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Messages - pokenar

Pages: [1]
Teambuilding / Re: Is it me or my team?
« on: January 19, 2014, 10:59:23 PM »
If Koishi is a recent replacement, then she might not have very many EVs yet compared to the rest of the team.

Koishi comes at the desert- Attack Utsuho, Nue, and Sakuya are all going to have even worse EV problems.

What are their movesets? Five of those puppets could be running a number of valid options and even more unusual ones due to in-game restrictions. Also Emerald is considered to be fairly challenging in general, especially compared to FR 1.8- don't beat yourself up over struggling with it.

That said looking back at the team I'm going to wager a guess that Speed Yorihime is causing problems, since Sonicboom+Extrasensory+Fire Blast wrecks everything but Nitori and AUtsuho, and the former can't hit her while the latter can't take a hit. I would suggest Sara, Strength Yoshika, or vanilla Suika, though Ichirin, Lyrica, or DMokou might be a little more obtainable at this point.

Yes, thinking about it, it was Speed Yorihime that always came out last and wiped out my team. I actually got Koishi just before doing this fight as I was trying to use Alice right up until it, so everyone but Nue, Nitori, and the third one were newly caught, I'd check movesets but my save file got reverted and I'm all the way back at the weather institute again. I'll try to study the type chart better than just checking it for every puppet I face, some things still trip me up like I try to use dark moves on ghost types out of habit.

As for what the last one is, I admit I did something I probably shouldn't have, I checked the save file and remembered who it was, see, despite what it may  have sounded like, I actually have been playing pokemon for a very long time (since yellow, if anything, I'm new to Touhou, being introduced to it half a year ago.) just without any knowledge of competitive play, due to this, I've grown a... dislike of things being unavailable until victory road, especially when I'm interested in them... such as Shinki.

Also, if by strength yoshika you mean a Yoshika with strength, I was actually using a Yoshika up until I replaced her with Nue, so thats very possible. And I'll try out DKaguya as well.

Lastly, thank you all for your help, I really didn't expect such fast replies considering when the last message was posted.

Teambuilding / Is it me or my team?
« on: January 19, 2014, 09:36:24 AM »
To start off, this is a question about an ingame team, I understand this is under the shoddy battle section, but I saw atleast one other topic relating to ingame. Anyways, I discovered Puppet Play existed a week or so ago, and started off with 1.8 enhanced hack, beating it after a few days, loving it, with my only complaint being wild puppet levels being way too low. My team in that was as followed:

Advent Mokou
Advent Reisen
Attack Sanae
Attack Remilia
Attack Keine

It was created mostly with my favorites in mind(Mokou, Reisen, and Youmu), but also considering types. After I beat that, I heard of an emerald version, so I thought I'd try that... things didn't go nearly as well. I ended up struggling to beat bosses despite being 5+ levels above them, my team being as followed:

Attack Koishi
Attack Utsuho
Can't remember the last one exactly, I think she was a Faith/Dark type?

This team originally had Advent Alice instead of Koishi, but Alice wasn't doing enough work for me, so I tried replacing her with Koishi. Currently, no matter how many times I tried, I can't beat Maxie in their mountain lair. I admit I'm a bit of a casual player, only getting into the normal pokemon metagame this gen (6).

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