« on: July 16, 2015, 04:10:53 AM »
I've rebooted my attempt to plow through the plot of Touhoumon Purple yet again (I keep getting distracted by other games and then re-starting), and I'm rather curious to see how Parsee would best be used.
She's one of my favorite Touhous, but I'm not sure what her 'thing' is in this game is supposed to be...if she even has one.
Stats-wise she doesn't look bad. 80/80/90 bulk seems fine (the set page for A.Star Sapphire mentions similar defenses and says that's decent, but Star has recovery moves), that 120 S.Att is nice, and the base 70 speed isn't completely terrible. Her typing only leaves her vulnerable to Steel types and a painful double-weakness to Faith, but beyond that she seems solid. The real question is where to put EVs, and what moves to use.
Parsee gets a lot of good attacks (STAB Signal Beam, STAB Dark Pulse & Dream Eater, Poison Bomb, Surf, Ice Beam, etc) but also a lot of 'shenanigans', which I'm not sure if I should be using or not. Heart's Eye, Disable, Spite, Destiny Bond, Will o Wisp, and more all litter her movepool, and I'm not sure if they're gold or garbage.
I understand if this is the wrong forum for this kind of thing, but single-puppet info doesn't seem to fit the Teambuilding one. I'm pretty sure that Parsee's a good puppet, but I'm not exactly certain what makes her shine, or if there's some drawback to her (aside from x4 damage from Faith types) that I'm missing... I know I want to train one, I'm just not sure what way I ought to be training/using her.
Thanks in advance to anyone that bothers.