Its pretty much your basic self buffing technique. Obviously Mana Charge is the key here so keep that in mind. A STAB thunderbolt can hurt once you buff up even once and plus a chance of Paralyzing a foe is pretty awesome but if you want more power at the cost of accuracy or if you have a rain team then Thunder is definitely the move for you. Mana Burst is well kind of there for the stab damage it causes though, not recommended, you can uses it to power-up Psycho Boost and just pound the enemy. Energy ball is there to, the way I like to use it, predict the opponent switching into a heart type. Though You probably better off using Thunder Wave since that could cripple the opponent, implying they aren't an Earth type. Also the ability depends how you want things to work as in if you need that fire protection get Flash Fire otherwise Vital Spirit so no sleep time(unless you use rest).

-Thunder Wave\Toxic
-Swagger\Taunt\Mana Burst
Nature: Timid
Ability: Flash Fire or Vital Spirit
EVS: HP: 200 | Speed: 190 | Special Defense: 120

Ok this set I'm going to admit fully it can either be really stupid looking or very helpful to your team(also I kind of thought of it on the spot). Now Reflect is there because well... Its the only thing allowing you to take more then 1 hit to get killed. Now Picking between Thunder wave or Toxic can be troublesome since one can slow people down and occasionally cause them to waste a turn or the other move can cause steady damage that increases. Now Wish can be really helpful especially when you need to switch into a weaken touhoumon thats where the HP evs come and help but be warn this wont be much of a recovery for some of your team mates with big HP. The last set choices can be seen like this: "HAHA! YOU HIT YOURSELF!" or "No status affecting moves for you." or "Take some minor damage you fool". Again the ability is kind of situational. Do you need that defense against fire or the defense against sleep?

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